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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. V.

[Svppose you Sirs, those mimicke Apes you meet]

By Labour, Vertue may be gain'd;
By Vertue, Glorie is attain'd.

Svppose you Sirs, those mimicke Apes you meet
In strange fantasticke habits? or the Rabble,
That in gay clothes embroyder out the street,
Are truely of Worshipfull or Honorable?
Or can you thinke, that, To be borne the Sonne
Of some rich Alderman, or ancient Peere,
Or that the Fame our Predecessors wonne
May claime those Wreathes which true Deserving weare?
Is Honour due to those, who spend their dayes
In courting one another? or consuming
Their Fortunes and themselves, on Drabbs and Playes?
In sleeping, drinking, and Tobacco-fuming?
Not so. For, (though such Fooles, like children, place
Gay Titles on each other) Wise-men know
What slaves they be; how miserably-base;
And, where such Attributes would better show.
An idle Body clothes a vitious Minde;
And, what (at best) is purchac'd by the same,
Is nothing else, but stinking Smoke and Winde;
Or froth'e Bubbles of an empty Fame.
True Glory, none did ever purchase, yet,
Till, to be Vertuous they could first attaine,
Nor shall those men faire Vertues favuor get,
Who labour not, such Dignities to gaine.
And, this Impresa doth inferre no lesse:
For, by the Spade, is Labour here implide;
The Snake, a vertuous Prudence, doth expresse;
And, Glorie, by the Wreath is Typifide.
For, where a vertuous Industry is found,
She, shall with Wreaths of Glory, thus be crown'd.