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The session commences on the 1st of October, and continues
without interruption until the 29th of June.

The mode of instruction is by lectures and text-books, accompanied
by rigid daily and stated examinations.

In each school there are three regular lectures a week, besides
many others suited to the several subjects into which the school
is divided.


Page 10




In this school are taught the Latin and Greek languages; the
Greek and Roman History, Geography, and Literature; and the
Hebrew language. The instruction is given partly by lectures
and examinations, and partly by comments on portions of the
text-books appointed to be read by the student. It embraces the
following subjects, distributed according to the classes.

I. Junior Latin.—1. General principles and doctrines of the

2. The application of these general principles in the explanation
of the formation and composition of the words of the language,
considered individually, and without regard to their relations
to other words in a sentence.

The doctrine of the primary and secondary significations of
words is considered in connexion with this branch of the subject,
and is illustrated in the lectures from day to day as occasion
may offer.

3. The accidence, or inflectional forms of words, expressing
the relations in which they stand to other words in a sentence.
These modifications of the forms of words are in like manner
explained by the application of the general principles of the

4. The Syntax, or laws which govern the relations existing
between the several parts of a sentence or discourse, whether
indicated by the inflections of words, or by particles. This subject
is treated of partly in lectures specially devoted to it, partly
by way of prelections and comment on the portions of authors
read in the lecture-room, and partly in connexion with the written

For the above subjects the text-books are the Professor's printed
notes, and Zumpt's Latin Grammar.

5. The doctrine of the quantity of Syllables, and the metres.
The students are advised to use Carey's Latin Prosody, and
Munk's Greek and Roman Metres by Professors Beck and Felton.

6. The Latin authors used as text-books are Horace, Virgil,
Cicero's Orations, and his Epistles ad Diversos, Terence, and
Cæsar's Commentaries. The last chiefly with a view to the
written exercises.

II. Senior Latin.—1. Prelections and commentaries on portions
of the classic authors, embracing besides the other matters


Page 11
necessary for the better understanding of these, a further developement
of the doctrines of philology taught in the Junior

The text-books are Horace, Juvenal, Livy, and Tacitus.

2. Geography of Ancient Italy. The maps of ancient and
modern Italy, published by the "Society for the Diffusion of
Useful Knowledge," are recommended.

3. Roman History. This subject is taught by prelections, and
by examinations on the text-books. These are the History of
Rome published by the "Society for the Diffusion of Useful
Knowledge," Niebuhr's History of Rome, or Arnold's History
of Rome.

III. Junior Greek.—1. The Etymology, considered in its general
principles and in its applications, the Syntax, and the Prosody
and Metres, are taught to this class in the same way as to the
Junior Latin.

For these subjects, Kühner's Greek Grammar is the text book.

2. The Greek authors read and explained in the lecture-room,
are Xenophon's Anabasis, Herodotus, and a play of Æschylus or
Euripides. The Greek and English Lexicon of Liddell and Scott
is that preferred.

IV. Senior Greek.—1. Prelections and commentaries on portions
of the Greek classic authors, in the same way as in the
Senior Latin class, and embracing the like subjects.

The Greek authors used as text-books in this class are Euripides,
Sophocles, Thucydides, and Homer. The student should
have, besides Kühner, Matthiae's Greek Grammar, fifth edition of
the translation.

2. Ancient Geography of Greece. The printed notes of the
Professor form the text.

3. Ancient History of Greece—taught by prelections, and
by examinations on the text-books. These are Thirlwall's
History of Greece, or the History of Greece in the Library of
Useful Knowledge.

It is expected of the students of Latin and Greek that they
shall read in their rooms such authors and parts of authors, prescribed
by the Professor, as cannot be read in the lecture-room;
e. g.: Cicero's Epistles to Atticus, his Orations (selected), and
Treatise "De Republica;" Sallust, Virgil, Terence, Plautus;
Æschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Demosthenes,
Æschines, Thucydides, Plato, &c.

As an essential part of the plan of instruction, the students of
each class are required to furnish written exercises; which consist
in the conversion of Latin or Greek into English, and of
English into Latin or Greek. The exercises are examined by
the Professor, and the errors marked; they are then returned to
the students, and the corrections stated and explained in the presence
of the class. For these exercises, the classic authors are
used as the text, aided in Latin by Krebs' Guide.


