University of Virginia Library



Registration.—Applicants seeking admission to the Department of Education
must present themselves to the Dean at some time during the first three
days of the session. All women students must first register at the office of
the Dean of Women, 20 East Lawn.


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Delayed Registration.—Any student who fails to present himself for
registration during the first three days of the session will not be admitted
unless he can explain his delay in a manner satisfactory to the Dean
and will be charged a delayed registration fee.

Admission to the Department of Education During the Session.—No applicant
for admission to the Department of Education who has not been
previously registered therein will be admitted after October 1, unless the
Committee on Admissions is satisfied that, in view of his record, he is likely
to prove successful with the work undertaken in spite of the handicap of late

Registration after the Christmas Recess.—On the first week-day after
the Christmas Recess, every student is required to register by attending all
the classes or laboratory exercises at which he is due that day. No further
formality is necessary. Any student failing to register thus will be required
to pay the delayed registration fee, and will be liable to penalties imposed
for unexcused absences. But if the delay is due to illness or other providential
cause the Dean is authorized to remit the fee.


The Academic Year begins on the Thursday preceding the nineteenth
of September and continues for thirty-nine weeks. Thanksgiving Day and
Jefferson Day are holidays, and there is a Christmas recess beginning on the
last week-day before the twenty-third of December and closing on the evening
of the second of January.

Attendance is required of each student throughout the entire session,
with the exception of holidays, unless he receives permission to be temporarily
absent, or to withdraw before the close of the session. While in residence
each student is required to attend regularly all lectures and other prescribed
exercises in the courses which he pursues, or else suffer such penalties as
may be imposed for unexcused absences.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the University requires the written consent
of the Dean of the Department of Education.

Enforced Withdrawal is inflicted by the departmental faculty for habitual
delinquency in class, habitual idleness or any other fault which prevents the
student from fulfilling the purposes for which he should have come to the

Absence from Examinations.—Written examinations are an essential part
of the work of every course in the University, and attendance upon them
is required of every student. Absence may be excused only on the ground
of sickness on the day of examination (attested by a physician's certificate),
or for other imperative cause which may be approved by the several faculties
of the University.

Special Examinations are granted only upon prompt application therefor,
and in case the applicant's absence from the regular examination has been


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Honor System.—All examinations are held under the Honor System, and
an unpledged paper is counted a total failure. In matters of class standing
as well, students are expected to regard themselves as governed by the law
of honor.

Prohibition of Credit.—An act of the Legislature prohibits merchants and
others, under severe penalties, from crediting minor students. The license to
contract debts, which the President is authorized to grant, is limited (except
when the parent or guardian requests otherwise in writing) to cases of
urgent necessity.


Dormitories.—Students may reside in the University dormitories, in their
homes, or in private houses approved by the President. The President will
withdraw from the approved list any house in which the regulations as
to the conduct of students are not observed. Any change of residence during
the session should be reported at the office of the Registrar.

For rules governing the rental and occupancy of University dormitories,
and the rates charged for the same and for a list of private lodging houses,
with rates, apply to the Bursar.

Board.—Students may board at the University Commons, at their homes,
or in private houses approved by the President.


Medical Attendance.—Any student who is temporarily ill from causes not
due to his own misconduct, is entitled, without charge, to all necessary medical
advice from the University Physician; and, if necessary, to nursing in the
University Hospital at a reasonable charge for his maintenance while there.
This exemption from charge does not apply to cases requiring surgical operation,
treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat, or to constitutional disorders
from which the student in question was suffering at the time of his
coming to the University. Nor is the University responsible for the expense
incurred through the employment of private nurses, necessitated by severe
illness of students, or through the maintenance of quarantine precautions in
contagious cases. Students who take the responsibility of boarding at houses
not approved by the Board of Health forfeit the right of medical attendance.
Any student sent to the University Hospital by the advice and under the care
of a physician other than the University Physician will be required to pay
the regular hospital charges for private patients.


Payment of Fees.—When the aggregate charge for University fee, tuition
fee, laboratory fees and room rent does not exceed $50 for the session,
the total amount shall be paid upon registration.

If said fees aggregate more than $50, but do not exceed $100, one-half
thereof shall be paid upon registration and the remainder at the beginning
of the second term.


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When the fees aggregate more than $100, payment shall be made one-third
upon registration; one-third at the opening of the second term and the
remainder at the opening of the third term.

If any payment remain unpaid for fifteen days after the date on which
it is due, the Bursar shall immediately notify the Dean of the Department
of the delinquency, and such student shall by him be required at once to
cease attending lectures, using laboratories, library, gymnasium, athletic
grounds or buildings, boarding at the dining hall, and making use of any
other privilege as a student until his financial relations with the University
have been arranged satisfactorily with the Bursar.

Return of Fees.—A student withdrawing within five days after registering
shall have his fees refunded in full, except the sum of $5 to cover cost
of registration, and his name shall be stricken from the rolls.

If he withdraw or is dropped from the rolls for any cause after the
fifth day of the term and before the middle thereof, his fees shall be returned
pro rata.

If he withdraw or be dropped from the rolls for any cause after the middle
of any term no refund shall be made for that term, except in case of sickness
when the refund shall be pro-rated upon certificate of the University
Physician or other reputable medical practitioner.

In any case a minimum charge of $5 shall be made to cover cost of

Laboratory fees shall be refunded upon statement of professor in charge
except where the withdrawal is within five days after registering.

Regulation Concerning Registration as Virginia Student.—In order to
be considered a Virginia student, it is necessary that the applicant's parents
be domiciled in the State if he be under twenty-one years of age; or if
he has attained his majority, that he himself be domiciled in said State; and
that either his parents or the applicant for admission shall have been bona
taxpayers in the State of Virginia for at least two years prior to said

Sons of Regular Officers of the United States Army, Navy, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, or Public Health Service,
whether on the active or retired
list, irrespective of the location of their posts of duty, are accorded
the privilege of registering under the rules applicable to the registration of
Virginia students.

Superintendents and Teachers of Public Schools Exempt from Fees.
White male teachers and superintendents of the public schools of Virginia
will be admitted, during the last three months of the session, to the Academic
Schools of the University without payment of fees (except those
charged in laboratory courses), upon presentation of certificates that they
have been teachers in the public schools of the State during the year. Applicants
for admission as teachers are required to send in their names to
the President of the University not later than March 5.

Ministers of Religion and Candidates for the Ministry.—Ministers of religion
may attend any of the Academic Schools of the University without


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payment of the tuition fee. The same privilege will be extended to any young
man who submits testimonials that he is an approved candidate for the ministry,
and unable to meet without aid the expenses of an education.