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[For music arranged for three voices.]

Down the swift stream of Time we float,
And each with the freight in our life's frail boat.
Roses or thorns—with song or sigh—
We snatch from the banks we 're speeding by.
None do we meet; one way we ride,
And all on a never-returning tide.
Whether our sky may lower, or beam,
The waters will show, for it paints the stream!
Yet, if its face be wild, or black,
No haven is near; and we can't go back!—
Though we put off more high,—more low,
We all to the mouth of the stream must go.
Then from our skiff and lading we
Shall hasten, to launch on a shoreless sea.
Each in his breast a Pearl must bear,
To enter the ark of Mercy there.
They who are found without the gem,—
O, dark is the plunge to be made by them!
Ever adown the stream we fleet,
Where anchored are none, and where none we meet.
Who is insured, when time shall fail,
An ocean of bliss serene to sail?
He who in time with all could part,
To purchase the Pearl of a Holy Heart!