Page 12

V. Hebrew.—The text-books are Biblia Hebraica, Bush's,
Nordheimer's, or Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, and Gesenii
Lexicon Manuale Hebr. et Chald., or Sauerwein's edition of
Rehkopf's Lex. Hebr. Chald.

In the written translations required as a test of the qualifications
of candidates for degrees, the passages used are selected
by the committee of examination, not from the portions of authors
which have been read and explained in the lecture-room, but at
will from the classic writers generally.



The subjects taught in this school are:

1. The French, Italian, Spanish, and German Languages, and
the English in its Anglo-Saxon form, and their literature.

2. The History and Geography of Europe from the fall of the
Roman empire to the present day.

There are two classes in French, one for beginners, the other
for more advanced students; and the same arrangement is made,
when necessary, in the other languages. Opportunity is also
given to practise speaking the languages. The method of instruction
is by lectures, examinations, written exercises, and
comments on the text-books as read in the lecture-room, the
principal classic authors in each language being used for this

Two degrees in this school are required as a condition for obtaining
the degree of A. M.



In this school there are four classes.

Of these, the Junior commences with the theory of Arithmetic,
the student being supposed to have rendered himself practically
familiar with its various rules before entering the University.
The elements of Algebra are then taught, and after the first difficulties
are mastered, the subjects of Algebra and Synthetic
Geometry are pursued simultaneously.

In the second or Intermediate Class, after completing the
course of Algebra, commenced in the preceding class, there are
taught successively the theory of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry,
with the application of the former to the measurement of
heights and distances, and of the latter to Nautical Astronomy,
the theory and practice of Land Surveying and Levelling, Navigation,


Page 13
and Descriptive Geometry, with its applications to Spherical
Projections, Shadows, and Perspective.

The Senior Class begins with the subject of Analytical Geometry,
and subsequently studies the Differential Calculus, concluding
the course of Pure Mathematics with the Integral Calculus.

There is also a class of Mixed Mathematics, designed exclusively
for such of the more advanced students as may desire to
study the subjects taught therein.

The course embraces the mathematical investigation of the
general laws of equilibrium and motion, both of solids and fluids,
with a variety of applications, especially to Physical Astronomy.

It consists chiefly of selections from the works of Poisson,
Francœur, Pontecoulant, and others.

The instruction in each class is conveyed partly by lectures, and
partly by the systematic study of approved text-books, the student
being assisted by full and frequent explanations from the Professor,
and being constantly subjected to rigid examinations. The progress
of the student in every class is also tested by his being
required to perform written exercises, in which the principles
acquired are applied to the solution of particular problems.

The text books used are: for the Junior Class, Davies' Arithmetic,
Davies' Bourdon's Algebra, and Legendre's Geometry.
For the Intermediate Class, Bourdon's Algebra, Legendre's Geometry
and Trigonometry, Davies' Surveying, and Descriptive
Geometry. For the Senior Class, Davies' Analytical Geometry,
Young's Differential Calculus, and Young's Integral Calculus.

Any student entering the school has the privilege of attending
all or any of the classes, as he may elect, and if prepared to enter
an advanced class, may often find it highly advantageous to
review his previous studies by an attendance on a lower class also.



There are three classes in this school: the Junior and Senior
classes of Natural Philosophy, and the class of Geology and

In the Junior Class the illustrations are experimental and graphical,
with references to the simpler truths of Geometry. In the
Senior Class the subjects, where they admit of it, are discussed
mathematically. The aim of the course being a comprehensive
view of general Physics, the instructions are given chiefly by
lectures, though aided from time to time by text-books. The
following is the plan of the course.


1. General or Rational Mechanics; consisting of Statics and


Page 14
Dynamics, or the doctrines of Equilibrium and Motion, and their
various applications.

2. Mechanics of Solids.—Molecular Structure of Solids, Excitement
and transfer of Force, Elements of Machinery, Friction,
Strength of Materials, Motive Powers, &c.

3. Mechanics of Liquids.—Molecular Structure, Resulting
Laws of Equilibrium and Pressure, Flotation, Specific Gravities,
Waves, Motions through Pipes, &c., Resistance, Hydraulic
Machines, &c.

