University of Virginia Library

Interview Sessions

In addition to the initial interview
both individual and group
counseling sessions are available to
any student who may benefit from
them. Such concerns as career
direction, employment
opportunities, interview techniques
and job selection, among many
others, are explored.

The Office of Placement
maintains a library containing
graduate school catalogues,
government test applications, job
listings and career resource
materials. Recruiters from
numerous business, industry and
governmental organizations seek
full time and summer employees
throughout the year in the Office
of Placement.

Placement counselors follow the
progress of each individual with
whom they have interacted
throughout the academic year and
are available to offer further
placement assistance at any time.

You are invited to review our
placement manual and several
pamphlets which are designed to
provide more detailed information
about placement services available
in the University Office of

One of the major services of the
Student Counseling Center is to
assist students in identifying and
clarifying their choice of a major
field of study. Assisting
undergraduates and graduate
students to clarify their personal
and professional goals upon
graduation is also a major counseling
activity of the psychologists at the
Student Counseling Center. Some
of the other major counseling
services provided include helping
students improve their study skills
and reading skills. Individual
sessions and small group
experiences are provided to help
students resolve their personal
concerns and interpersonal
difficulties. Various types of group
experiences are offered allowing
students to improve their
interpersonal skills and to enhance
their personal psychological growth.