University of Virginia Library

The complaynt of a synner.

Alas wretched synner that I am
Comfortles and of men forsaken
A synner into the worlde I came
From whence I knowe I shalbe taken
Yet of my synfull lyfe amendynge
to the I crye O Lorde swete Iesus.
Miserere mei deus.
I haue offended both heauen and erth
Nowe whether shall I go or turne me
I haue transgressed from my byrthe
The lawes of god and that greuouslye
To whome shulde I for succour flye
But vnto the o lorde swete Iesus
Miserere mei deus.
To heauen I dare not lyft vp mine eyes
I haue so sore synned against it

Yet lorde thy seruaunt do not dispise
Whiche wyllyngly doth nowe repent it
Al sinnes hast thou forgeuē & graunted
To him in faith that doth cry thus
Miserere mei deus.
In earth I fynde no place of defence
I haue ben so noysome vnto it
Shall I dispaire in this my offence
Then am i dampned God forbyd it
My soule shal cry in the lordes presence
Euermore continuallye thus
Miserere mei deus.
Mercy is with god my sauyour
And he onlye shalbe my refuge
He wyll not dispice his creatoure
Ne yet forsake his owne ymage
But gyueth increase of knowledge
To hym that in fayth doth stil cry thus
Miserere mei deus.