The poems of John Audelay | ||
De visitacione infirmorum et consolacione miserorum.
Saynt Ancelyne, þat hole bischop,
He med þis tretys be Godis grace,
Hou ȝe schul set in God ȝour hope,
Out of þis word wen ȝe schul passe;
And to foresake al þat þou has,
Wyfe and child, al wordle þyng,
And to dissyre to haue þat plas
Were ioy and blis is ay bydyng;
And haue þis in þi mynd,
Fore þat ioy schal neuer sese,
Bot euer endure and euer encres,
And euer in loue, rest, and pesse,
In ioy and blis without end.
He med þis tretys be Godis grace,
Hou ȝe schul set in God ȝour hope,
Out of þis word wen ȝe schul passe;
And to foresake al þat þou has,
Wyfe and child, al wordle þyng,
And to dissyre to haue þat plas
Were ioy and blis is ay bydyng;
And haue þis in þi mynd,
Fore þat ioy schal neuer sese,
Bot euer endure and euer encres,
And euer in loue, rest, and pesse,
In ioy and blis without end.
Þus to þi God þou schalt þe ȝild,
And knowleche to him al þi trespas,
His comawndmentis not fulfillid,
Þi v wittis myspend þou has;
And aske him mercy loule, and grace;
Þe werkis of mercy þou hast not don,
Vesid þe pore in euereche plase,
Ne done þe seke consolacion.
Þen þus schal þou say:
‘I knowleche me, Lord, gilte,
In pride, couetys, wraþ, enuy,
In lechore, slouþ, and glotony,
I haue e-synyd boþ nyȝt and day.’
And knowleche to him al þi trespas,
His comawndmentis not fulfillid,
Þi v wittis myspend þou has;
And aske him mercy loule, and grace;
Þe werkis of mercy þou hast not don,
Vesid þe pore in euereche plase,
Ne done þe seke consolacion.
Þen þus schal þou say:
‘I knowleche me, Lord, gilte,
In pride, couetys, wraþ, enuy,
In lechore, slouþ, and glotony,
I haue e-synyd boþ nyȝt and day.’
Þus alle men He doþ cumford,
And cowncelis ȝou þur charite,
Settis noȝt be þe ioy of þis word,
Hit is bot vayn and vanete,
Fore ȝoure namys wretyn þay be
In þe boke of lyue in heuen blis,
To haue ioy þer perpetualy.
Al erþle ioy hit schal vanysche
Within a lytil stound,
Fore ale þis wordle honor
Schal fal and fade as doþ a floure;
Pope, kyng, duke, emperoure,
Al schul þai go to grounde.
And cowncelis ȝou þur charite,
Settis noȝt be þe ioy of þis word,
Hit is bot vayn and vanete,
In þe boke of lyue in heuen blis,
To haue ioy þer perpetualy.
Al erþle ioy hit schal vanysche
Within a lytil stound,
Fore ale þis wordle honor
Schal fal and fade as doþ a floure;
Pope, kyng, duke, emperoure,
Al schul þai go to grounde.
Behold a charnel ful of bonys,
What clerke con þer-owte a bone
Of lord ore ladys schete al at ones,
Of ryche, of pore, of gentil mon;
So bredern and sisterne we beþ echone,
And he þat doþ best in his leuyng
Schal haue most mede when he is goon
And most þonk of his Fader, heuen Kyng;
Vche mon in his degre,
As he haþ kept his oune astate,
To Godis worchip, erle and late,
He schal haue reward al-gate,
Bale, or blis, weder-so-euer hit be.
What clerke con þer-owte a bone
Of lord ore ladys schete al at ones,
Of ryche, of pore, of gentil mon;
So bredern and sisterne we beþ echone,
And he þat doþ best in his leuyng
Schal haue most mede when he is goon
And most þonk of his Fader, heuen Kyng;
Vche mon in his degre,
As he haþ kept his oune astate,
To Godis worchip, erle and late,
He schal haue reward al-gate,
Bale, or blis, weder-so-euer hit be.
