University of Virginia Library

Own Race

The first proposal would make it possible
for black students to arrange to have
roommates of their own race if they so desired.
This would be achieved by furnishing incoming
black students with the names of other
incoming black students so that they could
request roommates by name. The purpose of
this would be to help alleviate some of the
difficulties involved with adjustment to college

In addition steps would be taken to make
the dormitory counseling program more
sensitive to racial problems. This might be
accomplished by establishing a counselor
orientation program run by former black
dormitory residents.

It was further proposed that a body be
established to investigate cases of
discrimination concerning off-Grounds housing
as well as all other facets of student life.

It has recently come to the attention of the
Council that certain local alumni association
groups and the University of Virginia Club of
Washington in particular are in fact
discriminatory organizations and are using, and
thus possibly supporting, facilities belonging to
segregated groups.

Whereas these groups may be associated
with the University in name, at least, and
because they frequently take part in University
recruitment efforts, the Council strongly urged
"the Virginia Alumni Association to request all
associated groups to refrain from segregating
and using segregated facilities for its meetings."