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The Subjects of Instruction in Engineering are grouped into classes, each
designated by a distinctive number for each term, the lecture and laboratory
courses being likewise differentiated. This grouping follows the arrangement
shown below:

Business Administration  1 to 99 
Mathematics  100 to 199 
Physics  200 to 299 
Chemistry  300 to 399 
Geology and Mining  400 to 499 
Applied Mathematics  500 to 599 
Experimental Engineering  600 to 699 
Civil Engineering including Field-work  700 to 799 
Mechanical Engineering including Shop-work  800 to 899 
Electrical Engineering  900 to 999 

Lecture courses are listed in the first fifty numbers of all classes; laboratory
or practice courses are listed in the second fifty numbers of all classes.
The same numbers are used in schedules of lecture hours, laboratory periods
and examination days.

The last pages of this announcement are devoted to a description of the
courses in Art and Architecture now offered. There will be found the requirements
for admission, the statement of requirements for a degree in
Architecture and description of equipment available for instruction in the
McIntire School of Fine Arts.


1-2-3. English Literature. [Johnson.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

First and second terms: Advanced composition with parallel reading,


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with particular attention to Description, Exposition, and Argument. Third
term: Survey of English literature with composition and parallel reading,
with particular attention to scientific writings. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

10-11-12. Economics. [Snavely.]

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

First and second terms: Survey of the principles of economics. Third
term: The bearing of these principles upon present American conditions.
Instruction will be given by lectures, assigned readings, reports, and discussions.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.) A course in a modern language may be
elected in place of this course, provided the language course is of more advanced
character than a beginner's course.

20. Cost Accounting. [Barlow.]

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Lectures, readings, and practice work in the principles of cost keeping
appropriate to manufacturing and mining enterprises. Attention will be
given to the establishment of standards of performance and of cost, and the
relation of these standards to the accounting records will be emphasized. A
brief study will also be made of operating records for the use of foremen,
superintendents, and executives. (Fall.)

25. Contracts and Specifications. [Newcomb.]

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

This course will concern itself with a brief consideration of the business
law essential for Engineers followed by a discussion of the personal and
ethical relations of the Engineer to his employer, the contractor and the
public. General consideration will be given to contracts and specifications
followed by a study of selected examples. The course will conclude with a
more detailed study of specifications for fundamental processes, machinery
and apparatus. The students will be required to prepare and submit for
class-room discussion specifications on subjects of their specialized studies.

30. Engineering Economics. [Rodman.]

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Lectures and parallel reading on the economic considerations involved
in engineering problems. Special emphasis is placed upon the general problems
of economic selection of methods, machinery and apparatus in the
several engineering fields. Questions of first cost, depreciation, rates for
service, etc., will be treated. (Spring.)


100. Trigonometry. [Luck and Instructors.]

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A complete course in plane trigonometry is pursued with constant drill
in the solution or problems, and exercises in the use of logarithms. (Fall.)

106. Analytical Geometry and College Algebra. [Luck and Instructors.]

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

In this course Cartesian and polar coördinates are presented and applied
to the study of the straight line and the circle. The related college algebra
topics of determinants, the function notion with especial reference to the
linear function, the graphical representation of equations and of functions
are also considered. (Winter.)


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107. Analytical Geometry and College Algebra. [Luck and Instructors.]

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

This course is a continuation of course 106. The conic is studied in its
particular and general forms. Especial attention is given to the solution of
numerous loci problems by the use of Cartesian and polar coördinates. The
study of related college algebra topics is continued. The quadratic function
of one and two variables, the theory of the quadratic equation in particular
and of equations in general are some of the topics considered. (Spring.)

108-109-110. Calculus. [Echols and Saunders.]

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

A first course in the differential and integral calculus. This includes a
study of series and partial fractions. The principal emphasis is upon the
applications of the subject to geometry, elementary kinematics and mechanical
problems. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)


200-201-202. Sophomore Physics. [Brown.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

The elements of mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism, and light.
Instruction is given by lectures, textbooks, recitations, and problems, with
experimental demonstrations. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

250-251-252. Physics Laboratory. [Brown and Assistants.]