4. Mechanics of Airs.—Molecular Structure, Elasticity, &c.;
Atmosphere, Barometers and Formulæ, Resistance, Pneumatic
Machines, Hydro-Pneumatic do., &c.

5. Capillarity and Endosmose.—Laws and Theory of Capillarity,
Laws of Diffusion, &c.

6. Acoustics.—Mechanism of Molecular Vibrations, Sound-waves,
Propagation and Reflection, Musical Vibration of Chords,
&c.; Musical Scales and Instruments, Speech and Hearing, &c.

7. Thermotics or heat.—Temperature, Expansion, Latent and
Specific Heat, Heat of Combination, Conduction, &c.; Melloni's
Laws, Vapours, Metereology, Steam Engine, &c.

8. Electricity.—1st. Mechanical. Excitation, Conduction, &c.;
Atmospheric; 2d. Chemical. Excitation, Transfer, Effects, &c,;
Natural Sources and Application of Electricity, &c.

9. Magnetism.—1st. Statical. Induction, Distribution, &c.;
Magnetism of Globe, Dip, &c.; 2d. By Currents. Electro-Magnetic
Phenomena and Laws, Thermo-Electricity, &c.

10. Optics.—Propagation, Reflection, Refraction of Light;
Chromatics, Dispersion, Polarization, &c.; Theories, Optical
Instruments, Photography, the Eye, &c.


1. Descriptive Astronomy.—General View of Celestial Phenomena,
Modes of Observing and Computing the Places and Motions
of the Heavenly Bodies, Theory of the Celestial Motions, &c.

2. Physical Astronomy.—Investigation of Forces, Planetary
Gravitation, Perturbations, Tides, Nebular Theory, &c.

In the class of Geology and Mineralogy especial attention is
given to the structure and mineral products of our own country.
The great mineral zones are described by reference to maps and
sections, the order of stratification pointed out, the nature of the
materials shown by specimens, and the relations of all these features
to the agriculture and other resources of the country particularly
dwelt upon. Modes of exploring are taught and
methods given for the analysis of ores, rocks, and soils.

Text Books.—Reference is made in the Junior Class to the
works of Herschell, Brewster, Lardner, &c.; in the Senior, to
Young's Analytical Mechanics, and Norton's Astronomy; in


Page 15
Geology, to Lyell, Trimmer, or De la Beche; and in Mineralogy,
to Allen, Dana, or any of the leading works.


This school comprises the following branches of instruction,

I.—Graphical Mathematics, embracing Descriptive Geometry,
Perspective Mensuration, &c.

II.—Theory of Levelling and Surveying, both ordinary and

III.—Theory of Roads, Railroads, Canals, Bridges, &c.

IV.—Theoretical Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Hydrodynamics,
as connected with Engineering.

V.—Laws of Heat and Steam, Theory and Construction of the
Steam Engine.

VI.—Geology and Mineralogy.

VII.—Levelling, Surveying, &c., taught practically in the field.

VIII.—Plan Drawing, Plotting, Topographical Drawing and

The subjects named under the six first heads are divided between
the Professors of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.
Those included under the 7th and 8th heads are taught by the
Teacher of Drawing, under the superintendence of the Professor




This subject, included in the medical as well as the general
academic course, and forming a department of the School of
Chemistry and Materia Medica, may be studied separately, or in
conjunction with the latter.

The Lectures, which are delivered twice a week throughout
the session, embrace a very full illustration of all the topics of
theoretical or practical importance in the science, and in its
applications to Mineralogy, Geology, the Chemical Arts, Agriculture,
and Physiology.

Beginning with an account of the phenomena and laws of
Heat, Light, and Electricity, Mechanical and Voltaic, the course
next takes up the doctrines of chemical reaction, presenting a full
and minute view of the principles of definite combination, with
their hypothetical expression in the form of the atomic theory,
and illustrating these doctrines by numerous experiments and


Page 16
drawings. To this succeeds Pneumatic Chemistry, in which are
discussed the preparations, properties, and applications of the
various gaseous bodies and their compounds.

This is followed by the detailed account of the metals, their
oxides, chlorides, and other compounds, connecting with each
metal the chemical history of its important salts. A resumè is
now given, accompanied by illustrations of the various processes
of analysis deduced from the preceding facts.

