University of Virginia Library


President Combs stated that the Governor had given his assent to the purchase from the
present owner Sue L. Boulware, for the cash price of $50,000.00, her residence property consisting of
a lot containing 3.6 acres and a commodious brick residence adjoining the present College property, being
more fully described in draft of an un-executed deed, made a part of the minutes of this meeting.

The following motion, duly seconded, was adopted:

WHEREAS, the hereinafter described real estate is needed for the purposes of the Mary Washington
College of the University of Virginia, and can be purchased from the present owner, Sue L. Boulware, for
the cash price of $50,000.00;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, that the purchase of said real estate for the price set out above is hereby
approved, the real estate being described in draft of an un-executed deed, presented to the Board, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when duly executed, together with certificate of title and abstract
have been approved by the attorney for the University, the proper officers of the Board are hereby
authorized and directed to accept said deed, make payment of the said sum to Sue L. Boulware, and have said
deed recorded.