8:30-10:30, M. W. F. and 2:30-5:30, T. Th.

This course accompanies 200-1-2. Emphasis is laid upon fundamental
principles and the phenomena which underlie engineering problems. Written
reports of laboratory work are required. Problem work and oral recitations
on Friday. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

208. Thermodynamics. [Hoxton.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the basic laws with such applications to the properties of
gases and vapors and to thermodynamic appliances as are sufficient for the
purposes of illustration. A number of problems are solved. (Fall.)

259. Electrical Laboratory. [Hoxton and Brown.]

2:30-5:30, Th.

This course deals particularly with the more precise electrical measurements
and the manipulation of instruments of precision used in the higher
grade of electrical testing and standardization. (Spring.)


300-301-302. General Chemistry. [Carter and Assistants.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

350-351-352. Chemistry Laboratory.

10:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

The fundamental principles and phenomena of inorganic, organic, and
physical chemistry, and the foundations of analytical chemistry. Most of
the time is devoted to inorganic phenomena. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

303-304-305. Physical Chemistry. [Pease.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

353-354-355. Physical Chemistry Laboratory.

10:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 300-1-2 and 315-16-17 prerequisite.


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Some knowledge of the calculus is required and previous training in
Physics is desirable. This course treats of such topics as the gas laws,
kinetic theory of gases, the properties of dilute solutions, molecular weights,
mass action, reaction velocities, electrolysis and electromotive force, the
phase rule, etc. Emphasis is placed upon the application of physico-chemical
laws in the solution of chemical problems. The laboratory work consists
of a course in physico-chemical measurements. Lecture and Recitation
3 hours per week, 6 hours laboratory. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

309-310-311. Organic Chemistry. [Bird and Assistants.]

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

359-360-361. Organic Chemistry Laboratory.

2:30-5:30, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon, including the
application of modern chemical theory to such compounds and their reactions.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

312-313-314. Advanced Organic Chemistry. [Bird.]

2:30-3:30, M. W. F.

362-363-364. Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory.

9 hours per week.

Chemistry 309-10-11 and 303-4-5 prerequisite.

The lectures deal with selected topics in organic chemistry. Reading from
the scientific journals, advanced texts, and the history of Chemistry will be
assigned. The laboratory work involves a study of typical problems, designed
to teach methods of investigation which are widely applicable. (Fall, Winter,

315-316-317. Qualitative Analysis. [Swan and Assistants.]

8:30-9:30, T. Th. S.

365-366-367. Qualitative Analysis Laboratory.

2:30-5:30, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

Fall and Winter terms, 3 hours to lecture and 6 hours of laboratory
work per week, devoted to the study of systematic qualitative analysis.
Spring term, 2 hours of lecture and 9 hours of laboratory work per week,
devoted to elementary quantitative analysis. In the lectures and recitation
work special emphasis is given to the theoretical foundations of analytical
chemistry. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

318-319-320. Quantitative Analysis. [Swan and Assistants.]

Lecture by appointment.

368-369-370. Quantitative Analysis Laboratory.

2:30-5:30, M. W.

Chemistry 315-16-17 prerequisite.

A course in the principles of quantitative analysis. The laboratory work
will include a study of characteristic procedures, illustrating gravimetric and
volumetric analysis. 1 hour of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory work per
week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

321-322-323. Technical Analysis. [Swan.]

Lecture by appointment.

371-372-373. Technical Analysis Laboratory.

Hours by appointment.

Chemistry 318-19-20 prerequisite.


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This course will consist of a study of the application of the principles of
quantitative analysis to technical materials. The work will be selected from
such subjects as Rock, Ore, Steel, Gas, Coal, and Water Analysis. 1 hour
of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory work per week. This course is elective
for Course 386-387-388. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

340-341-342. Applied Chemistry. [Edgar.]

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Chemistry 309-10-11 and 303-4-5 prerequisite.

The lectures and recitations in this course will be devoted to the study
of fundamental principles underlying the more important phases of industrial
chemistry, including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable
amount of reading in descriptive industrial chemistry will be assigned, and
written reports upon special subjects will be required. Lectures and Recitations
3 hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

386-387-388. Advanced Chemical Laboratory. [Edgar.]

