University of Virginia Library

60 Per Cent

In order for this amendment to
pass, it must be approved by a
majority vote of at least 60 per cent
of the full-time student body. The
difficulty with this method in the
past has been in getting 60 per cent
of the full-time student body to

The second method does not
require a constitutional
amendment. This method would be
to change the bylaws of the
Student Council to allow
first-yearmen to run, which would
require a two-thirds majority vote
of the Council members.

The first procedure, an
amendment, would assure the
first-year class that they would have
a representative on the Student

The second method, however,
would not guarantee a seat on the
Council for first-yearmen who run
for this position. It would,
however, make it possible for more
than one first-yearman to be
elected to Student Council, and
would offer the first-year class a
chance for greater influence on the

Gordon Calvert, chairman of the
political societies and elections
committee, said that his committee
would meet to discuss two basic
issues concerning this new petition
of the First-Year Committee.