University of Virginia Library

Demonstration Planned

Mr. Yuhnke announced that
his group will hold a protest
demonstration at 1 this afternoon
in front of Pavilion VIII, President
Shannon's office.

He told The Cavalier Daily
yesterday that he hoped to have
at least 50 demonstrators at the
protest. Later on tonight the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapter
of the Virginia Council on
Human Relations will have a
"teach-in" in 10 Cocke Hall at
8:30. At the meeting the points
that the group is protesting over
will be discussed among other

Mr. Yuhnke's group has about
65 members, including students,
faculty, and University employees.

In other business at the Student
Council meeting, Jacques
Jones announced that Mr. Canevari
was very receptive to the
idea of a conference on drugs
next fall when he met with him
over the past week. He said the
conference would probably take
place in October with required
attendance by first-year students
as part of their orientation.

Ron Hickman introduced a
motion asking the faculty Committee
on Committees to investigate
the feasibility of allowing
students to sit on non-administrative
committees of various