Allas! þat we con not beleue
Þat we felyn and sen with syȝt;
How lytil a þyng mon may greue
When eny syknes is on him dyȝt;
Anon he has lost al his myȝt,
Þen hard on Crist he wyl crye,
Fore pa[yn] of deþ he is afryȝt,
Þat al wordle ioy he settis not by,
Þen cumford is þer non.
A! synful mon, haue þis in mynd:
Þi mysdedis betyme amend,
And serue þi God, forsake þe fynd,
Þen schal þou haue remyssion.
Þat we felyn and sen with syȝt;
How lytil a þyng mon may greue
When eny syknes is on him dyȝt;
Anon he has lost al his myȝt,
Þen hard on Crist he wyl crye,
Fore pa[yn] of deþ he is afryȝt,
Þat al wordle ioy he settis not by,
Þen cumford is þer non.
A! synful mon, haue þis in mynd:
Þi mysdedis betyme amend,
And serue þi God, forsake þe fynd,
Þen schal þou haue remyssion.
Fore cursid be he þat trustis in mon,
And doþ not affter Cristis wil,
More þen he doþ in God, al one,
Þat bode and soule may saue and spil,
Fore Cristis bidyng we schuld fulfil,
And do fore ourself or we passe hen,
And pot oure soulis out of parelle,
And trust not ale to oþer men.
Fore þou getyst no more with þe
Saue þi good dydis, withoutyn drede,
Hole prayers, masse, and almusdede;
After þi meryd and þi mede
Rewardid schal þou be.
And doþ not affter Cristis wil,
More þen he doþ in God, al one,
Þat bode and soule may saue and spil,
Fore Cristis bidyng we schuld fulfil,
And do fore ourself or we passe hen,
And pot oure soulis out of parelle,
And trust not ale to oþer men.
Fore þou getyst no more with þe
Saue þi good dydis, withoutyn drede,
Hole prayers, masse, and almusdede;
After þi meryd and þi mede
Rewardid schal þou be.
Fore Cristis loue doþ almesdede;
In þi good lyue gif a pene
To þe pore þat haþ gret nede,
Or mete, drynk, cloþis, or herbar fre,
And þou plecyst God more specyaly
Þen a þowsond hillis of gold, as I þe say,
Were made in mynt and in money
To dele after þi deþ day.
Fore mede getis þou none
Bot ȝif þiselfe þi soule sokoure,
Ellis may not þi cekatoure;
Hit is þe wordis, alle þi tresoure,
When þou art goon.
In þi good lyue gif a pene
To þe pore þat haþ gret nede,
Or mete, drynk, cloþis, or herbar fre,
And þou plecyst God more specyaly
Þen a þowsond hillis of gold, as I þe say,
Were made in mynt and in money
To dele after þi deþ day.
Fore mede getis þou none
Bot ȝif þiselfe þi soule sokoure,
Ellis may not þi cekatoure;
Hit is þe wordis, alle þi tresoure,
When þou art goon.
More med is a mas here in þi lyue
Þen to haue a þausand after þi day,
Ȝif to þe prest þou wylt þe schryue
And do þi penans here wyl þou maye,
Þus þou myȝt God plese and pay,
Ȝif þat þou wold þi soule socour
Or þi caren be cast in clay,
And trost not to þi secatoure.
Gregore þus con he say,
‘Better hit is now fore þe
To wenche þe fuyre of purgatore—
Þer-in cast or þat þou be—
Þiselfe here wyle þou may.’
Þen to haue a þausand after þi day,
Ȝif to þe prest þou wylt þe schryue
And do þi penans here wyl þou maye,
Þus þou myȝt God plese and pay,
Ȝif þat þou wold þi soule socour
Or þi caren be cast in clay,
And trost not to þi secatoure.