Organic Chemistry is next taken up, embracing an account of
all the more important organic acids, alkaloids, and neutral principles,
together with a view of the alcoholic, aceteous, and other
fermentations; the Chemistry of nutrition, growth, respiration,
&c., in the vegetable and animal economy; and that of soils and
manures, as connected with agriculture.

In connexion with these topics, minute experimental illustrations
are given of all the valuable processes for detecting poisons
and for counteracting their effects. The more important operations
of analysis, as applied to ores, marls, &c., are also described
and exemplified.

Throughout the course, use is constantly made of ample diagrams
illustrating the chemical reactions, according to the method
of equivalents; and the bearings of the recent generalizations of
Dumas, Liebig, Kane, Graham, and others, are particularly referred
to.—Text-book, Rogers' Turner.


The course of Materia Medica embraces:

I.—General Therapeutics, or an account of the effects of the
various classes of remedies on the organism, and their modus
operandi, so far as understood.

II.—Special Therapeutics, or the application of these agents to
individual diseases, as suggested by experience or the theory of
the particular disease.

III.—A detailed account of the medical agents, in their commercial
history, physical properties, chemical habitudes, pharmaceutical
preparations, doses, and the medical applications.

To aid the student in arranging the multifarious details of the
subject, and to abridge the labour of note-taking, a tabular digest
of all the topics treated of, is at each lecture placed before the
class. Upon this and the details of the lecture, the student is expected
to be prepared, as well as upon the corresponding parts of
the text-book.

The means of illustration in Materia Medica are unusually
ample, embracing a very full series of specimens of medicines in
their various states, and an extensive suite of accurate coloured
drawings of medical plants, on an enlarged scale.

The lectures on Chemistry are delivered twice a week; those
on Materia Medica once a week, throughout the course. Meetings


Page 17
for examinations are held separately generally three times a
week. Text-Book—Dunglison's Therap. and Materia Medica.

Frequent examinations are held on the lectures and text-books
in both departments of this school.



In this school are taught Medical Jurisprudence, Obstetrics, the
Principles and the Practice of Medicine. It is composed of two
classes. One of Medical Jurisprudence, and consisting of law,
academical, and medical students. The other of Obstetrics, the
Principles and the Practice of Medicine, and consisting wholly
of medical students. To allow the medical student time to attain
proficiency in Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry and Materia
Medica, before he is required to apply these branches in the study
of the Principles and the Practice of Medicine, the course is
opened with Medical Jurisprudence, which is followed by Obstetrics,
and both are completed before the Principles or the Practice
of Medicine are entered upon.


The lectures on this branch show the aid which legislation and
the administration of the laws derive from medicine, and consist
chiefly of the application of the principles of medical science to
the elucidation and administration of the laws, and the legal decisions
in cases of insanity, every variety of mental impairment,
crime, &c., &c. Text-books—the Professor's Outlines, and Beck
or Taylor.


The lectures on this branch comprehend an account of all
labours, natural, preternatural, and instrumental, the professional
assistance to be afforded in each, the treatment of the female before,
during, and after delivery, and the diseases of infancy.
The lectures are amply illustrated by specimens and plates, and
all manual evolutions, and the application of instruments, are
demonstrated on the improved phantome of Hebermehl. The
students also practise manual and instrumental delivery on the
mannikin. Text-books—the last edition of Meigs.


Page 18


The Principles of Medicine, as taught in this school, comprise
General Pathology, and a brief view of General Therapeutics;
also Etiology, Nosology, Semeiology, Diagnosis, and Prognosis
The nature and division of causes are first considered, which introduces
the student to their effects—diseases. Pathology proper
is next considered under the two forms, Functional and Structural
diseases. Functional diseases, being composed of elements, ultimate
and proximate, are analyzed into their constituent parts,
and the elements considered separately before they are contemplated
in combination. Structural diseases being rarely confined
to one anatomical element, cannot be strictly distinguished into
ultimate and proximate elements, and are therefore arranged
under the three heads, increased, diminished, and perverted
nutrition. After the student thoroughly understands the nature
of the causes of diseases, their divisions, modes of operation, and
the resulting effects upon function and structure in the ultimate
and proximate elements of disease, a general view is given of the
influences that can be brought to remove or counteract their elements.
And the course on the Principles is then concluded by
the consideration of nosology, semeiology, diagnosis, prognosis,
and the different modes of death. Text-books—William's Principles
by Clymer.