Hours by appointment.

This laboratory course of six hours per week in Fall and Winter and
three hours per week in Spring is designed particularly to fit the students
for research and the work consists largely of special problems assigned individually.
Elective for 321-22-23. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Advanced Courses: Seminars will be offered in the different branches
of Chemistry to students applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The courses will be offered only as occasion demands, and the subjects
treated will vary. These courses will be designated as "D" courses, but
owing to the flexibility which it is desired to secure in the subject matter,
no definite statement of them will be made except that special phases of
Physical, Inorganic, and Analytical chemistry will be treated, including such
subjects as radio-chemistry, the chemistry of the rare elements, colloid and
surface chemistry, etc. Research work looking toward a thesis will accompany
these courses.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the
University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in
chemistry are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part in
the discussions.

Fellowships: The University announces the establishment of five Teaching
Fellowships in Chemistry, each with an honorarium of $500. These
fellowships present the opportunity for graduate study and research in
Chemistry, accompanied by a limited amount of instructional work. Holders
of the fellowships will be expected to devote not more than fifteen hours a
week to instruction, leaving ample time for research and work toward the
graduate degree. The followships are open to men who have received a
bachelor's degree from a college or university of recognized standing, and
who have received thorough undergraduate training in chemistry and physics.


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400-401-402. Engineering Geology. [Watson and Lonsdale.]

11:30-12:30, M. T. W.

450-451-452. Field and Laboratory.

6 hours a week.

A course of three lectures a week and three hours for private study.
Special emphasis is given to the study of common rock-forming minerals
and rocks, building stones and ores. The divisions of dynamical, structural
and physiographical geology are covered in considerable detail, and the practical
applications of the topics treated to engineering work are pointed out.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

403-404-405. Economic Geology. [Watson.]

10:30-11:30, M. T. W.

453-454-455. Field and Laboratory.

6 hours a week.

This course is designed to give a general but comprehensive account of
the origin, nature, distribution and uses of the metallic and non-metallic
products of the earth with especial reference to those of the United States.
Lectures and collateral reading six hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

406-407-408. Petrography. [Watson and Assistant.]

12:30-1:30, M. T. W.

456-457-458. Laboratory.

6 hours a week.

This course aims to give a full knowledge of the determination of the
common rock-forming minerals and rocks in thin sections under the microscope.
It includes discussion of the microscopic structure, mineralogical
composition, genetic relations, and distribution of igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic rocks. Lectures and preparation to the amount of six hours
per week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

420-421-422. Mining. [Thornton.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Mine surveying, exploitation of mines, mining machinery and the uses of
electricity in mining. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) This course is for seniors
and requires completion of all preliminary studies.


521. Plane Surveying. [Saunders and Assistants.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Theory, uses, and adjustments of compass, level,
transit, and stadia. Special methods of land, city, topographic and mining
surveys. Survey computation and maps. (Fall or Spring.)

571. Field course: Practical use of chain and tape, level, compass,
transit, and stadia. Field notes, records and reports. 6 hours a week.

522. Mechanical Drawing. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Plane problems, conic sections, graphic algebra. Projections
of prisms and pyramids; of cylinders, cones and spheres; of the
plane sections and intersections of solid bodies. (Fall or Winter.)

572. Practice course: Each week the student executes a finished plate


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15″ × 20″ of exercises in mechanical drawing based on the lectures. 6 hours
a week.

523. Descriptive Geometry. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Fundamental problems on the point, line, and plane.
Projections, tangencies, and intersections of curved surfaces. Applications to
shades and shadows, problems in mining, and so on. (Winter or Spring.)

573. Practice course: Each student executes a weekly plate 15″ × 20″
of problems based on the lectures. 6 hours a week.

524. Graphical Statics. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Graphic composition and resolution of forces; centers
of gravity and moments of inertia; strain sheets for simple types of roof and
bridge trusses; beams under fixed and rolling loads; reservoir dams and retaining
walls; internal stresses and beam deflections. (Fall.)

