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The poems of William of Shoreham

... Re-edited from the unique manuscript in the British Museum by M. Konrath

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II. Pater noster. Domine labia mea aperies, Etc'.

Þou opene myne lyppen, Lord,
Let felþe of senne out-wende,
And my mouþe, wyþ wel god accord
Schel þyne worschypyng sende.

Deus, in adiutorium meum intende!

[G]ode atende to my socour,
Lord, hyȝe, and help me fyȝte.
Glorye to þe fader and sone,
And to þe gost of myȝtte;
Ase hyt was ferst, and hijs, and schal
Euere more be wyþ ryȝtte.
[Hora matutina].
Uaderis wyt of heue[ne] an heȝ,
Soþnesse of oure dryȝte,
God and man y-take was
At matyn-tyde by nyȝte.
Þe disciples þat were his,
Anone hy hyne for-soke;
I-seld to gywes, and by-traid,
To pyne hyne toke.

Adoramus to, christe, et benediscimus tibi, &c'.

We þe honreþ, ihesu cryst,
And blesseþ, ase þou os touȝtest;
For þourȝ þy crouche and passion
Þys wordle þou for-bouȝtest.


Oremus, Domine ihesu christe.

We þe byddeþ, ihesu cryst,
Godes sone alyue,
Sete crouche, pyne and passyoun,
And þy deþe þat hys ryue,
By-tuext ous and iugement,
Þat no fend ous ne schende,
Nou, ne wanne þe tyme comþe
Þet we scholle hennes wende;
And ȝyf þe lyues mylse and grace,
Þe dede red and reste,
Holy cherche acord and pays,
Ous glorye and lyf þat beste;
Þat leuest and regnest wyþ þe fader
Þer neuer nys no pyne,
And also wyþ þe holy gost,
Euere wyþ-oute fyne.

Ave maria gracia plena. dominus tecum. Benedicta tu, &c'.

O swete leuedy, wat þey was wo,
Þo ihesus by-come morne,
For drede þo þe blodes dropen
Of swote of hym doun orne!
And, leuedy, þe was wel wors,
Þo þat þou seȝe in dede
Þy leue childe reulyche y-nome,
And ase a þef forþe lede.
And ase he þolede þet for ous,
Leuedy, wyþ-oute sake,
Defende ous, wanne we dede beþe,
Þat noe fende ous ne take.


Pater noster. God, atente to my socour! Lord, hyȝe, etc. [D]Eus in adiutorium meum. Domine ad. Hora prima.

At prime, ihesus was iled
To-fore syre pylate,
Þar wytnesses false and fele
By-lowen hyne for hate.
In þane nekke hy hene smyte,
Bonden hys honden of myȝtte,
By-spet hym þat swe[t]e semblant
Þat heuene and erþe a-lyȝtte.

Adoramus te christe. We þe honoureþ, &c'. domine ihesu christe. We þe biddeþ, ihesu cryst. Aue maria, &c'.

O swete leuedy, wat þe was wo
A gode fry-dayes morwe,
Þo al þe nyȝt y-spende[d] was
In swete ihesues sorwe!
Þou seȝe hyne hyder and þyder ycached,
Fram pylate to herode;
So me bete hys bare flesch,
Þat hyȝt arne alle a blode.
And ase he þolede þat for ous,
Leuedy, wiþ-oute crye,
Scheld ous, wanne we deade beþ,
Fram alle feenden mestrye.

Pater noster. Deus in adiutorium. God, atende to my socour! [p. 79] Crucifige, &c'. [Hora tertia.]

Crucyfige! crucifige!
Gredden hy at ondre;
A pourpre cloþ hi dede hym on,
A scorne an hym to wondre;
Hy to-stek hys swete hefed
Wyþ one þornene coroune;


Toe caluarye his crouche ha beer
Wel reuliche ouȝt of þe toune.

V 7. Adoramus te. Ue þe honoureþ, ihesu cryst, ut supra [p. 79]. Domine ihesu christe. We þe byddeþ, ihesu cryst [p. 80]. [A]ue maria, &c'.

O swete leuedy, wat þe was wo,
Þo þat me ihesus demde,
Þo þat me oppone hys swete body
Þe heuye crouche semde!
To bere hyt to caluary,
I-wys, hyt was wel wery;
For so to-bete and so to-boned,
Hyȝt was reweleche and drery.
And alse he þolede þat for ous,
Leuedy, a þysse wyse,
I-scheld ous, wanne we dede beþ,
From alle fendene Iewyse.