‘Better hit is now fore þe
To wenche þe fuyre of purgatore—
Þer-in cast or þat þou be—
Þiselfe here wyle þou may.’
Þus Seynt Ancellyne to ȝoue he sayd,
‘Dissyre ȝe not aȝayns Godis wile,
Bot euer ald ȝou wel apayd,
What vesetacion He send ȝou tylle,
Fore His merce in ȝou He wil fulfil
When tyme is cum at His lykyng;
Fore wom He louys He chastest wele,
And saue his soule fro perescheng,
Fro þe payns of helle.
Fore His grace and His goodnes,
His benyngnyte and His blessidnes,
His hye merce and His mekenes,
Con no tung here telle.’
‘Dissyre ȝe not aȝayns Godis wile,
Bot euer ald ȝou wel apayd,
What vesetacion He send ȝou tylle,
Fore His merce in ȝou He wil fulfil
When tyme is cum at His lykyng;
Fore wom He louys He chastest wele,
And saue his soule fro perescheng,
Fro þe payns of helle.
Fore His grace and His goodnes,
His benyngnyte and His blessidnes,
His hye merce and His mekenes,
Con no tung here telle.’
Þus clepþ aȝen ȝvster-day,
Saynt Ancellyne he cownsellis þe,
And mesure þi wynde, Y the pray,
And wy þe foyre of purgatore;
Þese iij wordis declared schal be,
What þai beþ to vnderstond;
Lerne þis lesson pur charete,
And þonke þi God of His swet sond.
Fore hit is fore þe best
To haue þi payne, þi purgatorye,
Out of þis word or þat þou dye,
Fore God ponysche not twyse truly;
Take hede mekele, þen art þu bleste.
Saynt Ancellyne he cownsellis þe,
And mesure þi wynde, Y the pray,
And wy þe foyre of purgatore;
Þese iij wordis declared schal be,
What þai beþ to vnderstond;
Lerne þis lesson pur charete,
And þonke þi God of His swet sond.
Fore hit is fore þe best
To haue þi payne, þi purgatorye,
Out of þis word or þat þou dye,
Fore God ponysche not twyse truly;
Take hede mekele, þen art þu bleste.
Þus ȝistyr-day þou clepe aȝayne,
And take knoulesche of þi consians,
Hou þou hast spend þi lyue in vayn,
Aȝen Godis wil and His plesans;
Þen mesoure þi wynd with repentans,
And schryue þe clene of alle þi synne;
Þen wey þe fouyre with trew balans,
What purgatore þou schuldist haue þen;
Fore þis is Godis oune wyll,
Þat euere good dede rewardid schal be
In erþ or ellis in heuen on he,
And vche syn e-ponyst truly
In erþ, in purgatore, or ellis in helle.
And take knoulesche of þi consians,
Hou þou hast spend þi lyue in vayn,
Aȝen Godis wil and His plesans;
Þen mesoure þi wynd with repentans,
And schryue þe clene of alle þi synne;
Þen wey þe fouyre with trew balans,
What purgatore þou schuldist haue þen;
Fore þis is Godis oune wyll,
Þat euere good dede rewardid schal be
In erþ or ellis in heuen on he,
And vche syn e-ponyst truly
In erþ, in purgatore, or ellis in helle.
Bot aboue His warkis is His mercy,
Þenke what did Mare Mawdleyn,
And Peter þat foresoke him þry
Fore þe ways of twey wemen,
And Toh[m]as of Ynd þat mysbeleuyd þen,
Al þai had mercy and grace;
And so schul haue al Cristyn men
Þat wil repent wyle þai han space;
Fore as possibil hit were
Watere of þi ne
To wenche þe fuyre of purgatory,
As al þe water in þe se
To wenche a gnost of fuyre.
