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  • The following resolution was adopted:
    RESOLVED that the following faculty members be and they are hereby promoted:
  • Ms. Judith S. Allen from Assistant Professor of Music to Associate Professor of Music, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Ralph O. Allen from Associate Professor of Chemistry to Professor of Chemistry, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Amir H. Assadi from Assistant Professor of Mathematics to Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Gary Balian from Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Biochemistry, General Medical Faculty to Professor of Orthopaedics and Biochemistry, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Theodore E. Batchman from Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering to Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Robert M. Beckstead from Assistant Professor of Anatomy to Associate Professor of Anatomy, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Luiz Belardinelli from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Assistant Professor of Physiology to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Associate Professor of Physiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. William H. Bennett from Assistant Professor of Art to Associate Professor of Art, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Bennett I. Bertenthal from Assistant Professor of Psychology to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. William C. Black from Instructor in Radiology to Assistant Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.

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  • Dr. Peter A. Blasco, Jr. from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, General Medical Faculty to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, General Medical Faculty, for five years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. W. Kline Bolton from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Robert J. Boyle from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Michael F. Brown from Assistant Professor of Chemistry to Associate Professor of Chemistry, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Robert F. Bruner from Assistant Professor of Business Administration to Associate Professor of Business Administration, for three years, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Ms. M. Elizabeth Bruns from Assistant Professor of Pathology and Research Assistant Professor of Biochemistry to Research Associate Professor of Pathology and Research Associate Professor of Biochemistry, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. George Cahen from Research Assistant Professor of Materials Science to Research Associate Professor of Materials Science, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Wayne D. Cail from Assistant Professor of Radiology to Associate Professor of Radiology, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Paul A. Cantor from Associate Professor of English to Professor of English, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Ms. Karen S. Chase from Assistant Professor of English to Associate Professor of English, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Roger A. Chevalier from Associate Professor of Astronomy to Professor of Astronomy, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Maximo L. Cuesta from Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Roanoke Program to Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Roanoke Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.

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  • Dr. Robert A. Darnall, Jr. from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Ms. Angela M. Davis from Assistant Professor, General Faculty to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. James N. Demas from Associate Professor of Chemistry to Professor of Chemistry, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Robert D. Dripps, III from Associate Professor of Architecture to Professor of Architecture, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Kemal H. Elbirlik from Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, General Faculty to Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, General Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Victor H. Engelhard from Assistant Professor of Microbiology to Associate Professor of Microbiology, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. M. Jamie Ferreira from Assistant Professor of Religious Studies to Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Ms. Marjorie A. Flavin from Assistant Professor of Economics to Associate Professor of Economics, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Michael S. Forbes from Research Assistant Professor of Physiology to Research Associate Professor of Physiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. James C. Garrison from Associate Professor of Pharmacology to Professor of Pharmacology, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Joseph A. Gascho from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for one year, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. David T. Gies from Associate Professor of Spanish to Professor of Spanish, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Miss Jean Goeppinger from Associate Professor of Nursing to Professor of Nursing, effective September 1, 1985.

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  • Ms. Barbara A. Graham from Assistant Professor of Nursing to Associate Professor of Nursing, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Gregory F. Hayden from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Bruce P. Hayden from Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences to Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Erik L. Hewlett from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Associate Professor of Pharmacology to Professor of Internal Medicine and Associate Professor of Pharmacology, for two years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. William R. Hobbs from Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, to Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, and Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for two years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Rajiv Jain from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Salem Program to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Salem Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. John A. James from Associate Professor of Economics to Professor of Economics, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Michael L. Johnson from Assistant Professor of Pharmacology to Associate Professor of Pharmacology, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Ervin L. Jordan, Jr. from Instructor, General Faculty, Alderman Library to Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Demetrios Kazakos from Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering to Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Richard P. Keeling from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. John G. Kenney from Assistant Professor of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery to Associate Professor of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Richard W. Kesler from Associate Professor of Pediatrics to Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 1, 1985.

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  • Mr. Donald F. Kettl from Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs to Associate Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Irving L. Kron from Assistant Professor of Surgery to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Carol L. Lake from Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, General Medical Faculty to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Michael H. Levenson from Assistant Professor of English to Associate Professor of English, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Robert M. Mentzer from Assistant Professor of Surgery to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Ronald W. Michener from Assistant Professor of Economics to Associate Professor of Economics, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Jon D. Mikalson from Associate Professor of Classics to Professor of Classics, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Stacey E. Mills from Assistant Professor of Pathology to Associate Professor of Pathology, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Paul D. Mintz from Assistant Professor of Pathology to Associate Professor of Pathology, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Raymond F. Morgan from Assistant Professor of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery to Associate Professor of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Raymond J. Nelson from Associate Professor of English to Professor of English, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Thomas F. Noble from Assistant Professor of History to Associate Professor of History, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Wallace C. Nunley from Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, to Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for two years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Michael R. Paling from Assistant Professor of Radiology to Associate Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.

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  • Dr. Robert C. Patten from Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Roanoke Program to Associate Professor of Family Medicine, Roanoke Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. James S. Payne from Associate Professor of Education to Professor of Education, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Richard D. Pearson from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pathology to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pathology, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Ms. Angelika Powell from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library to Associate Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Dennis R. Proffitt from Assistant Professor of Psychology to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Jonathan I. Ravdin from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. R. J. Ribando from Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering to Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. John P. Shemo from Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, to Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Gary J. Shiflet from Assistant Professor of Materials Science to Associate Professor of Materials Science, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. Paul B. Stephan from Associate Professor of Law to Professor of Law, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Michael D. Sussman from Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Pediatrics, General Medical Faculty to Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Lawrence H. Sutker from Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Western State to Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Western State, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Johannes D. Veldhuis from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology to Professor of Internal Medicine and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.

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  • Mr. K. Preston White from Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering to Associate Professor of Systems Engineering, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Ms. Linda S. White from Instructor, General Faculty, Alderman Library to Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Mr. William R. Wilkerson from Assistant Professor, General Faculty to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Ms. Luciana G. Wlassics from Instructor, General Faculty, Alderman Library to Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Glenn R. Yank from Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Western State to Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Western State, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. J. Joe Yazel from Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, to Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1985.
  • Dr. Albert S. Yoon from Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Salem Program to Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Salem Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1985.