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Psalm 54 Deus, in nomine

Lord, let thy name my saving succor bee:
Defend my wronged cause by thy just might.
Lord, let my crieng voice be heard of thee,
Lett not my heavie words be counted light;
For strangers I against me risen see,
Who hunt me hard, and sore my soul affright;
Possest with feare of God in no degree.
But God, thou art my helper in my right,
Thou succour send'st to such as succour me;
Then pay them home, who thus against me fight,
And let thy truth cut downe their trechery.
Soe I with offrings shall thy Alters dight,
Praising thy name which thus hast sett me free:
Giving me scope to soare with happie flight
Above my evills: and on my enemy
Making me see what I to see delight.