University of Virginia Library

John Farrell

The Student Council has two main
responsibilities: to insure fair representation
and to provide leadership based on the interests
of all members of the Student Community. I
am running because I feel the Council is failing
in both respects.

The party system is structured so that a
decision based on logical, unpartisan thought is
impossible. Too often at Council meetings, the
same people side together on a wide spectrum
of issues. The students' interest is sacrificed for
party rivalry. As an independent I could make
decisions unbiased by political influence.

Although the 2 parties fancy themselves as
"Progressive" or believers in Jeffersonian ideals,
their failure to nominate a first year student for
Council shows their lack of concern for a large
section of the University community. The first
year class is entitled to a say in the decisions
they will have to abide by. As a first yearman. I
can make sure our interests are looked after.

On issues, I support the VPP's stand on the
referendum, feeling the student body is entitled
to make its own laws, but support the Jefferson
party on the question of ROTC accreditation.
The stands I take on these and other issues
indicate my ability to remain independent, and
vote for the student's, not my party's interest.

Respectfully submitted,
John Farrell