University of Virginia Library

To my deare friend R. T. Gent.

Sweet Cignet that so sweetly dost deplore,
Thy sad lamenting Passions and thy loue,
Where Tamesis doth flow alongst the shore,
And from cleere Isis doth his passage moue,
Running alongst braue Troynouants right side,
Till ceasles she into the Sea doth glide.
Thou to the Nymphs dost sing so sweet a tune,
Gracing thy selfe with such a sugred note,
As VVaues and VVindes, are still, and calmie soone
To heare thee; nor desire they blow, or flote,
Whilst they do breathe to vs this gentle Gust,
Only let Robin sing, All other Birds be husht.
I. M. Gent.