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Parent of ease, by fate assign'd
To calm the restless powers of mind,
O thou, whose solitary sway
The passions' fury train obey;
Whose might, affliction's smiles confess,
Can blunt the dagger of distress:
Too long each agonizing smart
That wakes to woe the feeling heart,
Desponding thoughts and anxious fears
Have bathed these sleepless eyes in tears!
At length from fortune's rage I fly,
And breathe to thee my votive sigh:
Love's faithless shrine I seek no more,
Thee, thee alone my lays adore.
Tho' tempests rise, and chilling strife
Destroy the tender bloom of life;


Unalter'd nymph! no veiling tears,
No blush on thy smooth cheek appears.
Dim as cool twilight's dawning ray,
E'er yet the vivid tints of day
With orient lustre gild the plains,
Thy never changing eye remains.
Eternal source of soft repose!
From thee nor joy nor sorrow flows:
'Tis thine, with opiate smiles, to tame
Despair's wild wave and envy's flame.
At thy approach, a mournful train,
Love's pining slaves forget their pain,
Or strive with tranquil soul to bear
The sting of heart-corroding care,
Till thou with lenient hand diffuse
On every wound thy balmy dews:
Then, feeling's tyrant reign is o'er
And hope and fear distract no more.
Hail goddess, at whose shrine I bow!
I woo thee with no fruitless vow.
I feel at length unwonted rest
Breathe slowly o'er my labouring breast.


When fate's tormenting fiends assail,
Thus ever let my verse prevail;
Propitious thus my prayer attend
Till life, and pain, and terror end!
Should passion's storm again invade
The slumber of my peaceful shade,
Oh, shield me in thy sheltering arms,
Chase from my soul love's rude alarms;
Wave, gently wave thy magic wand—
In cold oblivion quench his brand!
So shall the Muse unceasing pay
At thy lov'd fane a languid lay;
Where (charm'd by softly soothing sound,
While listening swains her lyre surround;)
This placid strain shall ever flow:
“If aught can calm a lover's woe,
If aught the captive mind can free—
'Tis blest Insensibility!