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Hereticks or Heresies.

The new God Simon breaking of Legs
These Evill Birds were hatched of his eggs
Menander who professt himselfe that hee
The Power of God and Saviour too to mee
That they should never die he did baptize
Beguiling men by his Vile Witcheries
Then Saturnine who through his monstrous evill
Taught Marriage and increase was of the Divell,
Basilides, who did deny Christ dide
Might when in Persecution be denide.
Then Carporcrates who did glory in
Vile Spells, and sociate spirits, did begin.


The Images of Jesus ------
Pythagoras and Plato to adore
He did deny the Resurrection day,
As Epiphanius and Augustine say
These all were hatcht in Simon Magus' nest
With his penfeather'd Errours were possest.
Now Ebion, who of another sise
Doth set abroach his Hogshead too of lies
Affirms that Christ was but a man as wee
Denieth Pauls' Epistles, saith we bee
Not Justifide by Faith alone, must use
The Jewish Laws, and Sabbath of the Jews.
And Symmachus that into Greek did write
The Hebrew Bible, was an Ebeonite.
The Gnosticks broode of Valentinians
Sweld up with pride above the Ebions:
Of Christ they say he was not born indeed;
But say he of the Divell did proceed:
Curst Blasphemy; and yet they do profess
All knowledge have and women do possess
In common. Oh, What Vilanies are here?
To heare these things may raise a trembling feare.
The Ophites were a sort of Hereticks
That Serpents worship (Oh! the hellish tricks!)
They say the Serpent that did man deceive
Was Christ, which from the Gnosticks they receive.
The Nazareans who did Christ Godhead own
Profess the Law the onely rule made known.
Marcion whose father him for wickedness
Cast out of Churchhood, vily did profess,
That th'Old and the New Scriptures disagree
That Christ went down to hell and did set free
Cain, Sodomites, and the Egyptians sad,
That there was three Beginers, Good, Just, Bad,
That there should be no Resurrection day,
Unto the Body that was made of Clay.
Cerdon of Syria taught, That God Christs Father
Was not the God of th'Law, nor Prophets neither.
He the Old Testament also denide:
And from the reserrection did backslide.
The Valentinian Errour of renown
Saith Christ his body brought from Heaven down,
Which passed through the Virgin Mary like
As Water passeth through a Conduit pipe.
The Montanists did in the Phrygian Coast
Profess Montanus was the Holy Ghost:
And Maximilla and Priscilla were
His Bagages to make the same appeare.
He marriage did forbid, and also treates
Commanding to abstain from certain meates.


They prickt a boy with Bodkins till blood went
Out where they bake bread for their Sacrament.
And if he die he's martyre Canoniz'd
If live, he's made a greate Priest highly prizd.
Then the Heracleonites do Sacrifice
With Witchcrafts and deny Christ miseries
Or sufferings, the Resurrection too;
Such villanies they blush not at to show.
And Tatianus hatcht the Encratites,
Forbids to marry, also doth invite's
From use of Living Creatures, and did choose
Water for Sacramentall wine to use.
Pepuzian Hereticks make women rise
Priests as the Montanists, to sacrifice.
Artorytites did in the Sacrament
Use bread and Cheese, when unto it they went.
Th'Alogians say that Christ was not the Word:
And do deny Johns Gospell as absurd.
Netus denide three Persons, did profess
Father, Son, Spirit sufferd in the Flesh.
These Heresies thus namd and other such
Did Exercise Gods Patience very much.