As the most natural and practically useful arrangement, all
local diseases are classified and treated of according to their
locality, or the organ or set of organs which they effect, whilst
general diseases are arranged altogether pathologically. Much
attention is given to Physical Diagnosis. Pathological Anatomy
occupies a conspicuous place in the course, and is illustrated by
Carswell's large and splendid coloured plates, and, when practicable,
by specimens. Text-books—second edition of Dunglison's
Practice, and Clymer's Williams.



There are two classes in this school, one of Anatomy and
Surgery, the other of Physiology.

In the former the lectures are illustrated by the demonstration


Page 19
of wet and dry anatomical preparations, by the use of the best
drawings, and especially by dissections of fresh subjects, with
which the school is abundantly supplied.

As, owing to the length of the session, the medical students
attend but two lectures a day, ample time is allowed them for
private dissection.

In the lectures on Physiology are considered, after a brief
notice of the structure of the human organs, their functions, or
the actions by which they fulfil special offices in the economy of
the human system, the mode in which these actions are accomplished,
and the influence of external agents, as well as of the
reaction of the organs on each other, whether as healthful stimuli
or as sources of disease. The Professor aims to adapt his lectures
in this class to the wants of the unprofessional student, who
may desire to include in a course of liberal education an acquaintance
with the general principles of the science of life.

In the class of Anatomy and Surgery, the students are examined
during the first half of the session on the Professor's
lectures, and on some approved treatise on Human Anatomy
recently published, such as Goddard's Wilson's Anatomy, Pancoast's
Wistar's Anatomy, Horner's General and Special Anatomy,
or Pattieson's Cruvheilhier's Anatomy. In the last half of
the session this class studies Surgery, and is examined on the
Professor's lectures and on Druitt's Modern Surgery.

The examinations on Physiology are on the Professor's lectures
and on some one of the recent works on this science, such as
Dunglison's Human Physiology, Carpenter's Human Physiology,
or Carpenter's Elements of Physiology.


From the foregoing announcement it will be seen that by the
organization of the University, provision is made for teaching all
the branches of Medical Science.

A joint committee of the two houses of the Legislative Assembly,
appointed to investigate the affairs of the University,
having had their attention directed to the peculiar features of this
school, appended to their Report a notice of the advantages
resulting from the direct connexion of a Medical School with
a general University, from which the following statement is

1. Length of Session.—Nearly all the medical schools of this
country are located in our cities or larger towns, and have only
a nominal connexion with the colleges from which they borrow
their names and chartered privileges. In these schools the usual
length of a term of instruction by courses of lectures is four
In order to embrace all the important branches of
Medical Science in a course of instruction compressed into so


Page 20
short a term, it is found necessary to employ the services of six
or seven Professors, who deliver six lectures a day. By this
arrangement the students, if they attend all the lectures, are required
to spend nearly the whole of the day in listening to lectures
delivered in rapid succession, and treating of diverse topics.
None but those who have had personal experience in this matter,
can fully appreciate the troubles and difficulties which beset a
tyro at the commencement of his attendance upon lectures, the
fatigue of body and perplexity of mind which he inevitably experiences
in his painful efforts to hear every lecture, and master
every subject. In attempting, after the close of the lectures for
the day, to bring in review the topics discussed by his teachers,
he finds links in the chain here and there broken, he flies from
one subject of thought to another, without adequately mastering
any, and confounded by their number and the utter impossibility
of keeping pace in his private reading at night with the lectures
of six Professors, he despairs of doing more than retaining such
portion of the facts stated in the lectures as may happen to make
the strongest impression on his mind.

In the Medical Department of this institution, the length of the
session, which is nine months, enables three Professors to perform
all the duties which are elsewhere assigned to six. The
students attend but two lectures a day, and thus have ample time
for private reading and for pursuing their Anatomical dissections.

2. System of Daily Examinations.—Immediately before each
lecture, the students in every school of the University are subjected
to a rigid examination on the subject of the preceding
lecture, or on portions of some approved text-book.

Experience has shown this to be an almost necessary adjunct
to the system of teaching by lectures, and is felt to be of such
importance that the students in other Medical Schools into which
its introduction to any adequate extent is precluded by their
want of time, resort to the expedient of employing the services
of private instructers by whom they may be examined at night
on the topics discussed each day in the lecture-room. The fee
paid by the students for this necessary but extra-collegiate instruction,
varies from $30 to $50 in each case for the four months
term of lectures, and is usually about $100 for the whole year.
These fees are often received by the Professors themselves, in
addition to the usual collegiate fees.

