University of Virginia Library

When theeues fall out true men come by their goods.

When theeues fall out, it hath bin often known,
True men by their contention get their own.
A sharing sort, extreamely did fall out
For true mens goods, they long had been about
At seas (a theeuing) and being come a shore:
Some had too much, and others claimed more.
So 'mongst them all there was extreame adoe,
For that which none of them had right vnto.
To law they durst not goe about their claime,
Fearing 'twould out how they had got the same.
So in a furie euen as hot as fire:
To fight it out in field they had desire.
And being met in strange tumultuous sort:
Great companies to see them did resort,
Who (after many wounds) do part the fray:
And carry those that doe the hurt away.
They that were wounded made account to dye,
And therefore told the truth most willingly,
Of this contention how the quarrell grew:
So true men got their owne, and theeues their due.