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Ane treatise callit the court of Venus

deuidit into four buikis: newlie compylit be Iohne Rolland in Dalkeith, 1575: Edited by the Rev. Walter Gregor

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The day become with all expedience,
Rhamnusia sat as Iuge full of prudence,
Great membris of Court baith mair & les
All is Sutour, to gif finall sentence,
Quhilk was callit to Name Maleuolence.
The Iustice Clark, was callit Fremmitnes.
Four scharp sergiands the Court for to addres:
Quhais Names hecht rigour and Impacience
The thrid, and fierd euill will, and vnkindness.
And so belieue the Court was confirmat.
Sutis was callit ilk ane in thair estait.
Cheisit ane assyis as was expedient:
Luifsum Ladies, of langage Laureat:
Baith ald and ȝoung richt weill Morigerat,
That in sic Actis had maist experiment,
With hie Ingine, and eik correspondent
To the mater was to be fulminat.
Quhais Names are in ordour subsequent.


And for the first was chosin Dione,
Venus Mother as into writ find we.
Deidamia: and als the Nimph Dido:


The proude Progne, quhilk gart hir awin Sone die
Seruit him on plait that hir husband micht se
The Poetris and Maistres eik Sappho:
Octauia quhilk spous was to Nero,
Quhom he did sla in his crudelitie:
And Saturnus dochter was thair Iuno.
Subtill Scylla quhilk the hair Aureat
Fra hir Father throw slicht scho depilat.
The Quene Phillis, and luif to Demophoon,
And in ane tre scho was transfigurat,
[Q]uhen he on sey be storme was tribulat.
[M]edea eik most pleasant to Iason
Quene Niobe spous to Amphion.
Dames the quhilkes Iuppiter violat:
And Dalida, and Deuill to force Samson.
Thair was Biblis: and thair was Canace;
Helen, Pirrha, and als the May Thisbe,
Quhilk spilt hir self for luif of Pyramus
Iocasta Quene the quhilk in greit folie,
Spousit her son efter hir King culd die.
Deianira with ane sark venemous.
Brint Hercules was sa anterous.
Hippolyte and eik Pandora sle
That with hir sliches al men dois vincous.
Orpheus wist the Quene Euridece:
Alcmena als Mother to Hercules:
And Hecuba vmquhile of Troy the Quene
Thir Ladeis all war chosin as I wis
On the assyis of quhome the number is,
Twentie and fiue quhen thay war red but wene:
And sworne also for to gif sentence clene,
For fauour or feid, contract or ȝit promeis.
Bot the Iust way, that Iustice micht be sene.


Curiæ circumastistentes.

Bot by all thir was mony Nimphe to se,
That come to heir the case, and witnes be.
Augeria, Ægiale, and Calypso,
Galanthis, Coronis, Cione,
Iuturna, Lara, Daris, Clemene,
Ops, Philyra, Sicoris, and Drimo,
Naiades, Leda, Ilione, Io,
Quene Alceste quhilk for hir spouse could die
Origone, Pelopea, and Hero.
Asteria, Circe Adriana,
Lampethusa, Iuno, and Europa,
Manto, Maia, and Halcione,
Tantalis, Tyas, and Hypermnestra,
Creusa, Daphne, and Hersilia,
And Phemonoe in all meter richt sle
Cloelia, and eik Penolope,
Cassiope, Erichto, and Rhea,
Atalanta, Cidippe, and Dirce.
Parsiphae, Chestias, Semele.
Cleopatra, Calisto, Euadne,
Lauinia, Tarpeia, Tomyris,
Lampetia, Phedra, & Agaue,
Feronia, Mirta, Antigone,
Leuthocoe, Alcea, Candaces,
Antiopa, Ariadne, Bryseis,
Nicostrata, Procris, Harpolice,
Nictimene, Argia, Thaumantis,
Thair was Athlas seuin dochteris all but leis
To murne Hyas thair brother wald not ceis
Ambrosia, Pasithea, Eudora,


Sithe, Pitho, Plione, Coronis,
Als was present the fiftie Belides,
Danaus dochteris and eik Electra,
Oenone, Omphale, Aurora,
Petronia, and the Hesperides,
Eurynome, and als Orithyia.
Thair was Guanour, vmquhile to Arthur Quene
[W]ith mony vther Nimphis fair & schene:
[La]deis of sport, baith ald and ȝoung not few,
That in Scotland myself befoir had sene.
Bot I will not schaw now quhome of I mene:
I dreid sum say that my taill is not trew,
Bot weill I wait thay war gallandis of glew.
And with Venus to the Court did conuene,
Contrair Vesta Desperance to persew.
Gif sum wald seik, or to despyre be schawin
Thair Nimphis Names & quhair to find thame knawin
Luik Virgill weill into his Eneydois:
Als his Georgiks and Bucolikis weill drawin
In transformatis Ouid on breid hes blawin
Intill his buik of Metamorphoseos,
Theodolus baith in his text and glos:
And De Remedio Amoris throw out sawin
Thair salbe fund, and mony mo than thos.
Alsua quha list to tak pane or laubour
Out throw to reid the palice of honour,
Maid be Gawine dowglas of Dunkell,
Bischop, and als ane honest oratour.
Profound Poet, and perfite Philosophour.
Into his dayis abone all buir the bell:
In sic practikis all vtheris did precell,
Weill put in vers in gude still and ordour,
Thir Nimphis names, thair he dois trewlie [tell.]


