University of Virginia Library

Epig. 1.

I write of Feare, of Love, of Harme, of Hate,
Of Honour, Magnanimity, of Fate,
Of Courtezans, of Chastity, of Charmes,
Of Policie, of Perfection, and of Arms,
Of Heaven, Earth, and Hell, of Temperance,
Of Prodigallity, of Choice, of Chance,


Of Knaves, of Dolts, Cowards, and Valliant men,
Of Art, and Eloquence, and now and then
Of Kings, and Captaines, Queenes, and Queans, of Schism,
Of Theeves, and Panders, sometimes Aphorism,
Drops from my quill; thus Proteus-like Iv'e dealt,
To please thee (Reader) be thou what thou wilt.