The enactments of the visiters of the University prescribe that
no Professor shall engage in other pursuits of emolument unconnected
with the service of the University, or shall receive from
the members of his class any compensation in addition to that
provided for by the laws. They further require every Professor
to reside within the precincts, both for the purpose of assisting to
enforce the discipline of the college and of being accessible to
the students who may seek assistance in their private hours of


Page 21
study. These students, then, enjoy here advantages which elsewhere
are purchased at a high price over and above the heavy
necessary collegiate expenses.

3. Order of Studies.—All Medical Colleges aim to place Medical
education on a scientific basis. Indeed, if the practice of
the healing art does not depend upon general principles, embodied
in the fundamental sciences of Anatomy, Chemistry, Physiology,
Pathology, and Therapeutics, these branches of Medical Science
had as well be altogether omitted in a course of professional
education. If, however, it does so depend, the propriety and
necessity of laying a good foundation before the superstructure
can be reared, are too obvious to need illustration. This cannot
be done in city schools, in which, as above stated, the lectures
on the different branches of medicine are carried on simultaneously.
This system takes for granted that the students have
"read," as it is termed, with a private practitioner of medicine
for a year at least before the commences his attendance on
lectures. This, however, is not always the case, and when it
occurs is not always an advantage; for it is to be observed that
the fundamental branches of Medical Science are precisely those
which demand for their illustration the apparatus only to be
found within the walls of colleges.

It is one of the peculiar advantages of the University Medical
School, that it unites, as may have been inferred from the preceding
remarks, the plan of instruction by private pupilage with that
of public lectures, while the length of the session puts it in the
power of the Professors to pursue a philosophical order of studies,
the students having an opportunity of mastering the elementary
branches before their attention is directed to their practical applications.

4. Conditions of Graduation.—The regulations for graduation
of the Medical Schools in cities require that the student shall have
attended two full courses of Medical lectures, and shall have been
the private pupil for a year or two of a respectable practitioner
of medicine. The latter part of this requisition is, however,
rarely insisted upon, although as above stated, the fact of such
previous study is taken for granted.

At the University a consecutive course of nine months being
more than equivalent to two courses in the city schools in respect
to the time employed, and the advantageous distribution of the
subjects of study, the students are permitted to take their diploma
at the end of one session, if they show themselves worthy. The
rigidness of the examinations deters the majority of the class from
making the trial, and none but the perseveringly diligent attain
the honour, which is here truly a testimonial of attainments.

5. Cheapness of Medical Education at the University.—The
cost of attendance on two courses of lectures of four months each,
in the cheapest of the city schools, is about as follows:


Page 22
Fees to six Professors for one term,  $120 or 240 for two terms. 
Fees to demonstrators of anatomy,  10 or 20 for two terms. 
Cost of subjects for dissection, say  5 or 10 for two terms. 
Board for 18 weeks,  72 or 144 for two terms. 
$207 $414 for two terms. 
At the University the fees to Professors and
demonstrators for nine months are 
Cost of subjects for dissection, 
Board for the whole session,  100 
Room rent and library fee,  23 
Fuel and candles,  15 

The cost of fuel and candles is added here, because it is believed
this item is included in the estimate of $4 a week for board
in the city schools.

It will be observed that the cost of a course of nine months at
the University is but little more, in regard to absolutely necessary
expenses, than one-half that of a course of eight months, in the
cheaper city schools. And when the inducements to extravagance
existing in the cities are considered, it will be found that
the average total expenses of students in the city are considerably
more than double the average total expenses of the medical students
of the University. The average expenditures of each medical
graduate at the last session was only $292; and it is believed that
very few attend the city schools for less than between $350 and
$400 for four months, or between $700 and $800 for eight months.

It will be noticed that those students who desire to attend two
courses of lectures, and to take their diploma at a city school
will yet find an advantage in attending the first course in an
institution organized on the plan of the Medical Department of
the University, by which he avoids the expense of employing a
private instructer, whose other avocations may and commonly
do disqualify him for the proper discharge of his duties as a

6. Location in a Village.—This has been urged as an objection,
while in point of fact it is the circumstance on which most
of the advantages just cited depend. A residence in a country
village is, moreover, free in a large degree from the objections
that apply to a city in view of the temptations to extravagance
and dissipation in its worst forms.

