The Castell of Pleasure by William Nevill: The text of the first issue of the poem with variant readings from the reprint of 1518; Together with introduction, notes and glossary by Roberta D. Cornelius |
The mountayne of courage |
The Castell of Pleasure | ||
The mountayne of courage
This sayd sodaynly by a chaunce repentyne
I was ascendynge a goodly mountayne
About the whiche the sonne ouer eche syde dyd shyne
Wherof the coulour made my herte ryght fayne
To se the golden valeyes bothe fayre and playne
But whan I to the toppe was nye auaunced
None of my Ioyntes coude togyder contayne
For Ioye my herte leped and my body daunced.
I was ascendynge a goodly mountayne
About the whiche the sonne ouer eche syde dyd shyne
Wherof the coulour made my herte ryght fayne
To se the golden valeyes bothe fayre and playne
But whan I to the toppe was nye auaunced
None of my Ioyntes coude togyder contayne
For Ioye my herte leped and my body daunced.
What call ye this hyll I pray you tell
This is the mountayne of lusty courage
This hath ben inhabyted of many a rebell
As unkyndnes / enmyte / dysdayne / and dotage
But now they be dystroyed by marcyall apparage
So that now adayes here dwelleth none
Yet dysdayne hath goten a more stately auauntage
For in the castell of pleasure she troubles many one.
This is the mountayne of lusty courage
This hath ben inhabyted of many a rebell
As unkyndnes / enmyte / dysdayne / and dotage
But now they be dystroyed by marcyall apparage
So that now adayes here dwelleth none
Yet dysdayne hath goten a more stately auauntage
For in the castell of pleasure she troubles many one.
Now goodly Iustes here on they excersyse
By thactyfnes of many a champyon
And these well gargaled galeryes they dyd deuyse
To thentente that ladyes myght haue prospeccyon
And to suche as were worthy graunte loue & affeccyon
And also whan theyr lust were theyr courage to use
To daunce amonges them they toke a dyreccyon
As they myght well and not them selfe abuse
By thactyfnes of many a champyon
And these well gargaled galeryes they dyd deuyse
To thentente that ladyes myght haue prospeccyon
And also whan theyr lust were theyr courage to use
To daunce amonges them they toke a dyreccyon
As they myght well and not them selfe abuse
Whan I aduerted of these galeryes the quadrant facyon
The meruaylous mountayne so well made playne
Me thought that syth the incarnacyon
Was neuer seen a more goodly mountayne
For Ioye my herte leped I was so fayne
Of it I was so ioyous and so well appade
I coude in no wyse my mynde refrayne
To suche tyme this as prayse of it I made
The meruaylous mountayne so well made playne
Me thought that syth the incarnacyon
Was neuer seen a more goodly mountayne
For Ioye my herte leped I was so fayne
Of it I was so ioyous and so well appade
I coude in no wyse my mynde refrayne
To suche tyme this as prayse of it I made
O puyssaunt courage chefe cause of conforte
Thou mayst well be nye the castell of pleasure
O hyll thupholder of all doughty dysporte
Of marcyall manhode thou arte the treasure
Out of thy bankes is goten the ure
That causeth the pastymes of parfyte prowes
O mountayne god graunt the longe to endure
Syth thou arte lanterne of lastynge lustynes.
Thou mayst well be nye the castell of pleasure
O hyll thupholder of all doughty dysporte
Of marcyall manhode thou arte the treasure
Out of thy bankes is goten the ure
That causeth the pastymes of parfyte prowes
O mountayne god graunt the longe to endure
Syth thou arte lanterne of lastynge lustynes.
So forth we walked on that goodly hyll
To that we came to the bankes syde
To se the fayre castell than we stode styll
And to se the rennynge ryuer there we dyde abyde
To haue a lowe water we taryed the tyde
The name of this water then thus he dyd expresse
To dystroye chaungeable & peple oppressed with pryde
They call this water the lauer of lowlynes
To that we came to the bankes syde
To se the fayre castell than we stode styll
And to se the rennynge ryuer there we dyde abyde
To haue a lowe water we taryed the tyde
The name of this water then thus he dyd expresse
To dystroye chaungeable & peple oppressed with pryde
They call this water the lauer of lowlynes
On the stones of stedfastnes rennes this water clere
To ouercome folkes chaungeable & proude of herte & mynde
Suche men shall be put in ryght grete daunger
For than swelleth the water contrary to his kynde
So that they can not the steppynge stone fynde
By the meane wherof they be troubled so sore
With the wylde wawes wauerynge with the wynde
That for lacke of helpe they are ryght soone forlore.
