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Basia Joannis Secundi Nicolai Hagensis

or The Kisses of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius of the Hague. In Latin and English Verse. With the Life of Secundus, and a Critic upon his Basia. Adorn'd with a Cut of the Author, and another of his Mistress Julia, engrav'd by the famous Bernard Picart the Roman [by George Ogle]

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Translated by Mr. Ward.

Be not still kissing Me, still smiling,
Always fond, and always willing;
Sweetly speaking, softly sighing,
Ever on my Bosom lying!
All Things have their certain Measure;
Narrow Bounds are fix'd to Pleasure.
Whate'er affects with most Delight,
Soonest cloys the Appetite.
When I for thrice-three Kisses sue,
Take Sev'n away, and grant but Two;
Yet Neither long, and balmy Neither;
Such, as the Virgin gives her Father!
And chaste as Those that are bestow'd
By Cynthia on her Brother-God!
Then start from me, in wanton Play,
And trip, with swimming Pace, away;
Into some secret Corner fly,
And hide in Darkness from my Eye.
Your Steps thro' Darkness will I trace,
And search the most retired Place.


Like some proud Victor will I lay
My eager Hands upon my Prey.
I'll toss, and towze, and rifle You,
As Hawks the tim'rous Turtle do.
You, your humble Hands shall rear;
Submissive, beg me to forbear;
And hope sev'n Kisses may in-gage
My easy Heart; and bribe my Rage.
In vain!—You sev'n-times sev'n shall give,
To win my Grace, poor Fugitive!
My Arms around that Neck in-twin'd,
Shall all the while my Captive bind.
When, paid the Price, I loose my Arms,
Then shall You swear by all your Charms;
If this Way I resent such Crimes,
You'd play the Trick a-thousand-times.