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or, Loyal Poems. By Tho. Shipman

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The Good BISHOP.
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The Good BISHOP.


Upon Bishop Hall's Balm of Gilead, presented to my Uncle Mr. Griff. Divall, 1652.

Against the pains, and multitude of cares
That bring on age, and Silver all our hairs
By Nature's Chymistry; no means can add
More help, than Hall's rich Balm of Gilead.
Other old men, like common Trees do bear;
He's fruitful (like that rare one)

Call'd the Duce An.

twice a year.

All others blossom in the Spring; but he
In Winter too, like th'

As the Monks fable one did there every Christmas-day, as well as in May.

Glassenbury tree.

Winter yields Fruit; and in himself he shows
The place where all the year an Harvest grows.
His Judgment's brighter than the Sun's uprise;
Yet scorns to hide it self in Evening-skies.
Unchaste, intemp'rate Youth not seldom meets
An aged Penance nightly in the Sheets.
Lameness crawls after Lust; Disease, and Pain
Are all the Bed-fellows that now remain.
Rottenness waits on Lux'ry; its perfumes
Are putrefied Lungs, its Baths are Rhewms.


He's troubled with no Rhewm but that of's Pen;
Always o'rflowing, and yet full agen.
Whose Springs are rarer than the Spaws; wherein
You may wash off the Leprosie of Sin.
His Ink's a Medicine, if us'd betimes,
To cure the Tetters of our spreading Crimes.
His Pen dropt daily at the Nose indeed;
But then each drop turn'd Balm of Gilead.
What are his Words? To speak Diviner sense,
Angels blest Food distill'd to Eloquence.
Had then that

S. Hierom.

Father known so great a Light

Would shine to make the World's last Evening bright;
Who wish'd h'had liv'd Christ in the Flesh to see,
And Rome's great Empire in its Majesty;
And Paul i'th' Pulpit; thus his wish had run,
Paul in the Morn, Hall in the Afternoon.