Thairfoir schortlie lat vs to purpos wend,
Mair summarlie we sall cum to the end
Of our mater, tuichand our plantit pley.
Knicht Desperance, gif thow hes caus attend
Vnto this case, and thy actioun defend.
In chance the Court fra thy quarell dekep.
For gif sa fall in faith I hald the fey.
Pray fast to GOD sum succour to the send.
Now wyte thy self, thow Nald Venus obey.
Incontinent thay callit the criminall,
With ane twme scheith set him on the Pannall
The ratland Rollis was red vnto the end.
Sayand, thow art accusit of crime mortall
Aganis Venus as Quene Imperiall,
And all hir Court pertlie thow did contend.
Quhome hes thow now that thy Caus wil defend
Or quha dar tak thy part this day partiall,
In all this Court, gif ane dar mak it kend?
He said, Ladie, sen Iustice Clerk ȝe ar,
Into this Court, & set in my contrair:
I ȝow protest, ȝe wald me licenciat
With patience sen I am solitar:
That I may theis to me ane forspeikar,
Or ma in neid to be mine Aduocat
For I in law am not weill litterat.
It was grantit: Vesta stuid at the bar
He callit hir, scho com in hir estait,
With her sex Ladeis gangand at hir bak,
Quhite as the snaw that euer lay in slak,
Quod Desperance Madame plesit ȝour grace,
This day ȝe wald my mater wndertak,
[T]hat I incur heir nouther schame, nor lak.


[And] me defend fra this cautelous case,
[For vei]ll I knaw I stand in perrellous place.
(Quod Scho) be blyith and nathing stupefact,
Thow sall not aill, and I haif life and space.
Anone Venus Increst in matilent,
That Vesta tuik hir contrair sa patent.
Sayand, thow Knicht Esperance to thy Name
Sum aducat expert and competent
To speik for the, cheis at thy awin entent.
(Quod he) ȝourself I tak for me Madame:
To ȝow as me likwise he put defame.
And quhat ȝe do heirin I stand content:
As pleis ȝour grace, to follow or declame.
Quod Fremmitnes, that Clerk was to Iustice
Of this dittay grant ȝe ocht, or denyis?
Vesta answerit with maneris richt constant
That the clene man thoill heir no preiudice,
Reid it agane, we may thairwith aduyis:
For I thairof as ȝit am Ignorant.
For gif it be by ressoun ocht distant
To find the richt lat it pas to assyis,
Howbeit of thame sum part be fluctuant.
And for to be on the assyis vnabill,
To the ane part thay ar our fauorabill:
To the nixt part agane ouir odious:
Quhairfoir I think part of thame refutabill
Of the assyis, and vtheris acceptabill
Into thair steid, quhilkis ar mair Famous,
And of conscience ar far mair scrupulous,
For to eschew fra all doutis dampnabill,
And sa the richt salbe Illuminous.


Quod Rhamnusia, quhill was Iuge deputate
Is thair ony ȝe wald haif alterat
Of the assyis, and vtheris in thair steid?
Schaw now in time gif sic thing ȝe cowait.
And ressoun be the syis salbe translait,
Sa ȝe can preif vpon thame falt or feid,
Or ony caus ressonabill of pleid.
The vther part gif thay fortificat
In ȝour contrair, be counsell, help, or reid.
Ȝis quod Vesta, thay ar all suspicious:
Bot thair is part mair wantoun and vicious
Than vtheris ar, quhilk I desyre to set
Of the assyis for causis cautelous
That I can preif on thame notorious
Sa ȝe Madame with ressoun do ȝour det.
Quod Rhamnusia, than Name thame furth but let
Be thair ony by ordour orguellous,
We sall thame change, & vtheris for thame get.
Than Vesta said, Madame but onymair,
Think ȝe it speid full Venus Mother be thair?
To quhat effect traist ȝe, or to quhat fine?
Considerand Venus is in my contrair.
And als Scylla that staw hir Fatheris hair
For Venus saik, and dwellis with hir sensine.
And Quene Phillis, quhilk sufferit mekill pine
For Venus saik, with greit sorrow and cair:
As for this thre suithlie I will decline.
[Me]dea als scho causit ane strange Knicht
[Steal] hir awin Father's goldin fleis and micht
And herie him of all his gold and geir:
Sine with the same stall away in the nicht.
Vnto the schip togidder tuik thair flicht,


Left kin and kith, and followit ane stranger:
And slew hir awin brother that was sa deir,
Becaus scho saw hir Father com in sicht:
All this scho did for Venus saik but weir.
Als Dalida pertlie scho tuik on hand,
For Venus saik betray hir awin husband,
Quhilk Samson was, and put him to his fais.
Quene Iocasta ane Ladie of greit land,
Tuik hir awin sone of spowsage in the band,
For Venus saik (as the historie sayis)
Deianira for Venus saik kest wayis
Hir lufe distroy, caus ane vther did stand
Mair in hir lufe, than Hercules all his dayis.
The nimph Progne the heid scho did of smite
Fra hir awin sone, in hir husbandis dispite:
Becaus scho had ane vther Paramour.
The May Thisbe wald tine hir self sa nyte.
Caus Pyramus away and deid was quite:
For Venus saik scho curit na displesour.
Heirfoir Madame, sen thir Nimphis of honour
To pleis Venus kest all thair appetite:
I presuppone that thay hir ȝit fauour.
And weill I wait, that it is not liklie,
That ane of thame on the assyis suld be,
In my contrair, for I thame hald partiall,
For all thair dayis thay luifit neuer me,
Bot euer kest thair maist Felicitie
To pleis Venus, as Ladie maist speciall.
And sen thay all set ay thair mind alhaill
To pleis Venus in my greit contrarie,
I can not think that thay can be equall.


