University of Virginia Library


The Authour.

With that this king, was vanisht quite and gone:
And as a miste, dissolued into ayre:
And I was left, with Morpheus all alone:
Who represented straigt a Lady fayre:
Of frendes depriude, and left in deepe dispaire,
As eke she spake, all wet in cordes fast bounde:
Thus tolde she how, she was in waters drounde.


This is the iustice great of mighty Ioue aboue,
To plague the men whose fayth vnfirme hee findes,
The promisse plight in sponsales sacred loue,
Which both alike the Prince and simple subiect bindes,
Who recklesse breaks that same nor faithed promise mindes,
If hee ensue the vice, wherein his sence is drounde,
No doubt Iehouah iust will therefore him confounde.
If hee for wedlocke breatch in Pagan Princes then
So greate displeasure tooke, and did them sharply whip,
Will hee not rather nowe afflict such christen men,
As dare the sacred band of holy wedlocke rip?
Hee will not let the twifold faythed christian slip,
Which by so vayne delight in fleshly lustes is droun'd.
He cuts him of, and doth his queanes and him confound.
Examples are in all the ages seene before,
And also daily proofe, declareth well the same.
Wherefore I will of this as nowe resite no more.
Perchaunce I may Incurre, some vnderserued blame.
But next beholde on stage apear'd a noble dame,
(Whose beauty braue Locrinus senses did confound)
Declaring how therfore Queene Guendoline her dround.