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The Lay Folks' Catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction for the People

Together with a Wycliffite adaptation of the same, and the corresponding canons of the council of Lambeth. With introduction, notes, glossary, and index, by the late Thomas Frederick Simmons ... and Henry Edward Nolloth

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Aue Maria.

Men gretyþ comunly oure lady goddys moder
and we suppose þat þis gretynge sauys many a man
For we take as be-leue. þat sche ys blyssyd in heuyn.
And crist wyl do at hyr prayynge among al oþyr seyntys.
And þow we trow þat noþer crist ne sche
wil do for man but yt be resonable.


and men þat ben worthy to be holpyn.
And so mow men triste to be holpyn fully in suche prayer.
In þre partyes comunlyche þis gretynge ys dyuydyd.
The furst part contenys þe wordys of Gabriel. whan he seyde to þis lady.
Heyl ful of grace ; god is with the.
The secunde part of þis gretynge buth wordys
þat Elysabeth spake to hyr whan sche sayde.
Blyssyd be þou amonge wommen. and blyssyd be þe fruyt of þy wombe.
The þrydde part has two wordys clowtyd for deuocyoun. Maria. and Iesus./
Furst men seyn. Heyl Marie þat gabryel lefte in his gretynge
to teche vs þat he was homly and knowyn with þis lady.
and þerfore wold he not nempne þis name of marie.
The secunde word ys Iesvs. addyd to elyȝabethis wordys
and þis word lefte þe gospel here. to teche þat marye hadde but on child.
and þis child was iesus. þat is sauiour of man-kynde.
But þis fyl longe [aftyr] þat oure lady was gret þus.
The furste word. þat is aue. reuersys þe name of Eua
to teche vs þat oure lady contraryyd Eue in levynge.
For ryȝth as Adam and Eue were cause of dampnynge of man-kynde ;
So iesus and Marie ben cawse of mannys saluacioun.
The secunde word of þe angel seys. oure lady was ful of grace.
And man may be ful of grace on thre maneris be godys lawe.


Furst of hym-self. as crist was þe furst qwyk welle of grace.
for of hym spronge grace to alle men aftyr hym.
Our lady was ful of grace as a stronde ful of watyr
[And] gaf grace plenteous boþe to oþer men and wommen.
Seynt Steuyn was ful of grace þat sufficyd to his lyf for to bryng hym to blysse.
and so be many oþer seyntys. and so god ys with alle creaturis.
But specialy with men þat schul be sauyd.
But more specialy with þe chaumbyr of his manhed þat was oure lady marie.
But bothe þe Angel and Elyzabeth seyde þat oure lady is blyssid
a-mong alle wommen þat be for genderyng of seche a child.
And so þe be-gynnynge and þe endynge schuld be blessynge of iesu.
Þat is froyt of þe wombe of oure lady seynt Marie.
The þridde part of þis gretynge addis two wordys to þe gospel
þat ben Maria and iesus and two devowt wordis.
But for it ys hard to men to grounde hem leue. to adde þis.
sythe godis lawe seys þat men schulde nat vp-on gret peyne.
adde to goddys word.
Hit ys seyd þat þe pope gefys gret pardoun to men þat addys þese wordys.
and be þe same skyle þat men schuld triste to eny pardoun ;
men schuld triste to þis pardoun. be yt four score dayes or more.
And as þe pope may ȝeue þis pardoun be addyngge of þese two wordys.


so may he adde oþer mo. and with-drawe as hym-self lykys.
and so turne godys lawe ; in-to lawe of antecrist.
Oþer men moste graunt þis way. or say þat þis was
furst [a] defawte kept to þe pope to amende.
And herfore thynkys men þat þe wordys of þe gospel
were wysly set in þe gospel with-owte varyynge.
And many men thynkys ouer [ ; ] ȝif suche pardoun myȝt be grauntyd lyȝtlyche
with lasse travayle yt schuld be grauntyd generaly
to men þat devowtly sey þese names.
And so myȝt pardoun be gotun to sey yche day a lady sawter ;
[ȝhe.] ten þowsand ȝer in on ȝere./
Trust we to þe wordys of þe gospel. and worschipe we Marie with al our myȝt.