574. Practice course: Each student executes a weekly plate 15″ × 20″
of problems based on the lectures. 6 hours a week.

525. Structural Drawing. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistant.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Graphic analysis of steel and timber trusses for roofs
and bridges; of solid beams and plate girder bridges; and of reinforced concrete
slabs, girders, columns, and retaining walls. (Spring.)

575. Practice course: Design and detailed drawings of simple examples
of roofs and bridges, with complete computations for each structure. 6
hours a week.

526. Elementary Mechanics. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Composition and resolution of forces; friction; problems
in equilibrium; rectilinear motion, circular motion, projectile motion.

576. Practice course: Solution of weekly problems in mechanics by
graphical and analytical methods. 6 hours a week.

527. Applied Mechanics. [Thornton.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Review of elementary mechanics; dynamics of a particle; moments of
inertia; revolving bodies; rolling bodies; theory of work and energy; collision
of elastic solids; dynamics of the Steam Engine.

Weekly problems are assigned for solution by graphical and analytical
methods. (Fall.)

528. Strength of Materials. [Thornton.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Fundamental laws of stress and strain; straining actions and stresses in
ties and struts, beams and shafts, reinforced concrete slabs and girders;
deflections in simple, restrained and continuous girders; columns under axial
and eccentric loads. Laboratory courses 661-2-3. (Winter.)


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529. Hydraulics. [Thornton.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Equilibrium of fluids, applied to the analysis and design of thin and thick
shells and pipes, dams and weirs: Motion of fluids and discharges from
orifices, weir notches, pipes, canals, and rivers. Principles of linear and
angular momentum with applications to the analysis and design of hydraulic
motors and pumps. Laboratory course, 680. (Spring.)

Laboratory studies in Strength of Materials and Hydraulics are given in
the Classes in Experimental Engineering.


Lectures are given to explain the origin and manufacture of materials,
the design and operation of equipment, methods of conducting the tests, and
the calculation of the desired results from the data taken in the laboratory.
The work is done principally in the laboratories where special emphasis is
laid upon (1) a thorough understanding of the problem to be undertaken.
(2) accuracy in carrying out the investigation, (3) the presentation of the
results in a report which must meet the standards of professional practice.

650. Road Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

6 hours a week.

Samples of stone are tested for specific gravity, absorption, cementing
value, toughness, resistance to abrasion, and compressive strength. Asphalts
and tars are tested for specific gravity, penetration, melting point, volatilization,
viscosity, flash point, fixed carbon. (Spring.)

661. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Tests of cement, timber and metals. A course for Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers, similar to 662 and 663 but arranged so as to cover all
of the work in one term. (Winter.)

662. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Standard tests of Portland cement; tests of sand; tests of fine and coarse
aggregates; proportioning of concrete; compression tests of concrete; tests
of reinforced concrete beams; construction of forms for concrete. For Civil
Engineers. (Fall.)

663. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 662. Tests of wires; tension, compression and
torsion tests of metals; transverse tests of metals and timber; determination
of the Modulus of Elasticity of metals; autographic testing. For Civil Engineers.

670. Fuel and Oil Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Standard methods of sampling coal; proximate analysis of coal; determination
of the heating value of coal by the bomb calorimeter, with a study
of the cooling correction; the heating value of gas by the Junker calorimeter;
determination of specific gravity, flash and boiling points, chill point, viscosity,
carbon residue, and emulsification value of oils. (Fall.)


Page 16

680. Hydraulic Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

The measurement of the flow of water by means of orifices and weir
notches; determination of the coefficient of friction for pipe and pipe elbows;
study of a piston water meter; tests of large and small Venturi meters; performance
tests of piston and centrifugal pumps. (Spring.)

690. Power Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

The calibration and adjustment of gauges; calibration of thermometers,
planimeters, pyrometers, and indicators; flue gas analysis; steam quality
tests; valve setting; determination of clearances; tests of steam boilers; tests
of a steam engine. For Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. (Fall.)