To ouercome folkes chaungeable & proude of herte & mynde
Suche men shall be put in ryght grete daunger
For than swelleth the water contrary to his kynde
So that they can not the steppynge stone fynde
By the meane wherof they be troubled so sore
With the wylde wawes wauerynge with the wynde
That for lacke of helpe they are ryght soone forlore.
But blessed be god we came in good season
Well passe this same I trust we shall in haste
Be not flowyshe but arme you with reason
How ye shall gete ouer in mynde afore well caste
To be to forwarde ye may soone make waste
So forth we wente in pacyent humylyte
And whan I this water was well past
I loked backe and sayd this in breuyte.
Well passe this same I trust we shall in haste
Be not flowyshe but arme you with reason
How ye shall gete ouer in mynde afore well caste
To be to forwarde ye may soone make waste
So forth we wente in pacyent humylyte
And whan I this water was well past
I loked backe and sayd this in breuyte.
O lowly lauer slydynge ouer the stones of stedfastnes
O ryall ryuer whiche proueth perfytely
All proude people that delytes in doublenes
Thou drownest them in thy stremys ryght shortly
Thou hast a more praysable proprety
Then euer had the well of helycon
The mother of mekenes conserue the perpetually
Syth thou arte the mother water of vertues many one
O ryall ryuer whiche proueth perfytely
All proude people that delytes in doublenes
Thou drownest them in thy stremys ryght shortly
Thou hast a more praysable proprety
Then euer had the well of helycon
The mother of mekenes conserue the perpetually
Syth thou arte the mother water of vertues many one
So whan I towarde the castell dyrected my loke
Whiche then was not from me a full stones caste
I remembred that I had redde in many a boke
That in this place of plesure were many a stormy blast
Notwith stondynge I thought all perylles had be past
Whan I sawe of this castell the royall gates
Yet afore I knewe that pleasour coude not last
There as dysdayne is in fauour with estates
Whiche then was not from me a full stones caste
I remembred that I had redde in many a boke
That in this place of plesure were many a stormy blast
Whan I sawe of this castell the royall gates
Yet afore I knewe that pleasour coude not last
There as dysdayne is in fauour with estates
This royall castell was on eche syde quadraunt
Gargaled with goodly grehoundes & beestes many one
The tyrannous tygre the stronge & myghty elephaunt
With a castell on his backe whiche he bare alone
The lyons fyry eyes with rubyes there shone
The golden grephyn with clees of asure
The unycorne alowe with a rufull mone
Stode there as desolate of lyuely creature.
Gargaled with goodly grehoundes & beestes many one
The tyrannous tygre the stronge & myghty elephaunt
With a castell on his backe whiche he bare alone
The lyons fyry eyes with rubyes there shone
The golden grephyn with clees of asure
The unycorne alowe with a rufull mone
Stode there as desolate of lyuely creature.
The walles were allectynge of adamantes
The wyndowes of crystall were well fortyfyed
And as I was lokynge on these elyphauntes
On the gates two scryptures I aspyed
Them for to rede my mynde than I applyed
Wryten in golde and yndye blewe for folkes furtheraunce
They betoken two wayes as after well I tryed
These scryptures as I remembre thus sowned in substaunce
The wyndowes of crystall were well fortyfyed
And as I was lokynge on these elyphauntes
On the gates two scryptures I aspyed
Them for to rede my mynde than I applyed
Wryten in golde and yndye blewe for folkes furtheraunce
They betoken two wayes as after well I tryed
These scryptures as I remembre thus sowned in substaunce
Who as in to this place wyll take his entrynge
Must of these wayes haue fre eleccyon
Yf he lyst be lusty lepe daunce and synge
Or yf in worldly welthe he set his affeccyon
In honour ryches or prosperous inuencyon
He shall be conueyed yf he wyll so ensewe
Elles to the scrypture underneth let hym gyue intencyon
Whiche is set out in letters of yndye blewe.