For quhy al thing thay did for Venus quene
It was all done in my contrarie clene:
To that effect, to do me sturt and pine.
Thairfoir I think that they sould not haif bene,
Put on assyis Iustice to circumuene,
In ony caus or Actioun of mine,
Or me to caus my Iust quarrell to tine.
As to Iustice to ȝow Madame I mene,
Put thame of syis, for I set thame all nine.
Than Venus said in mind half stomachat,
Of the assyis nane salbe alterat.
As for the Roll, gif thay pleis, reid agane.
Than said Vesta to Venus, weill I wait
Ȝe aucht not be baith Iudge and Aduocat.
For and sa be, it is wrang ȝe do plane,
Than said Venus with mind almaist Insane.
It salbe sa, as I haif Imperat.
Than said Vesta, Iustice can not remane.
For if sa be that richt ȝe vs deny,
Heir I protest befoir all standis by,
That it sall turne vs to na preiudice,
Nor to tak hurt in this Court throw inuy.
Be ȝour hatrent and greit melancholie:
[OMITTED] was vmquhile to vtheris done disprise
Witnes, Acteon quhome that ȝe gart occise,
With his awin doggis quhair ȝe him haistelie
Conuertit in ane Hart throw ȝour fantice.
Becaus that he on case happinit cum neir
Vnwittandlie quhair that ȝour Ladies cleir
Was wescheand thame with ȝow all at ane Well
Siclike becaus Diomeid wald forleir
The fers Troians quhair that he faucht in weir


And ȝe the contrair tuik of his quarrell,
All his kene knicht throw ȝour hatrent so fell,
In fleand foullis ȝe did conuert in feir:
As at mair lenth Ouid dois planelie tell.
This and siclik oft ȝe haif perpetrat,
At ȝour awin will diuers men transformat:
And for na fault, bot throw ȝour wilfulnes,
Quhairfoir we wald that ȝe obtemperat
Ȝour will with wit, and ȝour mind mitigat:
Quhairby that we Incur heir na distres.
And gif ȝe preis this puir man to oppres,
Our caus we sall to Cupid king translat,
For of all wrang he will vs weill redres.
Than Venus was cummerit in cairis kene,
With mind dement vneis scho micht sustene
The words scharp quhilk scho thocht al to hicht
Sayand, schaip ȝe to Cupid King complene?
To him my Court in na sort dois pertene,
For nane thairof to Cupid sall haif sicht.
Thairfoir it sall pas baith ȝour mane and micht
Be ony way fra my Court to abstene.
Than Vesta said, Madame, I ask bot richt.
The Rollis relect quhais tennour ȝe sall heir.
Desperance Knicht thow art Indytit heir
For slauchter of ane knicht hecht Esperance.
Secundlie, for language rich austeir
Thow did rehers to Esperance thy feir
Of Venus Quene into greit arrogance
Sayand, scho is the rute of all mischance:
Grounder of euill, and na vertew hir neir.
And sa at schort set hir at deffyance.


This and siclike in thy greit Tyrannie
Oft syis thow said, quhilk thow can not deny.
Defend thy caus, and mak answeir beliue.
Weill (quod Vesta) to the first answeir I:
That point is fals as is sene oppinlie.
As to slauchter, the man is ȝit on liue:
And neuer had, na hes ane wound nociue.
This dittay is geuin in sinisterlie:
And in the self point is suspensiue.
To the nixt point of that dittay think me,
All that he said it was of veritie,
That sall I preif be perfyit argument:
Pleis ȝe the same at hir to heir or se.
I sall ȝow schaw be guid Authoritie
Baith in the new, and in the auld Testament,
Seir examples in the self euident.
And sum of thame I sall now specifie,
Quhilk ressoun salbe correspondent.
Than said Venus vith vult vererund,
Say quhat ȝe will and keip ȝow within bound.
Not pretendant to argune throw ȝour will:
Bot to ressoun that ȝour Sermone resound,
Or ellis the lak to ȝour self sall redound.
Faith said Vesta I grant richt weill thairtill,
And say I ocht by ressoun or by skill:
I stand content with ȝow to be confound,
Sa that the same conditoun ȝe fulfill.
As to that point quhair he blasphemit Venus
It is not half sa euill nor odious:
As ȝe it hald: and this my caus and quhy,
Howbeit scho be sumtime richt glorious:
Into hir self scho is richt venemous.


Richt cummersum and full of Tyrannie.
As in exampill schortlie schaw sall I.
Now quod Venus blaw furth ȝour boist busteous,
Say quhat ȝe pleis richt small I set it by.
Quod Vesta in the threttiefift Cheptour
Of Genesis Ruben Incurrit furour
Of his father, and eik the malisoun,
Becaus he was sic ane Fornicatonr,
That with Bala his fatheris paramour
He lay quhilk was to greit abusioun
And als to GOD ane greit contemptioun.
Quhairfoir Iacob said at his latter hour
That Ruben was greit caus of his passioun.

