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Auspicious day! that glorious shines
Upon Columbia's innocent designs,
From all rebellion pure;
That spreads her territory wide,
Humbles imperious Britain's pride,
And makes her the just punishment endure,
Which, oft predicted, she has oft defy'd.
Important date of noble deeds!
At which, her rights restor'd,
By Washington's victorious sword,
Columbia's rescu'd from a tyrant's chain,
And a stern stepdame, in her weeds,
An injur'd daughter lost deplores in vain.
“Bound ev'ry heart, and ev'ry bosom burn!”
Since with the fairest fame
Heav'n condescends t' adorn
Her once dishonour'd name,
In mercy wipes away her shame,
Gives her to smile at her revilers scorn,
And bids disdainful Britain, in her turn,
Her own disgrace and ignominy mourn.
What tho' we oft deplor'd
Our wisest counsels crost,
Saw with regret our labour lost,
And the defeated efforts of Columbia's sword?


Since now the skies vouchsafe to speed
Her humble unambitious aim,
Beyond the limits of her utmost claim,
And make her vast dominions far exceed
The largest hopes the boldest thought could frame.
So when, long since, regardless of their groans,
Stern Philip rul'd, like an infernal God,
His Belgic subjects with an iron rod,
In Majesty severe;
Smarting beneath his galling stroke,
Batavia's persecuted sons
Resolv'd to break his heavy yoke,
And strove, but strove in vain,
For many an unsuccessful year,
Their Liberty to gain;
And often, while their foes prevail'd,
Saw their own weakness and bewail'd
Their efforts baffled and their brethren slain.
Dire was the contest, in the glorious cause
Their perseverance merits great applause;
Yet, such their frequent disappointments were,
They sometimes thought the struggle to decline,
Give up the point and quit the vast design,
In absolute despair:
But they at length
Recover'd strength,


And by celestial conduct led,
With valiant Orange at their head,
Made their oppressors flee,
Push'd their decisive vict'ries far,
Put a glad period to the tedious war,
And made their country free.
Auspicious day! that glorious shines
On Britain's bold designs,
That spreads her conquests wide,
And makes proud Gallia's humbled pride
Feel the just vengeance she so oft defy'd.
Important date of noble deeds!
When all our rights restor'd
By Britain's conqu'ring sword,
New-Albion's rescu'd and Canadia bleeds, &c.

A line borrowed from Dr. Young's Night-thoughts.

Bids Britain triumph and proud Gallia mourn, &c.

Since now the skies succeed
Each well concerted scheme,
And her vast conquests far exceed
The largest hopes the boldest thought could frame, &c.
So once with trembling dread,
At last the sons of Israel fled
Tumultuous o'er the plain;
And while their gentile foes prevail'd,
Blush'd at their weakness and bewail'd
Their efforts baffled, &c.
But lo! at length
They gain new strength,
When, by divine command,
And by celestial conduct led,
With valiant Joshua at their head,
The fav'rite troops victorious spread
The triumphs of their arms extensive o'er the land.