University of Virginia Library

Communications Gap

In the Friday afternoon session, Mr.
Shannon expressed his anger that the Council
leaders did not consult him personally about
the planned protest. Mr. Collier later responded
that while be did not contact the President
personally, discussions with most of Mr.
Shannon's top aides were held throughout this
week and that he "naturally assumed that when
we dealt with your designated representatives,
we were in communication with you."

Most of the Friday meeting was devoted to
discussion of Council's request that the
Committee on the Future of the University be
designated as "a single group charged with
investigating all aspects of growth and
expansion at the University."

The Council representatives at the meeting
disputed President Shannon's claim that
Vice-President David Shannon, chairman of the
Committee on the Future, "made it perfectly
clear to you that his Committee on the Future
of the 'University will give extensive
consideration to the rate of growth and future
projections, taking into account the implication
of the physical facilities and faculty staffing."