Ruben primogenitus meus & principium doloris mei. —Genes. xlix.

Than said Venus now ȝe contrair ȝour sell
Iacob ȝe say quhilk callit was Israell,
Ane Patriarch was, and ane haly man:
He had Bala in Paramour ȝe tell,
How durst he with siclik ane mater mell.
Gif lufe was sa abhominabill than.
Schaw me the suith of this now gif ȝe can?
Scho said his wife was deid callit Rachel,
Lyas sister and douchter to Laban.
Thocht sa had bene his wife had bene on liue,
The law licent, with power possessiue,
At that time for to haif ane Concubine
And that for caus diuers consideratiue.
(Quod Venus) quha maid that caus suspensiue:
Quha had power sic Actis to decline?
Than said Vesta, that did Scriptour deuine
Of the Euangell, and the law positiue,
It did suspend, and haldis as detestiue.


Siclik we reid into the xj Cheptour
In the thrid buik of Kings be Scriptour.
How Salamon, throw lufe Inordinat,
Howbeit he was of greit wisdome the flour,
Abone all kingis that euer buir Sceptour
With lust of luif ȝit he was laqueat,
Gart him fra GOD all deuotioun translait:
To fals Idollis, sa throw lufis fauour,
Long time fra GOD he was degenerat.
(Quod Venus) gif he was sa wise ane King
As ȝe haif said, or in ane Realme culd ring
To reule ane Realme I ges that suith to be,
[But] to purpois I meruell of ane thing:
Gif luif be not bot lust and lamenting,
Quhair was all than his wisdome tell lat se.
Had it bene sin, or schame I say for me:
Sa wise ane man had not throw misgiding
Anis crabit GOD, nor fallin in sic folie.
Ȝis (said Vesta) of lufe the rampand rage,
The ardent lust, and the kendilland curage,
The naturall cours, and eik the sauage blude,
Will caus ane man dekay into dotage,
Vnto the time that the lust be assuage:
And takis no thocht to ressoun, nor to gude.
Richt swa it was of Salomon to conclude
He conuertit furth of that foull thirlage,
And fra that time leuit ayin sanctitude.
In the sextene Cheptour we reid richt swa
Of Iudicum, Sampson, and Dalida,
His Paramouris quhome he gaif sic credence,
That he hir schaw quhairin his strenthis lay,
And thairfoir all his hair scho tuik him fra:


Quhairthrow all micht he mist to mak defence.
Quhen scho that saw be gude experience,
Scho him betrayit vnto his mortall fa.
And this he gat throw lufis Insolence.
King Dauid als quhilk spak greit Prophecie
Throw lufis lust fell in Adulterie,
With Vryis wife, his awin Knicht speciall
Sine writtingis send to Ioab quietlie,
Greit Lufetenent of all his Senȝeorie,
Biddand him put Vrie to the battell,
In sic ane place that he suld not preuaill
Bot to be slane in brount of the armie.
And sa he was be chance aud weird fatall.
Sa Dauid heir committit sinnis twane.
First Adulterie, sine Homicide agane.
And all this come throw luif Inordinat,
The xj. Cheptour of Regum will not lane,
In the nixt buik, for thair it standis plane.
We haif siclike exempill reuelat,
Of Iust Ioseph, quha was Incarcerat,
Be the fals mind of his Lordis wife but lane,
Desirand him hir bed to violat.
Quhilk he denyit, sayand Madame ȝe knaw,
All that my Lord hes now haif I not aw
Vnder my care, saifand your awin persoun.
How may I than sic charge lat on me saw?
Considderand it is aganis the Law
And to my Lord ane greit vilipensioun.
I nill consent to do sic abusioun.
Incontinent als sone as scho that saw,
Scho hir bethocht on ane forthocht felloun.


On the nixt day the same scho did desyre.
He said, I nill aganis my Lord conspyre:
And speciall in contrair his honour.
For and I did I seruit to my hyre
For to be brint into ane cruell fyre,
In witnessing of ane vntrew Tratour.
Scho seand this, scho cryit with greit clamour,
This Tratour thief is cum into greit Ire,
Me to defoull alone within my bour.
And sa at schort, in handis sone tane was he,
And presonit sair with Irne bandis till ane tre,
Bot in schort time he was quit of that cair.
Quha pleisis mair of this storie to se,
Luik Genesis the nine and threttie.
I am begilit and thay find it not thair.
Faith (quod Venus) he seruit it weill and mair,
That in sic neid wald not hir anis supple:
Scho wairit hir luif euill on him I declair.
I think the lufe that cummis on will motiue,
It is far mair till allow be sic fiue,
As is gude luif of Paramour allone,
Bot ony band or strenȝene attractiue:
Bot with gude will, and mind most exaltiue.
Quhair folk ar bound to luif thank gif I none.
To luif at lenth quhill ane of thame be gone.
It is mair thank to haif luif effectiue.
As Chawceris wife luifit Freir Ihone Bakone.
(Quod Vesta) quhat causis thame fra lufe decline
Bot schame and lak with pouertie and pine,
And to the deid as Chawcer dois Indite.
And euill daylie spokin of thame sensine.
Na (said Venus) I speik not to that fine:


