University of Virginia Library


President Darden reported increased enrollments in all of the undergraduate schools, a continuing
falling off of Virginia students in the School of Law, and an unexpectedly large initial enrollment
in the Graduate School of Business Administration. The President and Mr. McWane commented on the work
to be done among business men in the State by Mr. Keller.

The President reported also on the separation of student counseling in the Engineering School and
in the College and the selection of Mr. McKay to assist in this work, the agreement of Professor
Mallett to continue as Associate Dean of the Lower Division for one more year to assist Dean Dren,
and the choice of Professor B. F. D. Runk to handle student discipline, in conjunction with the
Judicial Committee of the Student Council, and to supervise the proposed changed plan of fraternity
chaperonage upon the forthcoming resignation of Mr. Fletcher as Director of Student Affairs. The
Rector, Mr. Gravatt and others praised the President's choice of Mr. Runk for this work