Þenke what did Mare Mawdleyn,
And Peter þat foresoke him þry
Fore þe ways of twey wemen,
And Toh[m]as of Ynd þat mysbeleuyd þen,
Al þai had mercy and grace;
And so schul haue al Cristyn men
Þat wil repent wyle þai han space;
Fore as possibil hit were
Watere of þi ne
To wenche þe fuyre of purgatory,
As al þe water in þe se
To wenche a gnost of fuyre.
Fore more ioye in heuen þer is
Of a mon þat foresakis his syn,
And wil amende he doþe amys,
And do his penans is eniunyd þen,
Þen of iiij score of ryȝtwys men;
In þe gospel wretyn hit is;
Fore hom ned is heren oune medsyn,
Boþ þai þat beþ seke in soule i-wys.
Cryst sayþ þus graciously,
‘I come not to clepe ryȝtwyse men
Bot þo þat in erþ synful bene;
Hom I cal to penans þen
To graunt hom grace and my mercy.’
Of a mon þat foresakis his syn,
And wil amende he doþe amys,
And do his penans is eniunyd þen,
In þe gospel wretyn hit is;
Fore hom ned is heren oune medsyn,
Boþ þai þat beþ seke in soule i-wys.
Cryst sayþ þus graciously,
‘I come not to clepe ryȝtwyse men
Bot þo þat in erþ synful bene;
Hom I cal to penans þen
To graunt hom grace and my mercy.’
For he þat wil himselue here loue,
And forsake his syn and be sore,
And to þe prest him schryue and chewe,
And do his penans dewoutly,
He neuer rehersid schal be
When he is callid to his rekynyng,
Fore Crist haþ foreȝifne him þroȝ His mercy,
Here in erþ in his leuyng,
Þroȝ His specyale grace.
Ȝif þou wilt sekyr sauyd be,
Foresake þi syn or hit do þe,
Ellis þai schul be cheuyd opynle,
At domysday before Cristis face.
And forsake his syn and be sore,
And to þe prest him schryue and chewe,
And do his penans dewoutly,
He neuer rehersid schal be
When he is callid to his rekynyng,
Fore Crist haþ foreȝifne him þroȝ His mercy,
Here in erþ in his leuyng,
Þroȝ His specyale grace.
Ȝif þou wilt sekyr sauyd be,
Foresake þi syn or hit do þe,
Ellis þai schul be cheuyd opynle,
At domysday before Cristis face.
Fore Peter wept euer aftur moore
When he herd eny koke crowe,
And Mare Mawdlyan wepeng ful sore
Askid grace of Crist with hert so low,
And Thomas of Ynd mad vs to know
Hou false he was in his beleue,
Fore Crist His wondis to him con shew;
Þe soþ himselue he mad him preue.
‘Thomas, to þe I say,
Blessid be þai þat neuer seyn,
And trewle in my werkis beleuyn,
Fore þai schul haue þe blis of heuen,
And my blissyng nyȝt and day.’
When he herd eny koke crowe,
And Mare Mawdlyan wepeng ful sore
Askid grace of Crist with hert so low,
And Thomas of Ynd mad vs to know
Hou false he was in his beleue,
Fore Crist His wondis to him con shew;
Þe soþ himselue he mad him preue.
Blessid be þai þat neuer seyn,
And trewle in my werkis beleuyn,
Fore þai schul haue þe blis of heuen,
And my blissyng nyȝt and day.’
Affter Crist made Peter of paradyse porter,
And betoke him þe kyis of heuen ȝate,
And ȝif him fulle his pouere
To louce and bynd erle and late,
And bede him þynke on his astate,
How freel he was and eþ to falle,
And He him graunt merce alle-gate
To al þat in erþ His grace wyl calle,
With sorow of ert and confession.
‘Peter, as I ȝeue þe mercy,
So on oþer þou haue pete,
Þat foresakis his synus and beþ sory,
Þou graunt hem ale remission.’