Tuichand thair sturt, thair sorrow nor thair site
Bot gif thay twa togidder had mair delite
Into thair time, not thay be law deuine
At kirk dur war coniunit and vnite.
For thay quhilk at Kirk dur takis wi[fe to wed]
Ar thair compellit baith to burd and bed,
Fra that time furth, quhill deid thame twa depart.
Riches, seiknes, neuer to gar thame sched.
And swa by luif the Law garris thame be led,
Thus wayis man oftimes is maid Cowart:
He dar not to ane vther set his hart,
For hir at hame he is sa sair adred,
Howbeit ane vther haif his hart Inwart.
That is na luif (quod Vesta) for this quhy:
It dois Inbring mair euill nor it puttis by.
Call ye it luif, or call ȝe it delite?
Gif siclik lufe cummis of ȝour Lamenrie,
Ȝour luif and lust heir planelie I deny
For it is all bot sunkin into site.
And of that lufe diuers doctouris dois write.
Seir exampillis, sayand to vs schortlie:
The end thairof is dolour and despite.
Of this we reid, how Herod Antipas
His broderis wife he had Herodias:
And committit Adulterie with Incest,
Becaus Sanct Iohne abhorit sa greit trespas,
And it repreuit, King Herod crabbit was:
Him for to slay greit subtell wayis he kest.
Till on ane day he maid ane solempne Feist:
In the menetime in come ane prettie Las,
Dansand, and cled in maner guidliest.


[H]ir sport, and play, and dansing pleisit the King
He bad hir ask thairfoir quhat kind of thing
Scho wald desyre, he sould it not deny,
Howbeit it war that ane half of his ring.
To hir mother scho past but tarying,
To haif counsall, the quhilk scho gat in hy.
Scho said nothing at ȝour grace couait I.
Bot Iohnis heid intill ane disch to bring:
Quhilk was grantit, and done richt suddanelie.
Of this slauchter he was caus efficient.
With the vther twa sinnis precedent.
This Sanct Mark sayis into his sext Cheptour.
And all this come throw foull lust of luferent.
Quhairfoir he deit with miserie dolent,
And was deiect with schame fra all honour,
Be the persute of the greit Empriour,
And was denude of his Kingdome and rent,
As Scolastick story schawis in Scriptour.
In the threttene Chaptour of Daniell,
Of this foull lust quhat is thair for to tell?
Of twa Elderis, and als of Susanna:
Caus scho denyit to fulfill thair counsell
In Adulterie, thay fand ane way subtell.
Hir to accuse befoir ane Iuge thay ga
Sayand thay saw ane ȝoung man and na ma
With hir allone in ane ȝaird Intermell:
To beir witness to the same, Heir we twa.
And sa at schort, scho was condampnit to d[eid]
Throw the falset of thir tua Preistis feid.
Sa on the morne the day come of Iugement.
Thair scho alone wilsum of ane gude reid.
Throw Goddis grace stert wp into the steid.


Quhilk neuer spak ane ȝoung adolescent:
Sayand, I am of this deid Innocent.
Quhairthrow this woman in haist gat remeid,
And the same twa to deid was schamelie schent.
Than Venus said, thay seruit it and far mair,
Ane clene woman for to put in sic cair,
That lufe thay had come all of falsitie:
It was na luif it was bot fenȝeit fair.
For in sic luif is nother reull nor squair,
Bot blindid lufe corrupt with crueltie,
Mixt with malice, repleit with subteltie:
And in that case peruert into dispair.
Then said Vesta, Madame now we agre.
Na said Venus, to that I nill consent:
I will not ȝit gif ouir my argument.
For all that I haif outher hard or sene:
How beit ȝe haif schawin furth ane small legent.
I do not knaw gif it be euident
For sic storyis I cuir thame not ane prene.
And I deny that euer sic hes bene.
Bot quhen ȝe pleis sic castis ȝe can Inuent,
Me to defraude with gyle, and circumuene.
Than said Vesta, quhair that ȝe say that I
Can find sic castis to ȝow sa haistelie,
Of my Ingine but ony euidence.
As to that point, I say to ȝow schortlie,
That opinioun ȝe tak sinisterlie,
It to defend ȝe sall haif na defence
For I haif said na thing in audience,
Bot I haif schawin quhair it standis chaptourlie
Aganis the quhilk ȝe haif na resistence.


Ȝe knaw we reid in the diuine Scriptour
Of Iudicum in the twentie Cheptour:
Of ane woman for haistie stupratioun:
Four scoir thousandis of men that buir armour,
Threttene thousand ane hundreth in a stour,
And als thre scoir, war slane but saluatioun.
And all this fell be foull fornicatioun
Of ȝour fals luif ȝe hald of sic valour:
And is nocht bot anguische and dampnatioun.
We reid siclike of Dauidis Sone Ammon:
Was slane be his brother Absalon:
For the incest commititt with Thamar.
Howbeit scho was ane Aperse allone,
And deir sister vnto thame baith as one.
That greit vengeance scho culd not quenche nor pair,
Bot schamit hir self for than and euer mair.
Tertio Regum this storie dois propone,
In the threttene Cheptour it standis thair.
Of genesis in the four and threttie
Cheptour we reid greit furiositie
Of slauchter maid be Leui and Simeon,
Becaus Sichem the prince of that countre,
Had reft Dina thair sister fair and fre:
And hir stuprat, quhairfoir the greit vltioun
First come on him and his pepill Ilkone,
His kin and freindis, and Father but mercie
Was put at schort till exterminioun.
Als it is red in storyis ancient,
Thocht it be not in ald nor new Testament.
How that Vergill that worthie wise doctour,
In latin toung was most faculent,
Nane mair pregnant, facund, nor eminent,


