University of Virginia Library

Increase In Taxes

"This represents about $3 million and
is an excellent example of combining
state and private funds resulting in one of
the best business schools in the world."

"Virginia business has been told of the
prospect of an increase in State corporate
taxes," Mr. Hyde added. "If Virginia
business expects to remain competitive,
its colleges and universities must provide
us with well-trained and well-informed
management personnel."

"The University of Virginia's ability
to continue to do this is severely
handicapped because of inadequate space
for classrooms and other facilities for
graduate business programs," he said.

The new graduate business building,
approved in principle by Virginia voters
in the 1968 statewide bond issue
referendum, is planned for the Duke
tract northwest of University Hall.

It will join the new law school
building as part of the law-graduate
business area there.