And betoke him þe kyis of heuen ȝate,
And ȝif him fulle his pouere
To louce and bynd erle and late,
And bede him þynke on his astate,
How freel he was and eþ to falle,
And He him graunt merce alle-gate
To al þat in erþ His grace wyl calle,
With sorow of ert and confession.
‘Peter, as I ȝeue þe mercy,
So on oþer þou haue pete,
Þat foresakis his synus and beþ sory,
Þou graunt hem ale remission.’
Þus we ben bleste of Godis mouþ,
Al þat beleuen in Him truly,
Est and west, norþ and souþ,
Þai schal haue grace and mercy,
And no noþer sekyrly.
Dampnacion to hom al is diȝt
Þat wol witt how and wy
Þat al þyng Crist do he myȝt;
Ensampil ale day we se,
Fro þe heuen on he token,
Þe lygȝt, þe þonder, and ster, mone and son,
Þat He is almyȝte God al-hon,
And no noþer Lord bot he.
Al þat beleuen in Him truly,
Est and west, norþ and souþ,
Þai schal haue grace and mercy,
And no noþer sekyrly.
Dampnacion to hom al is diȝt
Þat wol witt how and wy
Þat al þyng Crist do he myȝt;
Ensampil ale day we se,
Fro þe heuen on he token,
Þe lygȝt, þe þonder, and ster, mone and son,
Þat He is almyȝte God al-hon,
And no noþer Lord bot he.
Fore hole cherche prays fore no mo
Bot þo þat beleuyn and dye in Crist;
Al oþer to pena[n]s þai schal goo,
Þat to His merce and grace wil not trost,
Bot leuen after here flesschele lust
As bestis don, vnresnabele;
Hur lyue-days þai han e-lost;
Here dedis schul deme hem openly
At Cristis iugement.
Fore Cristyn men callid þaȝ ȝe be,
Bot ȝif ȝe done Cristynly,
Ȝe bere þat name in wayn truly;
Ȝe wil be schamyd and schent.
Bot þo þat beleuyn and dye in Crist;
Al oþer to pena[n]s þai schal goo,
Þat to His merce and grace wil not trost,
Bot leuen after here flesschele lust
As bestis don, vnresnabele;
Hur lyue-days þai han e-lost;
Here dedis schul deme hem openly
At Cristis iugement.
Fore Cristyn men callid þaȝ ȝe be,
Bot ȝif ȝe done Cristynly,
Ȝe bere þat name in wayn truly;
Ȝe wil be schamyd and schent.
Here-fore beleue in Crist truly,
And foresake ȝoure lust and ȝour lykyng,
And set ȝour trust in Him truly,
To haue þat ioy þat is euerlastyng;
And let þis be al þi wylnyng,
Ȝif þat þou turne to lyue aȝayn,
To amend þi mysleuyng,
And Him to serue be glad and fayn,
And haue þis in þi mynd;
And aske Him grace and His mercy,
Fore His moder loue maydyn Mare,
And al þe sayntis in heuen on hye,
To graunt þe grace to make good end.
And foresake ȝoure lust and ȝour lykyng,
And set ȝour trust in Him truly,
To haue þat ioy þat is euerlastyng;
And let þis be al þi wylnyng,
Ȝif þat þou turne to lyue aȝayn,
To amend þi mysleuyng,
And Him to serue be glad and fayn,
And haue þis in þi mynd;
And aske Him grace and His mercy,
Fore His moder loue maydyn Mare,
And al þe sayntis in heuen on hye,
To graunt þe grace to make good end.
Þus in þi God þou cumford þe,
And þenk apon His passion,
Þat fore þi loue here wold He dey
With cros, spere, nayle, and croune,
Fore in Him is al consolacion,
And may þe hele of þi sekenes,
And grawnt þe here now remission,
And of þi syns foreȝifnes.
Loke þou beleue wel þis:
Þaȝ þou haue greuyd Crist here before,
His merce is mekil more,
Fore He haþ salue fore euere sore,
And may amend þou dost mys.