To writ or dyit, he was of Clerkis flour:
Throw ȝour defait, and Inflammit ardour,
He was deiect be daft delyrament:
Become ȝour slaif to his greit dishonour.
Quhair ȝe him hang ouir ȝour wallis in a creill
Howbeit efter he was reuengit weill.
(As the storie at mair lenth dois beir)
Ouid siclike on kneis ȝe gart him kneill
Gang on his handis, with ane bridill of steill
In till his teith, with vther riding geir,
In lichtlines as ȝe thocht best effeir.
And ȝe abone to ryid begouth to reill,
With bute, and spur, sword, buklar, as bachleir.
Of ȝour fals luif this is ay the commend:
Reid Gower ouir, and Bocchas to the end.
All Chronikles that ony man of reidis,
Ȝe sall not find a taill ane vther mend.
Bot to the werst it will ay condiscend:
With euill entent ȝour luif burgeonis & breidis:
And euer mair sa furth it ay proceidis.
Quhat sayis Chawcer al Christin men may kend
Ȝour euil mind thair, and eik ȝour cruell deidis.
In generall and schortlie to conclude:
In all ȝour luif ȝit hard I neuer gude
In all Scriptour that euer man of wrait:
The poysonit vice thairof and turpitude
was the maist caus in cumming of Noes flude:
Quhen all the warld was neir depopulate.
How mony men hes it effeminate.
Of all honour it hes diuers denude:
And als mony of life extirminate.


Quhat Kingis, Quenis, Dukis, Empriours
Lordis, Ladeis, Barronis of greit honouris,
Hes bene deiect throw luifis gouernance?
Of all the writ reid the Interpretouris
And of the warld reid the Cosmographouris:
Ȝour last reward is vennemous vengeance,
Poysonit with pryde, Heresie, and mischance.
We haif reall exemplis of nichtbouris,
That throw luifis lust deweyis in variance.
Of sic storyis I can ȝow schaw anew,
Quhilk ȝe not hard, nor neuer ȝit ȝe knew.
Quhair all ȝour liue is bot mixt with mischance,
In the Testamentis baith the ald and the new
Aganis quhome ȝe can haif na reskew.
In ȝour debait, bot wil full arrogance,
Fragill and fals full of vltrequedance.
Quhairfoir I wald that ȝe na mair persew
This gentill man, to Name hecht Desperance.
Than Venus said Madame Vesta sen ȝe
Hes said at lenth, I pray ȝow now lat me:
Quhair that ȝe say, seir storyis ȝe haif sene,
In the Testamentis baith ald and new surelie:
I gif credence, I traist it may weill be
Ȝit sum thair is that ȝe haif forȝet clene,
Or ellis I traist ȝe neuer thame saw with ene,
The quhilk to ȝow I sall part specifie:
Than lat Iugis gif sentence vs betwene.
Quhair ȝe Infer all Inconuenientis,
Malice, defait, with diuers detrimentis,
Cummis of luif (as ȝe haif said befoir)
Allegeand baith the ald and new Testamentis
Historyis, Scriptouris, & vtheris lang legentis


At ȝour plesour traistand to get the gloir,
I reid of ane did vs far mair decoir.
Our life wplift throw feruour and luifrentis,
Our ransoun pay, and vs to grace restoir.
Of genesis in the aucht and threttie
Chaptour is red, that Iudas quhilk surelie
Was Iacobis sone, and of the Trybis twell,
With Thamar lay in his Iocunditie:
Howbeit scho was to him in affinitie,
In doubill sort, as the Chaptour dois tell:
Into thair play hir wombe begouth to swell
And buir twa sonnis Ȝaram and Phares fre,
As Mathow sayis in his first Euangell.
Phares Esrom, and Esrom Aram bure.
And sine Aram Aminadab for sure:
Aminadab siclike he gat Naasson:
Naasson Salmon ane Nobill Prince and pure.
Ȝic he Maryit Raab the commoun hure:
(As Iherome dois in the Bybill propone)
Howbeit diuers agane him dois argone.
Salmon and Raab into thair liues cuir,
Thay gat Boos na ma bot him allone.
Than said Vesta, Madame thair I persaif,
Into ane part as my minde dois consaif;
Salmon come of the Tribe of Israell:
Ane Nobill Prince, and sage man, and ane graif,
Ane commoun huir that he to wife suld haif,
It is not lik to be trew as ȝe tell,
That ane prince wald with sic ane Intermell.
I traist Madame, ȝe reid wrang, or ȝe raif
Than said Venus, reid Mathowis first Euangell.