Must of these wayes haue fre eleccyon
Yf he lyst be lusty lepe daunce and synge
Or yf in worldly welthe he set his affeccyon
In honour ryches or prosperous inuencyon
He shall be conueyed yf he wyll so ensewe
Whiche is set out in letters of yndye blewe.
Who so doeth sette his pleasure and delyte
His faruent herte to conioyne stedfastly
On the loue of Beaute a blossom ryght wyte
Or on ony of her ladyes let hym ententyfely
Be content his mynde and courage to apply
To suche as to conduyt all folkes lyeth in wayte
For none can without theyr leue passe them by
Nor yet attayne to beautes hygh estate
His faruent herte to conioyne stedfastly
On the loue of Beaute a blossom ryght wyte
Or on ony of her ladyes let hym ententyfely
Be content his mynde and courage to apply
To suche as to conduyt all folkes lyeth in wayte
For none can without theyr leue passe them by
Nor yet attayne to beautes hygh estate
This sayd my mynde mused gretely
Whiche of these wayes I was best to take
Wherby I called to remembraunce shortly
How Hercules of aege but tendre and wake
New at yeres of dyscresyon his mynde sore brake
Whan he sawe two wayes the one of virtue the other of pleasure
And of the nyght it caused hym ryght ofte to wake
By cause he knewe not the waye of pefyte measure.
Whiche of these wayes I was best to take
Wherby I called to remembraunce shortly
How Hercules of aege but tendre and wake
New at yeres of dyscresyon his mynde sore brake
Whan he sawe two wayes the one of virtue the other of pleasure
And of the nyght it caused hym ryght ofte to wake
By cause he knewe not the waye of pefyte measure.
Yet suche was his fortune ryght happy was his chaunce
Whiche toke the waye so moche praysable
This to pleasure and welthe doeth men auaunce
This other doeth enduce one to be amyable
I am hereby moche troubled my mynde is unstable
What remedy shall I fynde to make my mynde stedfast
I wyll endeuer me to reason to be conformable
All my wyttes serched I trust it so to caste
Whiche toke the waye so moche praysable
This to pleasure and welthe doeth men auaunce
This other doeth enduce one to be amyable
I am hereby moche troubled my mynde is unstable
What remedy shall I fynde to make my mynde stedfast
I wyll endeuer me to reason to be conformable
All my wyttes serched I trust it so to caste
This golden scrypture is ryght moche pleasaunte
And hath dampned the eyes of men many one
I am sore troubled to whiche waye sholde I graunte
Syth I am now here in maner as man alone
This loue lasteth whan all ryches is gone
Therfore I thynke it best with it to be content
Consyderynge that fewe theyr mysfortune wyll mone
That haue mo faces than hertes as dayly is euydent.
And hath dampned the eyes of men many one
I am sore troubled to whiche waye sholde I graunte
Syth I am now here in maner as man alone
This loue lasteth whan all ryches is gone
Therfore I thynke it best with it to be content
Consyderynge that fewe theyr mysfortune wyll mone
That haue mo faces than hertes as dayly is euydent.
My mynde thus establysshed I was about to prayse
This palays precyous and castell ryght confortable
Whan I had chosen the surest of these wayes
So than I was brought on an euyn table
For to go to beautye I was than agreable
And the rather bycause of morpheus desyre
Whiche sayd that to hym company was deceyuable
This castell then thus praysed I enflamed with loues fyre
This palays precyous and castell ryght confortable
Whan I had chosen the surest of these wayes
So than I was brought on an euyn table
For to go to beautye I was than agreable
And the rather bycause of morpheus desyre
Whiche sayd that to hym company was deceyuable
This castell then thus praysed I enflamed with loues fyre
O precyous palays of pryncely pulchrytude
Walled with admantes whiche draweth by vyolence
Accordynge to thy power and thy stones fortitude
All thynges of yron / so this castell by influence
Draweth to hym hertes as I sawe & dyd prepence
Therfore castell Iesu the preserue
Lest by some pery we myght be dryuen hens
For durynge lyfe and helthe I entende the to obserue.
