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1-2-3. English Literature. [Johnson and Instructor.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

First and second terms: Advanced composition with parallel reading,
with particular attention to Description, Exposition, and Argument. Third
term: Survey of English literature with composition and parallel reading,
with particular attention to scientific writings. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

4-5-6. English Literature. [Gordon.]

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

An advanced course in English to be taken by Juniors in all courses
and chosen on the approval of the Faculty of Engineering. (Fall, Winter,

10-11-12. Economics. [Snavely.]

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

First and second terms: Survey of the principles of economics. Third
term: The bearing of these principles upon present American conditions.
Instruction will be given by lectures, assigned readings, reports, and discussions.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Optional course, for all except Chemical Engineering students, in place
of which a three-session-hour course in Modern Language (40-41-42),
French, German or Spanish may be chosen.

13-14-15. Commercial Law. [Hulvey.]

8:30-9:30, T. Th. S.

A detailed study of the fundamentals and important, rather than the
technical, principles of those subjects of which knowledge is necessary in
ordinary commercial transactions. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) Optional for
Government (16-17-18) or History (31-32-33).


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16-17-18. Government. [Williams.]

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A description and comparison of the principles and essential features of
the governments of the United States, England, France, Germany, and
Switzerland, with especial emphasis on the characteristics of the American
Constitutional system and the operation of Congressional government.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.) Optional for Commercial Law (13-14-15) or History

21-22-23. Cost Accounting. [Barlow.]

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Fall term: Theory and practice in General Accounting. Winter and
Spring terms: Application of accounting principles to various types of manufacturing
and engineering enterprises. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

26. Engineering Economics and Specifications. [Rodman.]

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures, parallel reading and written work dealing with the economic
considerations involved in engineering problems and specifications for engineering
structures. Special emphasis is placed upon the general problem
of economic selection of methods, machinery and apparatus in the several
engineering fields. Questions of first cost, depreciation, rates for service,
etc., will be treated. Complete specifications are required from each student,
subjects being chosen particularly from the special field of study of
each individual student. (Winter.)

31-32-33. History. [Malone or Barr.]

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S. or 12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

A college course in history to be chosen by the student and approved
by the Faculty of Engineering. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) Optional for Commercial
Law (13-14-15) or Government (16-17-18).

34-35-36. Elective.

A graduate-year humanistic course chosen from Philosophy, Architecture,
Fine Art, or other subject approved by the Faculty of Engineering.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

40-41-42. Modern Language. [Faulkner, Graham, Abbot, Knight.]

9:30-10:30, M. T. W. Th. F.

A college credit course in modern language chosen between French,
German and Spanish and upon approval of the student's major-subject professor.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.) An optional course, for all except Chemical
Engineering students, which may be taken in place of Economics (10-11-12).
Chemical Engineering students are required to take German for
one year.