University of Virginia Library

Educational Materials

The money had been appropriated last
semester to SDS to purchase "educational
materials on racism," but a temporary court
injunction by three law students contested the
allotment, claiming that SDS is "a politically-oriented
organization." The Student Activities
Committee does not allow student funds from
the Comprehensive Fee to be given to
politically-oriented groups.

However, the Council disagreed with the
classification, contending that since SDS was
not directly involved in electoral politics, it was
not politically-oriented.

Underlying the Council's stand was the
disputed definition of "politically-oriented
organizations," and student control of the
Comprehensive Fee.

All the students who were on the Council at
the time of the allotment were named in the
injunction. Attorney John Lowe, who represented
the representatives, reported Tuesday
night that the Council would have several
alternatives in the case as it stood then.