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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Still of fundamental importance is the first modern inves-
tigation of the subject, A. Boeckh, “Über die Bildung der
Weltseele im Timaeos des Platon,” Gesammelte kleine
(Leipzig, 1866), III, 109-80. See also: R. S.
Brumbaugh, Plato's Mathematical Imagination (Blooming-
ton, Ind., 1954); F. M. Cornford, Plato's Cosmology (New
York, 1937); R. Crocker, “Pythagorean Mathematics and
Music,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 22 (1963),
189-98, 325-35; P. Duhem, Le système du monde. Histoire
des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic,
10 vols.
(Paris, 1913-59); E. Frank, Plato und die sogenannten
(Halle, 1923); M. Ghyka, Le nombre d'or. Rites
et rythmes pythagoriciens dans le développement de la
civilisation occidentale
(Paris, 1932); R. Hammerstein, Die
Musik der Engel
(Bern, 1962); J. Handschin, Der Toncharak-
(Zurich, 1948); J. Hutton, “Some English Poems in Praise
of Music,” English Miscellany, ed. M. Praz (Rome, 1951),
II, 1-63; H. Kayser, Lehrbuch der Harmonik (Zurich, 1950);
L. Spitzer, “Classical and Christian Ideas of World Har-
mony: Prolegomena to an Interpretation of the Word
'Stimmung,'” Traditio, 2 (1944), 409-64; 3 (1945), 307-64.


[See also Cosmic Images; Cosmology; Harmony or Rapture;
Macrocosm and Microcosm;
Neo-Platonism; 4">Pythagorean