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  • The following resolution was adopted:
    RESOLVED that the following faculty members be and they are hereby promoted:
  • Ms. Agnes M. Barry from Instructor, General Medical Faculty to Assistant Professor, General Medical Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. Robert S. Brown from Clinical Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry to Clinical Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.

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  • Dr. Jitendra S. Desai from Clinical Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Roanoke Program to Clinical Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Roanoke Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. Rosser J. Eastham from Clinical Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery to Clinical Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. Kurt W. Guelzow from Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology to Clinical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, for one year, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. Mark R. Hanabury from Clinical Instructor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Roanoke Program to Clinical Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Roanoke Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. Kirk E. Hippensteel from Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Roanoke Program to Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Roanoke Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Ms. Kathleen B. Lynch from Instructor in Medical Education, General Medical Faculty to Assistant Professor of Medical Education, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective April 16, 1988.
  • Dr. William A. MacIlwaine, IV from Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology to Clinical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, for one year, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Mr. Vernon Maxa from Instructor, General Medical Faculty to Assistant Professor, General Medical Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. Annette M. McDermott from Clinical Instructor in Internal Medicine to Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. William W. Pasley from Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Roanoke Program to Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Roanoke Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.
  • Dr. Jose R. Perez from Clinical Associate Professor of Urology to Clinical Professor of Urology, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.

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  • Dr. John W. Wilks from Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Roanoke Program to Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Roanoke Program, for three years, effective July 1, 1988.