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I. B. In commendation of Gascoignes Posies.

The saverie sappes in Gascoignes Flowers that are,
Which strayned were by loftie learnings lore:
Could not content the surly for their share,
Ne cause them once, to yeeld him thankes therefore:
Such was his hap, when first in hande he tooke,
By labor long, to bring to light this Booke.
Yet hath he not (for all this) seemde to cease,
Those Flowers fresh againe in ground to set,
And yeeld them earth to bring forth their increase,
With other slippes from forraine soyle yfet.
Which he hath gaynde by hazarde of his life,
In bloudie broyles, where pouldred shot was rife.
This endlesse toyle, contented well his minde,
Hope helde the helme, his Fame on shore to set:
His deepe desire, was friendship for to finde,
At readers handes, he nought else sought to get:
Wherefore (doubtlesse) they did him double wrong,
Which F. and J. mysconstrued have so long.
Yet least I should passe from the golden ground,
Of Gascoignes plat, wherein those Posies grew,
I list to tell what Flowers there I found,
And paint by penne, the honour to him dew:
Since that his toyle doth well deserve the same,
And sacred skill hath so advaunst his name.
First did I finde the Flower of Fetters frute,
Whereof my selfe have tasted to my paine:
Then might I see the Greene knight touch the Lute,
Whose cordes were coucht on frettes of deepe disdaine:
And likewise there, I might perceyve full well,
That fragrant Flower which Fansie bad farewell.


In fine I found the flowre that Bellum hight,
Sweete unto those, of sillie simple sense,
Yet sharpe and sowre, to those that do delight
In martiall martes, for gaine of pevish pense.
Such buddes full brave, good Gascoignes Garden gave
To all estates, which list the same to have.
Wherefore (good friend) flie envies yrkesome yre,
And tred the trace, which Reasons rule hath wrought,
Yeeld not disdeyne to Gascoigne for his hyre,
Whose brused braine for thee these flowers hath sought.
Least if thou do, the blame on thee do light,
Such friendly paynes to recompence with spight.