Walled with admantes whiche draweth by vyolence
Accordynge to thy power and thy stones fortitude
All thynges of yron / so this castell by influence
Draweth to hym hertes as I sawe & dyd prepence
Therfore castell Iesu the preserue
Lest by some pery we myght be dryuen hens
For durynge lyfe and helthe I entende the to obserue.
Whan I was entred in to this ryall place
Confort me welcomed with an herty semblaunce
Sayenge what wolde ye that ye came to [t]his place
Come forwarde and be not afrayd your selfe to auaunce
To speke with desyre I dyd me hyder enhaunce
She sayd desyre is but a lytle past
I shall you to hym brynge yf ye haue good utteraunce
I trust ye shall by my good helpe to se hym in hast.
Confort me welcomed with an herty semblaunce
Sayenge what wolde ye that ye came to [t]his place
Come forwarde and be not afrayd your selfe to auaunce
She sayd desyre is but a lytle past
I shall you to hym brynge yf ye haue good utteraunce
I trust ye shall by my good helpe to se hym in hast.
So forthe we walked within this base courte grene
Ye shall se here she sayd many goodly pastymes
Ye shall haue suche Ioye as ofte hath not be sene
As lutynge dauncynge balades and rymes
Syngynge pypynge ye shall se at sondry tymes
All maner of gamynge ye shall se excercysed
And upon all quarelles troubles and crymes
Ryght solempne Iustes be here oft enterprysed
Ye shall se here she sayd many goodly pastymes
Ye shall haue suche Ioye as ofte hath not be sene
As lutynge dauncynge balades and rymes
Syngynge pypynge ye shall se at sondry tymes
All maner of gamynge ye shall se excercysed
And upon all quarelles troubles and crymes
Ryght solempne Iustes be here oft enterprysed
But what way wyll ye take I had forgot all this whyle
Whether wyll ye to the hall or to beaute now expresse
For here the wayes partes I wos lyke you to begyle
In Beautyes presence I wolde fayne be doubteles
A then ye must be conueyd by my syster kyndnes
In dede syr I had lyke to haue serued you gently
But se where she goeth let us make shorte our processe
For to her presence brynge you now wyll I
Whether wyll ye to the hall or to beaute now expresse
For here the wayes partes I wos lyke you to begyle
In Beautyes presence I wolde fayne be doubteles
A then ye must be conueyd by my syster kyndnes
In dede syr I had lyke to haue serued you gently
But se where she goeth let us make shorte our processe
For to her presence brynge you now wyll I
Good syster kyndnes I praye you conuey
This gentylman whiche sayth wolde speke with desyre
At your request I can not saye hym naye
Yf it were in me to gyue hym an hole empyre
But is he I praye you enflamed with loues fyre
That after desyre he goeth so fast appace
Tusshe this mater spede I hertly you requyre
And I shall tell you that in an other place.
This gentylman whiche sayth wolde speke with desyre
At your request I can not saye hym naye
Yf it were in me to gyue hym an hole empyre
That after desyre he goeth so fast appace
Tusshe this mater spede I hertly you requyre
And I shall tell you that in an other place.
Well good ynoughe go ye aboute your besynes
Syr for comforte sake ye be ryght hertly welcome
Then conforte to the gate dyd her redresse
For sorowe wherof I was in maner dumme
I was so mased yet whan my mynde was come
I thanked her in my hartyest maner possyble
Besechynge god to sende her suche a some
As myght recompense double and tryble.
Syr for comforte sake ye be ryght hertly welcome
Then conforte to the gate dyd her redresse
For sorowe wherof I was in maner dumme
I was so mased yet whan my mynde was come
I thanked her in my hartyest maner possyble
Besechynge god to sende her suche a some
As myght recompense double and tryble.