And þenk apon His passion,
Þat fore þi loue here wold He dey
With cros, spere, nayle, and croune,
Fore in Him is al consolacion,
And grawnt þe here now remission,
And of þi syns foreȝifnes.
Loke þou beleue wel þis:
Þaȝ þou haue greuyd Crist here before,
His merce is mekil more,
Fore He haþ salue fore euere sore,
And may amend þou dost mys.
Þi baptim and þi confyrmacion,
Þes be His saluys verament,
And hole order, and matremon,
And schreft, and housil, þat sacrement,
Þen þe last anelyng with good entent,
Hit may þe clens boþ out and yn.
Þe prest haþ pouere þat is present
To asoyle þe of al þi syn;
Of God he haþ pouere,
Thorȝe vertu of the sacrement,
To asoyle al þat wil repent,
And chryue him clene verament,
And do here penans wyle þay beþ here.
Þes be His saluys verament,
And hole order, and matremon,
And schreft, and housil, þat sacrement,
Þen þe last anelyng with good entent,
Hit may þe clens boþ out and yn.
Þe prest haþ pouere þat is present
To asoyle þe of al þi syn;
Of God he haþ pouere,
Thorȝe vertu of the sacrement,
To asoyle al þat wil repent,
And chryue him clene verament,
And do here penans wyle þay beþ here.
Fore þis is Godis ordenans,
Þes sacrements to saue monkynd,
Fore in hom is al sofecians,
Boþ fore to loos and fore to bynd;
Þen to þat Lord be neuer vnkynd,
Þat haþ grawnt His spesial grace;
Þow we al day Him offend,
Remede þus ordend He has.
Þow we han don amys,
Ȝif fore our syns we beþ sory,
And ressayue His pressious body,
We schul haue grace and mercy,
And part of heuen blis.
Þes sacrements to saue monkynd,
Fore in hom is al sofecians,
Boþ fore to loos and fore to bynd;
Þen to þat Lord be neuer vnkynd,
Þat haþ grawnt His spesial grace;
Þow we al day Him offend,
Remede þus ordend He has.
Þow we han don amys,
Ȝif fore our syns we beþ sory,
And ressayue His pressious body,
We schul haue grace and mercy,
And part of heuen blis.
Þen aske þi sacrements pur charyte,
And when þou ressayust þat sacrement,
Beleue in hert truly
Þat He is þat Lord omnipotent,
And Cristis god-son verament,
Þat with His blod þe dere haþ boȝt,
Þat schal þe saue at His iugement.
Haue þis in mynde, foreȝet hit noȝt,
And be ware, vche Cristin mon,
Fore heretekis and renegatis þat vncriston be,
Þat beleue not in þat sacrement treuly,
Þat Crist was borne of þe vergyn Mari,
Of hom is no redemc[i]on.
And when þou ressayust þat sacrement,
Beleue in hert truly
Þat He is þat Lord omnipotent,
And Cristis god-son verament,
Þat with His blod þe dere haþ boȝt,
Þat schal þe saue at His iugement.
Haue þis in mynde, foreȝet hit noȝt,
And be ware, vche Cristin mon,
Fore heretekis and renegatis þat vncriston be,
Þat beleue not in þat sacrement treuly,
Þat Crist was borne of þe vergyn Mari,
Of hom is no redemc[i]on.
Here-fore beleue in Crist treuly,
Þat þorȝe þe Hole Gost conseyud He was,
And borne of þe vergyn Mari,
And sofyrd payn and passion, crucifid on cros;
Ded and beryd fore oure trespace,
Into hel He dissendid with myȝt and mayn,
And toke Adam and Eue out of here place;
Þe þrid day He ros to lyue aȝayn;
Into heuen He stid up þen,
And syttus þere on His Fadur ryȝt honde;
Fro þens He is to cum, þus vnderstond,
To deme His pepil ded or lewand,
After here dedis al maner men.