Deus in adiutorium. Gode, atende to my socour. [p. 79] Pater noster. Hora sexta.

On crouche y-nayled was ihesus
Atte sixȝte tyde;
Stronge þeues hengen hy
On eyþer half hys syde;
Ine hys pyne hys stronge þerst
Stanchede hy wyþ ȝalle,
So þat godes holy lombe
Of senne wesch ous alle.

Adoramus te christe. We þe honoureþ, ihesu cryst [p. 79]. Oremus. Domine ihesu christe. We þe biddeþ ihesu cryst [p. 80]. Aue maria gratia plena.

O swete leuedy, wat þe was wo,
Þo þy chyld was an-honge,
Itached to þe harde tre
Wyþ nayles gret and longe!


Þe gywes gradden: “com a-doun!”
Hy neste wat y mende,
For þran ha þole[de] to be do
To deþ for man-kende.
And ase he henge, leuedy, four ous
A heye oppon þe helle,
Ischeld ous, wane we deade ben,
Þat we ne hongy in helle.

Pater noster. Deus in adiutorium. God, atende to my socour [p. 79]. Lord, hyȝe, &c'. Hora nona.

Atte none ihesu cryst
Þane harde deaþ felde;
Ha grade “hely” to hys fader,
Þe soule he gan op-ȝelde.
A kniȝt wyþ one scharpe spere
Stang hyne iþe ryȝt syde;
Þerþe schok, þe sonne dym
By-come in þare tyde.

Adoramus te. We þe honoureþ, ihesu cryst [p. 79]. Domine ihesu christe. We þe byddeþ, ihesu cryst [p. 80]. Aue maria gracia plena, &c'.

O swete leuedy, wat þe was wo,
Þo ihesus deyde on rode!
Þe crouche, and þe ground onder hym,
By-bled was myd his blode.
Þat swerde persed þyne saule þo,
And so hyt dede wel ofter;
Þat was þy sorwe for þy child:
Deþe adde be wel softer.
And ase he þoled þane deþ,
Leuedy, for oure mende,
Schulde ous, wanne we dede beþ,
Fram deþ wyþ-outen ende.


Pater noster. Deus in adiutorium. God, attende to my socour. Lorde hiȝe, &c'. [p. 79] De cruce deponitur. hora, etc. [Hora vespertina.]

Of þe crouche he was do
At auesanges oure;
Þe strengþe lotede ine god
Of oure sauueoure.
Suche a deaþ a vnder-ȝede,
Of lyf þe medicine;
Alas, hi was y-leyd adoun,
Þe croune of blisse, in pyne.

Adoramus te. We þe honoureþ, ihesu crist [p. 79]. domine ihesu christe. We þe biddeþ, ihesu cryst [p. 80]. Aue maria gratia plena.

O swete leuedy, wat þe was wo,
Þo cryst was do of rode!
For as a mesel þer he lay,
A-stouned, in spote and blode.
For-bere wepyng ne myȝt hy
Þat seȝe al hou þou weptyst;
Al hy þe seȝe of hym blody,
So ofte þou hine by-cleptyst.
And ase he þolede þe fylþe
For felþe of oure sennes,
Helpe ous, leuedy, we clene be,
Wanne we scholle wende hennes.

Pater noster, &c'. Deus [in] adiutorium. God, attende to my socour, &c'. Lord hiȝe, &c'. [p. 79] Hora complettorij.

At complyn hyt was y-bore
To þe beryynge,
Þat noble corps of ihesu cryst,
Hope of liues comynge.


Wel richeleche hit was anoynt,
Folfeld hys holy boke;
Ich bydde, lord, þy passioun
In myne mende loke.

Adoramus te. We þe honoureþ, ihesu crist [p. 79]. Domine ihesu christe. We byddeþ, ihesu cryst [p. 80]. Aue maria, gracia plena, &c'.

O swete leuedy, wat þe was wo,
And drery was þy mone,
Þo þou seiȝe þy lefe sone
Ibered vnder þe stone!
Þat þou wystest þourȝ þy fey
Aryse þat he scholde,
A drery fay hyt was to þe
Þat he lay vnder molde.
And ase he was four ous y-bered,
And aros þourwe hys myȝtte,
Help ous, leuedy, a domes day,
Þat we aryse mytte brytte. Amen.
Þyse oures of þe canoune,
Lord, meneȝe ich þe wel fayre,
Wyþ wel greȝt deuocioun,
A reyson de-bonayre.
And ase þou þoledest, lor[d], for me
Ope caluaryes doune,
So, acordaunt to þy trauayl,
Lord, graunte me þy coroune.