What moeued you to come in to these partyes
And I praye you by whome were ye hyther brought
That ye haue passed so well the Ieoperdyes
By the meane of Morpheus as now I hyther sought
For I wolde haue entred in though dere I had it bought
One cause was fantasy I can not it denye
Syr hyder be ye welcome as hertely as can be thought
And I trust in haste ye shall se fantasy
And I praye you by whome were ye hyther brought
That ye haue passed so well the Ieoperdyes
By the meane of Morpheus as now I hyther sought
For I wolde haue entred in though dere I had it bought
One cause was fantasy I can not it denye
Syr hyder be ye welcome as hertely as can be thought
And I trust in haste ye shall se fantasy
This sayd I was nye the gardyn of affeccyon
Whiche apperyd to my syght bothe gay and gloryous
Enuyronde with emyraudes to it a free proteccyon
The percynge dyamonde the amatiste amorous
The stedfast Saphyr the blew turkes ryght precyous
With many other stones I lacke connynge them to shewe
Me thought it a new paradyse delycate and delycyous
It shone so fresshly and bare so grete auewe.
Whiche apperyd to my syght bothe gay and gloryous
Enuyronde with emyraudes to it a free proteccyon
The percynge dyamonde the amatiste amorous
With many other stones I lacke connynge them to shewe
Me thought it a new paradyse delycate and delycyous
It shone so fresshly and bare so grete auewe.
But where is Morpheus I merueyle that I hym lacke
He was here with me not very longe agone
By that I had this sayd I sodenly loked backe
I sawe hym and an other stande talkynge alone
I praye you who is this I haue not seen suche one
It is fantasy lo ye maye se that folkes of a quayntaunce
Where soeuer they mete the one wyll other mone
As these two do now without varyaunce.
He was here with me not very longe agone
By that I had this sayd I sodenly loked backe
I sawe hym and an other stande talkynge alone
I praye you who is this I haue not seen suche one
It is fantasy lo ye maye se that folkes of a quayntaunce
Where soeuer they mete the one wyll other mone
As these two do now without varyaunce.
Kyndnes than steppeth forth with a mery countynaunce
Sayd syster fantasy why talke ye with this man
Ye had nede be wyse lest there happen suche chaunce
As I fere not but well ynough ye can
Well well sayd fantasy why do ye fere me than
But syster fantasy ye must let this man entre your warde
To speke with desyre for his colour is pale and wanne
Therfore to his retourne good syster be his sauegarde
Sayd syster fantasy why talke ye with this man
Ye had nede be wyse lest there happen suche chaunce
As I fere not but well ynough ye can
Well well sayd fantasy why do ye fere me than
But syster fantasy ye must let this man entre your warde
To speke with desyre for his colour is pale and wanne
Therfore to his retourne good syster be his sauegarde
Ye fere ye not but I wyll hym well hede
Ye wolde be gone well do and kepe your charge
Lest there be some that of your helpe hath nede
For there is many one that wolde gyue mony ryght large
To haue you at theyr pleasure alway in theyr barge
That I well knowe and yet they get me not
And as ye sayd unto me hede your owne charge
Thus fare ye well and regarde your chaunce and lot
Ye wolde be gone well do and kepe your charge
Lest there be some that of your helpe hath nede
For there is many one that wolde gyue mony ryght large
To haue you at theyr pleasure alway in theyr barge
That I well knowe and yet they get me not
And as ye sayd unto me hede your owne charge
Thus fare ye well and regarde your chaunce and lot
Kyndnes departed yet her power was present
Alwaye with fantasy enclosed in her herte
Than fantasy in at the gate dyd sprent
I leped in after and sodaynly dyd sterte
Whan I sawe me enclosed about with a couerte
Set full of myrt trees the apple tre appered playne
Of pyramus and Thysbe dystroyed by loues darte
Whiche made me ofte to wysshe that I were out agayne
Alwaye with fantasy enclosed in her herte
Than fantasy in at the gate dyd sprent
I leped in after and sodaynly dyd sterte
Whan I sawe me enclosed about with a couerte
Set full of myrt trees the apple tre appered playne
Of pyramus and Thysbe dystroyed by loues darte
Whiche made me ofte to wysshe that I were out agayne
Alas quod I what sodayne aduenture
I se this worlde is but uncertayne
I was late Ioyus as euer was creature
And now I folysshly haue locked me in loues chayne
I wene I be in laborinthus where mynotaurus dyd remayne
A blynde Cupyde is this thy guerdon
Makest thou folkes blynde doest thou so entertayne
Suche louers as sewe to the for theyr padon.