Þat þorȝe þe Hole Gost conseyud He was,
And borne of þe vergyn Mari,
And sofyrd payn and passion, crucifid on cros;
Ded and beryd fore oure trespace,
Into hel He dissendid with myȝt and mayn,
And toke Adam and Eue out of here place;
Þe þrid day He ros to lyue aȝayn;
Into heuen He stid up þen,
And syttus þere on His Fadur ryȝt honde;
Fro þens He is to cum, þus vnderstond,
To deme His pepil ded or lewand,
After here dedis al maner men.
Also beleue in þe Hole Gost,
As hole cherche haþ informed þe,
And in þe Fader and Son of myȝtis most,
Iij persons in Trenete,
And in comenecacions with sayntis to be,
And to haue foreȝifnes of þi syn,
And þe vprysyng of þi flesche treuly,
And to haue euerlastyng lyue, Amen.
Here is þe co[n]clucion.
Þese beþ þe artecelis of þi beleue;
Kepe hem wele without repreue,
And þou schalt neuer haue myschife;
Hit is þe wel of saluacion.
As hole cherche haþ informed þe,
And in þe Fader and Son of myȝtis most,
Iij persons in Trenete,
And to haue foreȝifnes of þi syn,
And þe vprysyng of þi flesche treuly,
And to haue euerlastyng lyue, Amen.
Here is þe co[n]clucion.
Þese beþ þe artecelis of þi beleue;
Kepe hem wele without repreue,
And þou schalt neuer haue myschife;
Hit is þe wel of saluacion.
And beleue and hope and trust also
As þy gostle faders cownsels þe;
Loke þou neuer go here-fro
Þaȝ þou haue fal þroȝ þi freelte,
Bot aske God grace and His merce,
And foreȝifnes of al oþer; men,
And foreȝif þou pur charyte,
And þou art sauyd, my soule fore þyn,
And stondis clene out of dred,
Fore Crist He says þus to þe,
‘Ȝif þou foreȝif fore loue of me,
Þen foreȝifne schalt þou be
Of al þi mysdede.’
As þy gostle faders cownsels þe;
Loke þou neuer go here-fro
Þaȝ þou haue fal þroȝ þi freelte,
Bot aske God grace and His merce,
And foreȝifnes of al oþer; men,
And foreȝif þou pur charyte,
And þou art sauyd, my soule fore þyn,
And stondis clene out of dred,
Fore Crist He says þus to þe,
‘Ȝif þou foreȝif fore loue of me,
Þen foreȝifne schalt þou be
Of al þi mysdede.’
And let make þi testment and þi last wil;
Furst pay þi dettis alle treuly,
And remembir þe, fore þat is skil,
What þou hou and oþer to þe;
Þen let hit be selid opynle,
And make þi soule a sekyr way,
Lest þi sekatours don not treuly;
Ensampil be oþer se þou may,
Be ware ȝe sekators.
Þe dedis wil loke þat ȝe done,
Out of þe word when þai bene gon,
Þat setyn here trust in ȝoue al one,
Ellis to God and mon ȝe be traytours.
Furst pay þi dettis alle treuly,
And remembir þe, fore þat is skil,
What þou hou and oþer to þe;
Þen let hit be selid opynle,
And make þi soule a sekyr way,
Lest þi sekatours don not treuly;
Ensampil be oþer se þou may,
Be ware ȝe sekators.
Þe dedis wil loke þat ȝe done,
Out of þe word when þai bene gon,
Þat setyn here trust in ȝoue al one,
Ellis to God and mon ȝe be traytours.
Ȝif ȝe do trewly ȝour deuor,
Ful wele rewardid schal ȝe be,
Of Ihesu þat is ȝour Saueour
At þat day when ȝe schul dee;
Fore hit is a dede of charite
To do treuly vnto þe dede,
Þat lyen in þe paynes of purgatori,
After ȝour help þer to abyde;
No noþer sokyr þai han treuly,
Saue holy praye[rs], mas, and almesdede,
Þat qwenchyn here synus and here mysdede
As water doþ foyre without drede,
And al þe payns of purgatory.
