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Love's Dialect

or; Poeticall Varieties; Digested Into a Miscelanie of various fancies. Composed by Tho. Iordan

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To Clora a farewell, once his coy Mistresse.

Clora farewell, you may be cruell now
And keepe the never-violated vow
You made unto your goddesse; I am free
As the great Monarch, whose large Emperie
Containes a thousand Regions, I can sit
Viewing your beauty, yet betray my wit
Vnto no greater folly; I can say
Your cheekes are Iuly Roses, and the day
Borrowes its radiant lustre from your eyes,
And yet retaine my owne; I can be wise;
I doe disdaine the power that made me turne
Apostata to reason; and doe burne
With a devoute vexation, I should spend
My pretious time to such a thriftlesse end
As to be your Admirer, therefore when

You shall dispute the follies of yongmen,
Let me intreate you, (though it raise your fame
High as Diana's selfe) you will not name
Me'mongst your captiv'd servants, lest that I
Ruine that fame, and you repenting dye.