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Mottets of two voyces for treble or tenor and bass

With the Continued Bass or Score: To be performed to an Organ, Harpspycon, Lute or Bass-Viol. Published By Walter Porter

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XVII. To Mr. John Hilton, B. M.

My Soul In misery he heard he heard thy cry

My Soul In misery he heard he heard thy cry, to him thy Prayers thy Prayers direct. Sorrows of Death my Soul assail'd, the greedy jaws of Hell of Hell prevail'd. Deprest deprest with grief, when all relief and humane pity fail'd; O from the Grave thy Servant thy Servant save; for mercy lives in thee. The Innocent and long distrest; the humble mind by wrongs opprest; thy favour still preserves from ill. My Soul then take then take thy rest.

George Sandys.