University of Virginia Library

Not Overwhelming

But the JP's loss was not an
overwhelming one, and for that reason
the present Council, despite its popular
mandate, must watch its step. Both Mr.
Bowden and Quinn Spitzer ran closer to
the VPP candidates than had the
conservative candidates in the spring
1969 elections, and as the JP strengthens
its organization (which is fairly good
now) it should pick up support.

New parties customarily do well in
their first elections, such as the old
University Party, which started by winning
but closed with a whimper after two
years; and the VPP itself, which took five
of the first six places last spring.

The JP did not fare so well, however;
and as the spring elections usually
produce more radical result than do the
fall one, it could be assumed that the JP
will have an even tougher fight in the

On the other hand, many of the
better-known fraternity men stayed out
of the entire race this semester, and the
JP hopes to field a more renowned ticket
against what it hopes will be a weaker
VPP slate. After all, it will be difficult for
the VPP to come up with two incumbents
such as Mr. Mannix and Tony Sherman,
and a well-known (active in Transition
Fund and Experimental University) candidate
such as Buzz Waitzkin.