University of Virginia Library

"Denied Vote"

They refuted the argument
that Mr. Jefferson intended that
the University be for men by saying,
"Mr. Jefferson also designed
the Constitution, which denied
women the vote."

The social aspect was a
dominant argument for both
sides. Princeton emphasized the
problems and expense involved
in either bringing a date to the
Grounds or going to a woman's

Dixie Howell, who along with
John Crossen argued the negative
for the University, countered
by asking, "After all, isn't getting
there half the fun?"

Princeton retorted, "It had better
be, because it takes half the

The Princeton debaters also
argued that, since male students
will be dealing with women nearly
every day of their lives, they
should start learning how on a
campus with women students.

One of the University debaters
observed, "We haven't heard any
adverse reports from our alumni
that women scare them or anything."