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[Now ys ye xij day com]

Now ys ye xij day com
Fadyr and son to gydyr wone
ye holy gost wt hem is nowme
in fere
God send us all a gud new ȝer
I xall ȝow syng thoro hys myȝht
Of a chyld yt is so fayr of syȝht
a mayd hym bare of cristynmes nyȝht
so styll
as ya was hys wyll
iij kyngys yr cum of galily
ye cum toward bedlem iude
hym to sek and to se
Be nyȝht
yt was a semly syȝht


As yei cum wt yer offryng
ye mete wt Erawd yt mody kyng
he hasked hem of here cummynge
yt syd
and yus tyll hem he sayd
fro qweyre cum ȝe kynges iij
owt of ye est as ȝe may se
to seke hym yt euer xall be
of myȝht
lord prince kyng and kniȝht
I pray ȝow lordys all iij
qwan ȝe haue yt chyld se
yt ȝe cum ageyn be me
and telythe
qwere yt fayr chyld dwellyth
kyng herawd we wyll not lete
as yu hast seyd yt xall be sete
we cum ageyn wt owte lete
and tell
qwer yt fayr chyld dwell
qwan he had seyde hys lykyng
Syr herawd yt mody kyng
and forth ye wente wt yr offryng
Be nyȝth
ye stere gaue hem lyȝht
be ye stere yt schon so bryȝht
ye iij kyngys tok wey ful ryȝht
Be ye hape of yt chyld so bryȝht
Thoro grace
to yt holy place
qwan yeie cum to holy place
yr Ihesu and hys moder was
yie offryd to hym wt grete solace
golde encens and myrre


all yei wer both blythe and glade
qwan yei hade her offryng made
as ye holy gost hem bad
and dedyn
worschype god and redyn
qwen ye lordyngys wer wente
ye chyld an angell from hevyn sente
to ye kyngys yt mad presente
or day
to tech hem ye waye
my lord warnyth ȝow euery chone
yt non of ȝow be herowde gone
for yf ȝe don ȝe xall be slone
and stroy
and do ȝow mekyll noye
Thoro ye myȝht of god verrey
ye kyngys tokyn anodyr away
owt yei cum or yt was day
full ryȝht
home yei cum yt nyȝht