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a tragedy in five acts - with a prologue

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Scene III.

—Antechamber of Otho's sleeping-room.
Enter Stephania with a light.
All's still at last—as still and dark as death.
The lights are all extinguished, and all sleep.
He is within. What is he doing now?
Can he be sleeping? Can he have forgot
To take the draught I placed beside his bed?
[She listens.
No; he is moving—pacing to and fro.
Was that a groan? Stop—yes!—another groan!
Then he has taken it. The deed is done—
Past all undoing now.
Hark! What was that?
Only an owl screeching beneath the eaves.
That portends death. 'Tis a sure augury.
[She listens.
Ah, yes! the poison now begins to work.
He summons help. No! none will hear you now.
The string is cut that you so fiercely pull.
Crescentius, hear! You are avenged at last.
I have kept my oath. Justice is done at last.
List! he is silent. Has he fainted now?
He could not die so soon. He must not die
Till I have seen him. No, no! There he moves.

Help, help, Stephania, Ernstein, or I die!


Help—there's no help for you this side the grave,
Whatever there may be for you beyond.

Help! There is some one there. I hear you move!
Unlock the door. I am bolted in, I say.
Ah, torture! Speak, Stephania!—is that you?

Yes, it is I! What ails your Majesty?

I am tortured—poisoned! Quick! unbolt the door.

There's no bolt here. 'Tis you have shot it home.
Pull it yourself.

[He pulls the bolt, opens the door, and staggers in.
Your hand, Stephania—
Give me your hand. O God! what can it be
That gnaws within my entrails as with fire,
And like a burning serpent twists and stings?
It must be poison—poison—nothing else!

What! poison, Otho? What has poisoned you?

I know not. Water! Oh, this burning thirst!
If you should pour the Tiber down my throat,
'Twould scarcely quench it!

There's no water here.

Give me some antidote. You must know some.
Quick, quick! I cannot bear this cruel pain!

No strongest antidote could cure you now.
Death lies before you. Set your thoughts to that!

What! death! Ah, no! 'tis not so bad as that.


Not all the art of man can cure you now.

Who did this deed? Great God! it was not you?

I? I? What cause have I to seek your death?

I see it all. Ah, yes! this was the end
Ernstein predicted. Oh, Stephania!
You have revenged yourself too bitterly.

Think on Crescentius.

O God! pardon me.
And you, too! for I loved you.

Loved? Your love
Was infamy—was treachery. Look to God
For pardon, not to me!

I will not die.
I am better now. The pain abates. You strive
To frighten me. Oh, save me! and I swear
To wed you, make you Empress—all you will.

No more false oaths! I tell you 'tis in vain.
The abating pain proves you are near your end;
There is no human power can help you now.
Waste not these moments. Turn your thoughts from earth.

What's this dark shadow stealing over me?
How cold it is! Call me a priest, I say.
Call me a priest to make my peace with God;
Else—there is hell beyond!

There is no time.
No; you must make your peace with God alone.
Life flits with every breath.

Yes; this is death.
I die, but you will live.

How know you that?


Think of yourself—not me.

Live, live!
I cannot wish you a worse fate than life.
Live—tortured by remorse.
[He falls back, and lies motionless.
Where are you gone? I cannot see now.
[A long pause.
Yes! hang him up upon the outer walls—
Him and his brood beside him. Hang him up!
[Another pause.
The scourge, I say! Give me the scourge! the scourge!
Stephania—tell Stephania.

[He dies.
It is done.
Oh, horror! it is done. Speak, Otho, speak!
He will not speak. The pain is over now.
How still he lies! Yes, I forgive him now.
Farewell! farewell for ever! Him at least
No chance shall plague. For me, what now remains?
Speak, Fate! speak night and tell me!—life or death?