University of Virginia Library

Faculty Debate

Arts and science faculty
members at Rutgers University's
Newark, N.J., campus went into
closed session to debate the school
administration's agreement
accepting all the demands of black
students who occupied a school
building for three days last week.

The divinity school rebels at
Rochester, N.Y., took over the
chapel and main building Sunday
afternoon while most of the
Colgate Rochester's 180 students
were taking part in a work-study
program at community churches.

The blacks chained and nailed
doors shut and said they would
remain until the administration
agreed to hire more Negro faculty
members and administrators. The
school has 17 black students.

Sixty black students refused to
leave the library at Ferris State, Big
Rapids, Mich., Sunday night,
claiming they feared for their
personal safety. Negro and white
students battled with fists and clubs
in a Ferris State dormitory last