The importance of the advantages attributed in the foregoing
notice to the Medical Department of this Institution has been
tested by the experience of near twenty years, during which time
about nine hundred medical students have been educated.


Page 23



There are three classes in this school.

The Junior Class studies Rhetoric, Belles-Lettres, and Philosophical

Text-Books.—Blair's Lectures, Campbell's Philosophy of
Rhetoric, (Alison on Taste,) (Montgomery's Lectures,) and
Kames' Elements of Criticism.

The Intermediate Class studies Political Economy, Statistics,
and the Philosophy of Social Relations, or "Ethics of Society."

Text-Books—on Political Economy, (A. Smith,) Say, (McCulloch,)
Tucker and (Carey); on the progress of Society,
(Ferguson,) Guizot, (Taylor,) and (McKinnon.)

The Senior Class studies Mental Philosophy, Logic, (inductive
and deductive), together with Theoretical and Practical Ethics.

Text-books—on Mental Philosophy, Brown's Lectures, Cousin's
Psychology, in connexion with Locke's Essay. On Logic, (Mill,)
and Whately. On Ethics, (Butler,) Stewart, (Whewell,) and

The lectures will be carried on concurrently during the session,
two a week, to each class.

The examinations will be on the Professor's lectures and the
text-books, that is, those books enumerated above, the names of
which are not included in parentheses. Those so included are
to be consulted, but are not required to be studied as text-books.



This school is arranged into two classes, Junior and Senior.

The Junior Class studies the Law of Nature and Nations, the
Science of Government, Constitutional Law, and the elementary
principles of Municipal Law.

The text-books used by it are Vattel's Law of Nations, the
Federalist, Madison's Report of 1799, and Blackstone's Commentaries;
in addition to which lectures are delivered on Government,
and on various topics of National and Constitutional Law,
not discussed in the text-books.

The subjects studied by the Senior Class are the Common and
Statute Law, the Principles of Equity, and Maritime and Commercial

The text-books in this class are Coke upon Littleton (Thomas'
edition), Stephen on Pleading, Greenleaf on Evidence, Chitty on


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Contracts, Smith's Mercantile Law, Matthews on Executors,
Fonblanque's Equity, and Mitford's Equity Pleading.

The student, for purposes of reference, should also be provided
with Gordon's Digest of Laws of U. States, and Tate's Digest of
the Laws of Virginia.

The design of this arrangement of the school into two classes,
is, in part, to embrace in the Junior Course those studies which
not only form an essential part of a liberal professional education,
but which, from their universal interest and importance, constitute
a highly useful branch of general education, whilst the Senior
Course is occupied exclusively with the study of the theory and
practice of Law, as a profession.

Students may attend either or both the classes, and those not
wishing to study Municipal Law at all, can enter for that portion
of the Junior Course which includes National Law, Government,
and Constitutional Law. Those who desire to graduate are required
to attend both classes.

Comments are delivered by the Professor on the text-books of
both classes, the purpose of which is to supply what is deficient,
and explain what is obscure in the text, and to induce a thorough
practical comprehension of the subject under consideration. In
his observations on Municipal Law, the Professor refers to the
leading cases and authorities, American and English, which tend
to illustrate the topic in hand, and particularly explains, in its
appropriate connexion, the Statute Law of Virginia, and of the
United States, and its effect on the pre-existing law. Each daily
lecture is preceded by an examination on that of the preceding
day, together with its text.

A moot-court is instituted in connexion with the school, upon
a plan conforming minutely to the organization of the courts of
the country, the exercises of which are directed, under the immediate
superintendence of the Professor, with a view to familiarize
the student with the practical details of his profession. His
opinion is required upon supposed cases; he is called upon to
devise and to institute remedies, by suit or otherwise, to conduct
suits at law, and in chancery, from their inception, through all
their stages, to draw wills, conveyances, and assurances; and, in
short, to discharge most of the functions devolving upon a practitioner
of the law.

Graduates in the School of Law have the title of Bachelor of
and, by recent Act of the Legislature, the diploma is equivalent
to a license from the Judges.