University of Virginia Library



Oh, always is Eden created anew,
When hearts for each other beat tender and true;
When bright as a sunbeam the glad moments slip,
And the joy from the heart rises up to the lip.
Youth, youth, giver of bliss,
Thy greatest is this, aye, thy greatest is this.
But better and sweeter is love that will last
When youth with the bloom of the roses is past;
Oh! the warmth of affection that never grows cold,
And the strength of affection that never grows old.
Blest, blest, thrice blest are those
Who are loved till life's close, who are loved till life's close.
But best of all good things it is, to behold
The heart warm and young when the frame groweth old;
For they who walk lovingly here hand in hand,
Together shall rest in the heavenly land,
Rest, rest, in heaven above,
Forever united with Him who is Love!