I se this worlde is but uncertayne
I was late Ioyus as euer was creature
And now I folysshly haue locked me in loues chayne
I wene I be in laborinthus where mynotaurus dyd remayne
A blynde Cupyde is this thy guerdon
Makest thou folkes blynde doest thou so entertayne
Suche louers as sewe to the for theyr padon.
I had forgeten the proces of alayne
I nothynge regarded the verses of vyrgyll
Whiche sayth to hyde colours is but vayne
The worst colour ofte taken the fayrer abydes styll
For these that be fayr ofte chaunge theyr wyll
Al thynges as they shewe is not in substaunce
Whiche I perceyued now hath done me moche yll
That thus frome the shewe hath grete varyaunce
I nothynge regarded the verses of vyrgyll
Whiche sayth to hyde colours is but vayne
The worst colour ofte taken the fayrer abydes styll
For these that be fayr ofte chaunge theyr wyll
Al thynges as they shewe is not in substaunce
Whiche I perceyued now hath done me moche yll
That thus frome the shewe hath grete varyaunce
What moued hath your mynde why morne ye thus alone
Haue ye lost ony frende or ony other thynge
Nay thabsens of conforte ryght sore I mone
Whiche sayd I sholde here folkes bothe lute and synge
Thus she tolde me at our last partynge
And I can not se what waye that sholde ensewe
For but yf ye suche pastymes to me brynge
To all my Ioye I maye well saye adewe.
Haue ye lost ony frende or ony other thynge
Nay thabsens of conforte ryght sore I mone
Whiche sayd I sholde here folkes bothe lute and synge
Thus she tolde me at our last partynge
And I can not se what waye that sholde ensewe
For but yf ye suche pastymes to me brynge
To all my Ioye I maye well saye adewe.
Doubte ye not but ye shall se thynges pleasaunte
If ye wyll be content to forbere a lytell space
For conforte aboute no man contynually is attendaunte
None erthly creature shall styll stande in her grace
Ioye reconcyled after angre she foloweth apace
After a grete pery the wether semeth more clere
There is no man that hath ben in wofull case
But after that prosperyte is to hym more dere.
If ye wyll be content to forbere a lytell space
For conforte aboute no man contynually is attendaunte
None erthly creature shall styll stande in her grace
Ioye reconcyled after angre she foloweth apace
After a grete pery the wether semeth more clere
There is no man that hath ben in wofull case
But after that prosperyte is to hym more dere.
None erthly pleasure maye be atteyned without payne
Recorde the story in the tenth boke of Ouyde
Rehersed by Venus to make Adonis of her fayne
How atalante sore set on pryde
Out ranne all folkes she wolde none abyde
They that coude out renne her sholde haue her in maryage
They that coude not were slayne none spared nor set a syde
This loue was made egall to that anauntage
Recorde the story in the tenth boke of Ouyde
Rehersed by Venus to make Adonis of her fayne
How atalante sore set on pryde
Out ranne all folkes she wolde none abyde
They that coude out renne her sholde haue her in maryage
They that coude not were slayne none spared nor set a syde
This loue was made egall to that anauntage
Many coragyous wowers dyd assaye this Ieoperdy
But all were dystroyed she dyd them ouer go
Yet as hyppomentes sawe her moster pulde doune them by & by
He sayd I blamed these wronge I knewe not the rewarde so
As I do now / whiche workes to me moche wo
My fortune unprouyded shall neuer be lefte alone
God alwayes helpeth bolde men and fortune also
I se therby promoted men many one
But all were dystroyed she dyd them ouer go
Yet as hyppomentes sawe her moster pulde doune them by & by
He sayd I blamed these wronge I knewe not the rewarde so
As I do now / whiche workes to me moche wo
My fortune unprouyded shall neuer be lefte alone
God alwayes helpeth bolde men and fortune also
I se therby promoted men many one
So venus perceyuynge the feruent stedfastnesse
Of this true louer lothe that he sholde be loste
Put in his mynde as Ouyde doeth expresse
To take two golden apples or thre at the mooste
To throwe downe one of them she taught hym suche a toste
