University of Virginia Library


On a YOUNG LADY Confined to her Chamber by Sickness.

Callista spritely young and fair,
Disdain'd each borrow'd art,
Her lovely face and native air
Had charms for ev'ry heart.
Her presence gladden'd every place,
Where mirth or youth resort,
With easy greatness form'd to grace
The village or the court.
Of youth's gay spring the fairest flower,
Love sparkling in her eyes,
She seem'd unconscious of her power,
Yet still she won the prize.


At this the nymphs all jealous grew,
And all with one consent,
Enrag'd to Venus' altar flew,
To beg her banishment.
And soon th'extorted grant was sign'd,
Vain triumph of an hour,
“Let fair Callista be confin'd,
“Till each has tried her pow'r.”
Each nymph secure of conquest now
Commenc'd a rig'rous reign,
Repell'd with scoffs the tim'rous vow,
And scorn'd the modest strain.
The fair usurpers rul'd awhile
With boundless empire gay,
And Venus saw with wanton smile
The wastes of lawless sway.
At length provok'd, she cries, 'Tis time
To check the pow'r I gave,
Callista shall avenge the crime
Of tyrant and of slave.


New roses in her cheeks shall bloom,
New lightnings point her eye;
Where late a shepherd found his doom,
A nation now shall die.
The nymphs that smil'd at others pain
Themselves shall learn to smart,
And those who fill'd the servile train,
Shall feel a keener dart.