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XLVII. Heir followis the defence of Crissell Sandelandis ffor vsing hirself contrair the Ten Cōmandis; Being in Ward for playing of the loun with euery ane list geif hir half a croun, &c.
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XLVII. Heir followis the defence of Crissell Sandelandis ffor vsing hirself contrair the Ten Cōmandis; Being in Ward for playing of the loun with euery ane list geif hir half a croun, &c.

Pernitious peple, perciall in despyte,
Susanis judges, saweris of seditioun,
Ȝour cankert counsale is the causs and wyte,
Bowstert wt pryd, and blindit wt ambitioun,
Ffyndand na cryme, nor havand na cōmissioun
To hurt Dame Venus Virgēis as ȝe do;
Gif ȝe sa raschlie rin vpoun Suspitioun,
Ȝe may put vthiris on the pannell to.
To Sandelandis ȝe wer our sair to schame hir,
Sen ȝe wt counsale myt quyetlie cōmand hir:
Grit foulis ȝe wer wt fallowis to defeme hir,
Havand na causs bot cōmoun voce and sklander;
Syne findand no man in the houss neir hand hir,
Except ane clerk of godly conversatioun.
Quhat gif besyd Iohine Dureis self ȝe fand hir,
Dar ȝe suspect the holy congregatioun?


Ȝour fleslie conscience garris ȝow tak this feir:
Beleif ȝe virgynis wilbe win so sone?
Na, god forbid: Bot men [may] bourd als neir,
And wemen nocht the wor quhen that is done.
Had scho bene vndir, and he hobland abone,
That war a perllous play for to suspect thame:
Bot laddis and lassis will meit eftirnone,
Quhair Dick and Dvrie dow nocht bayth correct thame.
Sen drunkardis, gluttonis, and contentious men,
Shedderis of blude, and subiectis gevin to greid,
May not posses the hevinly gloir, ȝe ken,
As in the bybill dalie do we reid;
Lat thir be wyit allyk till every leid,
Syne fornicatioun plasit amangis the laif:
Exemp ȝour self throw all the toun in deid,
Than luke how mony ȝe onmerkit haif.
Gif ȝe beleif nocht Betoun be his word,
In hir defenss it can nocht be reffusit;
Lat him þat fallowis fecht it wt þe sword,
Ane anciēt law quhen ladeis ar accusit.
Is ministeris sic men to be abusit,
That knawis the scripteur and the ten cōmandis?
Albeit he and scho wor in ane houss inclusit,
He sew na seid in to hir Sandelandis.
As for þe rest, I knaw nocht thair vocatioun,
Thair lyfe, thair maneris; Bot I heir mony mene thame
Catholik virgenis of the holy congregatioun,
Syn wer to tyne thame, gif ȝe cowld obtene thame;
Quhat can ȝe say except þat ȝe had sene thame,
Wt rem in ra, all nakkit, but adherance?
Than tak a bowstring and draw it doun betwene thame,
And, gif it stickis, it hes ane evill apperance.


Catitois clerkis, quhois college ȝe frequentit,
Quhen ȝe wor wanfleris of hir wantoun band,
Now ȝe ar lamit fra labour, I lamēt it,
Ȝour pistolis twmit, and bak sprent lyk a wand:
Snapwark, adew, fra dagmen dow not stand,
And worss than that, ȝe want ȝor morsing powder:
Than cūis conscience wt crukit staf in hand,
Greitand for byganis, bowand bak and schowder.
Remembir first ȝour former qualitie,
And wrak na virgēis wt ȝor wilfull weir;
Gif ȝe will not, than or regalitie
Hes power planely to replege thame heir.
Mycht thay win to the girth, I tak no feir;
Doun by the Cānocroce, I pray ȝow, send thame,
Quhair Patrik Bānatyne hes promeist to compeir,
Wt lawfull ressonis reddy to defend thame.
On causs thair is thay can not be convict;
Ȝe had na power fra the sone wes sett;
The provest gaif na power to Gilbert Dick,
The speciall thing that sowld not bene forȝett;
Thay war nocht theivis, nor ȝit condempt in dett,
Nor ridhand tane, quhilk was na causs, ȝe knaw;
Bot ȝe latt rukis and ravynis rin throw the nett,
And saikles dowis makis subiect to þe law.
Ȝour parciall Juge, we may declyne him, to;
Bot sett me doun the persone Pennycuke;
Or Sanderis Guthrie, lat see quhat he can do:
He kēnis the caice, and keipis ȝour awin court buke.
Ffor men of law I wat nocht quhome to luke;
Auld James Bānatyne wes anis a man of skill,
And gif he cūis nocht thair, I wald we tuke,
To keip oure dyet, Maister Dauid Makgill.


Quhat cūmer castis the formest stane, lat see,
At tha peure winschis ȝe wranguslie suspect
Ffor sklenting bowttis: Now better war lat bee,
Nor to begin to gett ȝour selffis ane geck.
The grittest falt I find in this effect,
Ȝe baith tuke money and put thame selffis to schame;
Bot, quhen the court cūis to þe toun, quhat reck?
We sall restoir thame to þair stok agane.
In ȝour tolbuth sic presouneris to plant
Wilbe ressauit weill, ȝe may considder;
Gud Captane Adamsone will nocht lat thame want
Bedding, howbeit thay sowld lig all togidder.
As for his wyf, I wald ȝe sowld forbid hir
Hir eyndling toyis: I trow thair be no denger,
Becauss his lome is larbour grown and lidder,
But vndirstanding now to treit ane strenger.
The grittest greif I find, ȝe haif defamett
Thir leill trew luvaris, and done thair freindis bot lack;
Becauss thair bandis wer reddy to be proclamit,
The pairteis mett and maid a fair contrack;
Bot now, allace! the men ar loppin aback
Ffor oppin sklander, callit ane speikand devill:
In grit effairis ȝe had not bene sa frack,
Concernyng the rewling of ȝor cōmoun weill.
To pvneiss part is parcialitie;
To pvneiss all is hard to do in deid;
Bot send thame heir to oure regalitie,
And we sall see gif we can serve thair neid.
This rurall ryme, quha sa lyk for to reid,
To Dict and Dury is directit plane:
Quhair I offend thame in my landwart leid,
I salbe reddy to reforme agane.
Finis, quod Semple.