Howbeit scho was sumtime richt Inconstant,
Beeft scho was in vertewis aboundant,
Remeidit all throw guid prayer and deid.
Quhen Iosue was in Throne Triumphant,
He send his spyis elect and elegant
To Ierico, to spy the land of breid:
Quhen thair was nane durst thame resaif for feid
Scho herbryit thame and was participant
With Israell into thair wrgent neid.
This and siclike causit this Nobill Prince
Haif hir to wife, and do hir reuerence.
This ȝe sall find Secundo Iosue,
As I haif said scho buir of excellence
Boos the first, a man of greit prudence:
Quhilk gat the nixt Boos of veritie:
This gat the thrid, sa thair was Boos thre:
This Boos gat on Ruth Obed with mence
Quhilk gat Isai that cleipit is Iesse.
This Iesse begat Dauid that was King,
Chosin be GOD abone Israell to ring.
Ane greit Propheit sine Salomon gat he,
On ane Ladie richt bewteous, and bening.
Gentill, courtes, curious, and conding
Mansweit, suaue, to Name hecht Bersabe:
Quhilk was the spous of vmquhile Knicht Vrie
As ȝe proponit befoir in ȝour saying,
All this luif come of sensualitie.
It is weill knawin that Bersabea lay
With King Dauid, as the Scriptour dois say,
Lang time befoir or hir husband was slane,
Throw dern fauour, and luif betuix thame twa
Now I begin agane quhair I best may,


That ȝe consaif the storeis in certane.
First I rehersit Thamar and Raab plane,
And Bersabe the quhilk ȝe can not nay,
War all of sport Ladeis venereane.
And swa thairfor to count ȝow line be line,
was IESVS borne Goddis verray sone deuine:
Quhilk ransonit vs with his precious hart blude
And sa to bring my argument to fine,
I can not find in luif na time to tine
Bot mixt with mirth, mercie, and manswetude,
Plenit with sport, and sueit suauitude,
Repleit with playis, but pouertie or pine,
Vell of worschip, the port of pulchritude.
I se of all storeis that ȝe haif tald
And allegeance with argumentis sa bald,
Aganis luif in malice and hatrent,
Come not sic euill ȝit be ane thousand fald:
Nor neuer will, nor in na times wald,
As I haif schawin the gude come of Lufrent,
Thairfoir as now I end my argument,
Sa that ȝe will the victorie wpȝeild,
And cry mercie as far as is miswent.
That I deny Madame, than said Vesta,
As to the first, quhair that ȝe planelie say:
First that Thamar, Raab, and Barsabe,
War licht Ladeis all geuin to sport and play,
As ȝe alledge, I say ȝow schortlie nay.
Thay war richt wise, and full of grauitie
And ar Namit in the genologie
Of Christ for gude vnto this present day,
For thair vertew and greit humilitie.


Than Venus said, of Christis genologie,
Was thair na ma gude women bot thay thre?
Or schaw the caus, quhy thay ar in Scriptour
Mair than the laif, it is not lik to be,
Sa mony Kingis of Eminent degre,
Sa gay Captanis of welth and of valour.
Quhair was Mary of all wemen the flour?
I think scho sould be put in memorie,
Gif thir thre gat for gude life sic honour.
As I haif said befoir, ȝit I say plane,
Thay thre was of the Court venereane,
[OMITTED]e me caus sic wordis to disclois
The fourt I can find ȝit withoutin lane:
The Ladie Ruth wald haif bene thair richt fane,
Quhen that scho ȝeid into bed with Boos,
As Noemi bad, for to cum to purpois,
Was all thir gude, na na ȝe speik in vane,
Ȝe brek the text, and as ȝe pleis dois glois.
Thus I conclude, thairfoir ȝe Auditouris
Heir circumstant attend, and assessouris,
Quhidder that I or Vesta Ladie fre
Hes schawin storyis autentik be Scriptouris,
Mair for to prais, or reput of valouris.
Perfitlie pance with all maturitie,
Sa that ȝour voce concord in vnitie,
That pane may be put to Forfaltouris:
The Partie sythit, as Law will lat it be.
Than spak an Nimphe, to name hecht Chaistitie
Ane of the sex in Vestais companie.
Madame Venus, now I wald (with license
Of my Maistres) to speik twa wordis or thre.
Quhair that ȝe say Thamar and Barsabe,


Raab and Ruth, war geuin to Insolence.
I say thay war wemen of greit prudence
Geuin to vertew, and profound grauitie,
Groundit in grace with all Magnificence.
For quhy we reid efter Lira, and Iohne mair,
And in the glois als Interlinear.
In the first heid, quhair thay wrait in Mathe,
The Euangelist, settis him not to declair
Of the thre Kingis richt vicious war,
Of quhome Christ come be Iust genelogie.
And for thair vice euill life and crueltie,
Amang gude folk he wald thame not compair,
Bot ar seclude, abiect as vnworthie.
And gif euill men for vices are seclude
Out of this band sa gracious and gude:
I think rather euill wemen to depriue.
Bot I suppone thir wemen ar Include.
For thair gude life, vertew and sanctitude,
For to fulfill the number suspensiue,
And for to be the rute restoratiue.
For the thre Kingis quhilk war befoir denude,
Out of this clan and linage successiue.
Heirfoir I say, Thamar and Bersabe,
Raab, and Ruth in the genelogie
Of Christ ar put for prayer and gude deidis,
Na said Venus agane to Chaistitie,
I sall ȝow schaw alhaill the veritie
Of that mater, quhat Sanct Hierome reidis:
Becaus mercie of Christ euer proceidis,
Christ wald suffer of sinneris borne to be,
For to augment thair meritis and thair meidis.