Ful wele rewardid schal ȝe be,
Of Ihesu þat is ȝour Saueour
At þat day when ȝe schul dee;
Fore hit is a dede of charite
To do treuly vnto þe dede,
Þat lyen in þe paynes of purgatori,
After ȝour help þer to abyde;
No noþer sokyr þai han treuly,
Saue holy praye[rs], mas, and almesdede,
Þat qwenchyn here synus and here mysdede
As water doþ foyre without drede,
And al þe payns of purgatory.
Ȝe þat wepe for childer and frynd
When þai schul dey, haue þis in mynd,
Hyly ȝe ofend swet Ihesus,
As childer vncurtes and vnkynd;
In hole wret þus wretyn I fynd
Þat ioyful and glad schal ȝe be
When ȝour Fader wold after ȝoue send;
Euer to Him make ȝoue redy
As blessid childer þen,
Fore when fader and moder has ȝou foresake,
Þen Ihesus oure soulus to Him wil take,
Bot þey him cause grete sorou to make,
Þat dyen in det and dedle syn.
When þai schul dey, haue þis in mynd,
Hyly ȝe ofend swet Ihesus,
As childer vncurtes and vnkynd;
In hole wret þus wretyn I fynd
Þat ioyful and glad schal ȝe be
When ȝour Fader wold after ȝoue send;
Euer to Him make ȝoue redy
As blessid childer þen,
Fore when fader and moder has ȝou foresake,
Þen Ihesus oure soulus to Him wil take,
Bot þey him cause grete sorou to make,
Þat dyen in det and dedle syn.
Meruel ȝe not of þis makyng,
Fore I me excuse hit is not I;
Þis was Seynt Ancelme cownselyng,
Þat was a bischop ful holy,
Fore I couþ neuer bot hye foly.
Crist has me chastist fore my leuyng;
I þonke me God, my Grace trewly,
Of Hys graciouse visetyng.
ȝe curatis, here I ȝou pray,
Þat han mon soule in ȝour kepyng,
Let red þis trete fore one þyng
To þe seke at here endyng;
Þus counsels ȝou þe blynd Audley.
Fore I me excuse hit is not I;
Þis was Seynt Ancelme cownselyng,
Þat was a bischop ful holy,
Crist has me chastist fore my leuyng;
I þonke me God, my Grace trewly,
Of Hys graciouse visetyng.
ȝe curatis, here I ȝou pray,
Þat han mon soule in ȝour kepyng,
Let red þis trete fore one þyng
To þe seke at here endyng;
Þus counsels ȝou þe blynd Audley.
And of ȝour lyue take good eme;
Beware lest God ȝe offend,
Fore as He fyndis ȝoue He wil ȝou deme,
Oþer be sauyd or ellis be schent;
Fore soden deþ lok ȝe amend,
And set not ȝour trust were non is,
Fore al is good þat good end,
When ȝe amend ȝe han do mys.
Þis is my cownselyng
How Godis wesitacion ȝe schuld take,
Fore ȝour mysdedis and ȝour syns sake,
And howe ȝe schul amendis make,
To haue þat ioy þat is euerlastyng.
Beware lest God ȝe offend,
Fore as He fyndis ȝoue He wil ȝou deme,
Oþer be sauyd or ellis be schent;
Fore soden deþ lok ȝe amend,
And set not ȝour trust were non is,
Fore al is good þat good end,
When ȝe amend ȝe han do mys.
Þis is my cownselyng
How Godis wesitacion ȝe schuld take,
Fore ȝour mysdedis and ȝour syns sake,
And howe ȝe schul amendis make,
To haue þat ioy þat is euerlastyng.
Explicit visitacio infirmorum et consolacio miserorum.
The poems of John Audelay | ||