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A Mvsicall Dreame

Or The Fovrth Booke Of Ayres, The First part is for the Lute, two Voyces, and the Viole de Gambo; The Second part is for the Lute, the Viole and foure Voices to Sing: The Third part is for one Voyce alone, or to the Lute, the Basse Viole, or to both if you please, VVhereof, two are Italian Ayres

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[How should I shew my loue vnto my loue]


How should I shew my loue vnto my loue
But hide it from all eyes saue my loues eyes:
The way by pen or tong I dare not proue
Their drifts their drifts are oft discouered by the wisee,
Lookes are more safe, yet ouer them are spies,
Then whats the way to cosen iealousie
Which martyrs loue, by marking narrowly.


By all these wayes may thy affections walke,
VVithout suspition of the iealous guarde:
Thy whispering tong to her closde eare shall talke,
And be importunate till it be harde,
Papers shall passe lookes shall not be debarde,
To looke for loues young infants in her eyes,
Be franke and bold as she is kind and wise.


O who can be so francke as she is kind,
VVhose kindnesse merites more then Monarchies,
Boldnesse with her milde grace, grace cannot find,
Onely her wit ouer that doth tyrannize,
Then let her worth and thy loue simpathize,
Sith her worth to thy loue cannot be knowne,
Nor thy loue to her worthinesse be showne.