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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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No in very troth: But my Speech therof ; no dout;
Is only this: so ferr as I suppose, or any-waye can ges:
That vnto Rethorict ; in a Playe, of Mirth and Ioyfulnes;
It doth not appertayne, to set foorth such a Work as this/
But to the Priests of the holy Church/Yet speake if I mis:
For their Offices do

Mal. 2.

requyre, to set foorth such Uertue.

That is very so, thou hast therin sayde most-true.

Then answere my Demaunde, that my satisfying maye ensue,
Touching that which shalbe Heere, set foorth & brought to light:
That I in this Mattier, may be vncombered quyt.
Therfore disburden mee heerof, according to my Request.

Then this I saye for Aunswer, to set thy Mynde at rest:
The Loue hath now a desyer ; with Rethorick; to declare
Thatt which resteth hidden,

Ephe. 3.b.

from Many euery wheare/

Wherby to disburden,

Mat. 11.d.

the Man thats: full of Care:

Because that hee at al tymes, a qu[illeg.]et Mynde maye bare.
Therfore coms now the Loue, with sweet Rethorick, and shall
Shew foorth apparantly, the Mans greeuous Fall.

This geare seems yet to mee, most strainge to sonnde, all:
Shall that same becom reuealed, by way of Enterlude?
Haue Gods People don the like may wee so conclude?
Or is it so to be founde, in their Scriptures that remayne?
Instruct mee now of this, I praye thee once agayne:
Or informe mee of it farder, with cleerer Declaracion.