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Tyros Roring Megge

Planted against the walles of Melancholy. One Booke cut into two Decads [by T. Tyro]

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Epig. 4

O grosse! O monstrous! fie, Tom Tiro, fie:
Giue thy king Edwards shilling for a pie,
And then transport it to thy den alone,
And chop it vp, and giue thy fellowes none?
What? spoile a Neats-foote, and a marrow-bon,
And neuer call thy next Vcalegon?
Fie that thy greedy-wormed tong is such;
Fie that thy chopping kniues can mince so much.
Art thou a Milo, or Philoxenus,
That art so sturdie and delicious?

Th'Harpyæ would not snatch so greedily,
Whose talons were of great capacity.
How can thy noddle choose but be so dull.
When capon-like thy maw is cramd so full?
Right well I wot thou maist haue lighter hart;
If this thou leaue, and learne to size a part.