Howbeit I knaw of all sin Christ was quit
And Mary als, I knaw that richt perfit,
Bot ȝit thay come of folkis friuolous,
That we micht knaw his cheritie Ignite,
Ardent, and hait, our sin to abolite:
Did nocht disdane to tak mankinde of vs.
An as the Rois dois springe of thornie bus,
Sa did Mary hir virginitie,
Sprang of the spray, and sum of thame vicious.

Sicut lilium inter spinas, sic amica mea inter filias. —Cant. I.

In the vyle schell is found the Perle of price.
Of the rude rute springis the flour delice:
In the gray clay is found the gold sa cleir:
Richt swa did Christ our flour and Fortalice,
Sprang of the rute quhilk part was geuin to vice
Sa to purpois quhair of I spak lang eir:
Raab, and Ruth, Bersabe, and Thamar,
War licht Ladeis, thocht ȝe it mak sa nice,
And of my Court, and hes bene mony ȝeir.
Thus (quod Venus) I end my conclusioun,
The remanent I put to discretioun
Of Theologis, or ellis profound Doctouris:
And quhair I faill into the writ Cannoun,
Be wrang reheirs, transgres, or collusioun,
Or by the boundis of the deuine Scriptouris,
Antlk storyis, or honest Oratouris:
Heir I promit to stand at correctioun,
Quhen the Assyse will make Interpretouris.
And I siclike (quod Vesta) am content
That my mater pas to the Iugement
Of the Assyse: with this ane libertie,


Richt perfitlie that thay wald pance and prent,
Considder weill, and in thair heid take tent,
Remord thair mindis quhidder gif Chestitie
Be not mair clene, mair glorious, and hie
Triumphant stait, mair digne and eminent
Than Venus warkis with all hir dignitie?
And this the caus diuers virginis and clene
Fra Venus warkis becaus thay did abstene,
On thair bodyis thay sufferit mekill wa:
As in Scriptouris perfitlie may be sene.
Sum Heritouris sum Countes, and sum Quene:
As is Katherin, Margaret, and Barbara,
Dorothe, Lucie, and mony diuers ma,
For Chaistitie greit sorow did sustene,
Throw quhais vertew to heuin thay did all ga.
Thay chois on thame erar the dreidfull deid,
Than for to tine thair precious madinheid,
Knawand thairfoir ane reward speciall,
Siclike agane the rute of our remeid,
Our Saluatour to fell the feyndis feid.
Was he not borne of the bour virginall,
Chosin be consent of GOD celestiall,
Quhairthrow we all was quite of Plutois pleid,
Be sweit Incence of virginitie royall.
And had not bene that sweit virginitie
Was mair condigne in the thousand degre,
Than Venus warks with corrupt minded thocht
Noway Christ had dedenȝeit borne to be
In the Chalmer of chosin Chaistitie.
And Venus warks had bene with vertew wrocht
Caus thay war not condigne & nathing docht,
In sicht of GOD he tuik humanitie
Of virgine wombe, and of Venus tuik nocht.


Thir beand weill considderit, and forsene
I traist my caus bot pley I sall obtene.
For weill I wait, thir pointis ar releuant.
Quhairfoir Ladeis amiabill and amene
On the Assise, haif this befoir ȝour ene,
Perfitlie pance thir pointis last pregnant,
That ȝe not be now callit Ignorant,
Or ony sall ȝour science circumuene,
Sayand ȝe ar to muche participant.
And sa my caus I put to ȝour conscience,
As weill auisit Assise with sapience:
Traistand ȝow all repleit with equitie,
Fulfillit with faith, and eik profound prudence:
Groundit in gude, rutit in reuerence,
Lawreat Ladeis, flour of feminitie;
Protesteand heir for ȝour greit clemencie
Deill with the richt, and do me no offence,
Be corrupt minde, nor partialitie.
I wait ȝe all in science sa dois schine,
In profound wit, and eminent Ingine,
That all obscure probleme or questioun
Ȝe can discus, declair, and detirmine,
Enucleat, as Regentis most deuine:
Sa prudentlie ȝe can gif solutioun.
For quhy I knaw ȝe all tuik potatioun
Of licour sweit at the font Caballine,
Quhair all vertew dois flurische with fusioun.
Heirfoir Ladeis humblie I Imploir,
Haif weill in minde I haif rehersit befoir,
Mixt with prudence, and ȝour perfite prowes,
Ȝe not deiect the dignitie nor gloir,
Spulȝe, nor reif, diminute nor defloir


Into na sort thes deifeit Goddes,
Virginitie, for ȝour awin gentilnes.
Lustie Ladeis, I neid now speik no moir,
Do as ȝe think speidfull in this proces.
And so Venus to the same did consent.
Anone but baid the Assyse furth is went,
Richt stupefact, caus the mater was hie,
On vther syid be storyis ancient.
And speciallie of the last small legent
Vesta did schaw be gude Authoritie,
And done in deid be verray veritie.
Sa but tary thay all with ane consent
Chancellar on syse thay chose the May Tisbe
For thocht hir minde was to Venus alhail
Ȝit vncompleit in deidis actuall
It was but dowt (as hir storie dois schaw).
That was the caus thay chesit hir but faill,
Chancellar on syse, that scho suld stand equaill
On baith the sydis, caus sum part scho did knaw,
Sa the Assise beliue was set on raw,
And socht all actis in caisis criminall,
Kest buikis like beis in all proces of Law.