Whan he ranne ayenst his lady that she myght it take
So whan at sondry times he had throwen doune all his coste
He out ranne her & gate her to be his worldly make
Of this true louer lothe that he sholde be loste
Put in his mynde as Ouyde doeth expresse
To take two golden apples or thre at the mooste
To throwe downe one of them she taught hym suche a toste
Whan he ranne ayenst his lady that she myght it take
So whan at sondry times he had throwen doune all his coste
He out ranne her & gate her to be his worldly make
Suche was his fortune by his grete boldnes
Thoughe it were to his payne yet it gate hym pleasure
For Venus in conclusyon doeth bolde louers redres
As ye may se dayly in ure
This sayd we were in a gardyn ryght pure
Depaynted with blossomes of sondry odoures
Lo quod she how saye ye haue ye not now pleasure
To walke & knowe the propertes of these goodly floures
Thoughe it were to his payne yet it gate hym pleasure
For Venus in conclusyon doeth bolde louers redres
As ye may se dayly in ure
This sayd we were in a gardyn ryght pure
Depaynted with blossomes of sondry odoures
Lo quod she how saye ye haue ye not now pleasure
To walke & knowe the propertes of these goodly floures
Pryncypally the prymrose aboue floures all
With foure leues / and the roses these be moste in value
Clicia was chaunged in to a marygold which is a memoryal
Of her louer the sonne for she doeth hym ensue
At rysynge at settynge amonge the droppes of dewe
Narcissus was chaunged in to a water cresse
Hiachynthus in to a floure delyse as ouyde doeth shewe
Rehersynge of the same floures many a propre proces.
With foure leues / and the roses these be moste in value
Clicia was chaunged in to a marygold which is a memoryal
Of her louer the sonne for she doeth hym ensue
At rysynge at settynge amonge the droppes of dewe
Narcissus was chaunged in to a water cresse
Hiachynthus in to a floure delyse as ouyde doeth shewe
Rehersynge of the same floures many a propre proces.
This som thynge pulles up my herte & encreseth my confort
Wherfore I wyll applye to you with due dylygence
Lo se here be all the floures of loue and dysporte
I had almoost forgote my selfe it were tyme I were hens
I wyll go and now present you to eloquence
Whiche is here by at the well of helycon
Me thynke I se her therfore as I prepence
Best is to present you now whan she is alone
Wherfore I wyll applye to you with due dylygence
Lo se here be all the floures of loue and dysporte
I had almoost forgote my selfe it were tyme I were hens
I wyll go and now present you to eloquence
Whiche is here by at the well of helycon
Me thynke I se her therfore as I prepence
Best is to present you now whan she is alone
O famous floure O lady eloquence
Pleseth you to take with you this gentylman
So that ye may haue suche preemynence
As to hym in no wyse shewe I can
I holde me well content but there is a man
Named desyre whiche wolde speke with my lady
There aboute I go / well good ynoughe than
That ye haue put it of so longe meruell haue I
Pleseth you to take with you this gentylman
So that ye may haue suche preemynence
As to hym in no wyse shewe I can
I holde me well content but there is a man
Named desyre whiche wolde speke with my lady
There aboute I go / well good ynoughe than
That ye haue put it of so longe meruell haue I
Than she talked to me of ulysses
Tellynge me that he was a man ryght eloquent
Than to lene at the herbar where Beaute sat at ese
It pleased eloquence / yet the bowes were so bent
That we coude not se thrugh / yet fantasy was present
As we well herde by her communycacyon
And shewynge the maner of desyres entent
She ordered her wordes moche after this facyon.
Tellynge me that he was a man ryght eloquent
Than to lene at the herbar where Beaute sat at ese
It pleased eloquence / yet the bowes were so bent
That we coude not se thrugh / yet fantasy was present
As we well herde by her communycacyon
And shewynge the maner of desyres entent
She ordered her wordes moche after this facyon.
The Castell of Pleasure | ||