691. Power Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 690. Complete tests of a gasoline engine; complete
tests of a steam engine; tests of a steam turbine with a study of methods
of correcting to standard conditions. The Power Test Code of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers is used. For Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers. (Winter.)

692. Power Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 691. Tests of an air compressor; tests of a
blower; complete tests of a centrifugal pump, and other assigned tests. For
Mechanical Engineers. (Spring.)


701. Curves and Earthwork. [Newcomb.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on simple, compound, transition and vertical curves; the form
of excavations and embankments, earthwork surveys, computation of volumes,
formation of embankments, computation of haul, cost of earthwork, blasting.
Practical exercises in map drawing and topography. (Fall.)

702. Railroad Engineering. [Newcomb.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on reconnoissance and preliminary surveys, office location, field
location; the construction, maintenance and operation of railroads. Special
attention is given to questions of railway economics. (Fall.)

703. Roads; Streets; Street Railways. [Newcomb.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on the principles of road location; the construction and maintenance
of earth roads, broken stone roads, gravel roads; the pavements for
city streets and sidewalks; the location and construction of street railways.

705. Bridges. [Newcomb.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on the design and construction of standard types of steel and
timber bridges. (Winter.)

707. Waterworks and Sewers. [Newcomb.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on the quality, sources, collection, conveyance, purification, and
distribution of city water supplies; the laws of flow in pipe lines and aqueducts;
the draining of houses and streets; the collection and conveyance of


Page 17
sewage; the disposal of sewage; the construction and maintenance of works.
Practical exercises in the design of pipe lines and sewers. (Spring.)

714. Materials of Construction. [Newcomb.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

A descriptive study of the materials used in engineering structures, together
with their characteristics and proper preparation. Lectures on the
design and construction of foundations for bridges and buildings. (Winter.)

718. Masonry Structures. [Newcomb.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on the theory of reinforced concrete; the design and construction
of selected types of masonry structures. Practical exercises in design,
together with structural drawing. (Spring.)


751. Railroad Surveying. [Saunders and Assistants.]

9 hours a week.

This course supplements 701, Curves and Earthwork. The class is
divided into squads, each squad making complete surveys, maps, profiles,
and estimates for a mile of located line. (Fall.)

755. Bridge Drafting. [Newcomb.]

12 hours a week.

This course accompanies 705, Bridges. Each student is required to make
complete design and detail drawings of one plate girder and one selected
type of bridge truss. (Winter.)


800. Elementary Steam Engineering. [Hancock.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

A study of methods employed and elementary scientific principles involved
in the production of heat and power from the combustion of fuels.
Lectures, assigned reading, analysis and design of familiar apparatus, and
study of local heating and power installations. (Fall.)

801. Steam Power Plants. [Hancock.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

The economic design and operation of steam power plants. The subject
is treated in lectures with assigned reading. Each student is expected to
produce during the term a design of a plant to satisfy assumed conditions.

802. Machine Design. [Hancock.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

A study of machines including the motion problem, the force problem,
selection of materials, determination of form and size of parts, lubrication,
sketches and specifications, working drawings. Assigned problems in design.

803. Internal Combustion Engines. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the thermal problems of internal combustion engines, gas
producers, air compressors and motors and air refrigeration. Weekly exercises
and problems in design. (Winter.)

804. Steam Engines and Steam Turbines. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the thermal problems of steam engines, steam turbines and


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vapor refrigerating machinery. Weekly exercises and problems in design.

805. Engine Design. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of the mechanical problems involved in the design of machines
discussed in the two previous courses; inertia effects, stresses, strength of
parts, balancing, governing, etc. Weekly exercises and problems. (Spring.)

806. Kinematics of Machines. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of relative motions, volocities and accelerations in machine parts.
Assigned reading of recognized authorities and problems for solution on the
drawing board. (Winter.)

809. Automobile Construction. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of the mechanical design of automobiles. Lectures and assigned
reading of recognized authorities. (Fall.)

855. Engine Design Laboratory. [Hancock.]

6 hours a week.

A drawing course in Engine Design devoted chiefly to valves, valve
gears and governors. (Spring.)

859. Automotive Laboratory. [Hancock and Assistant.]

6 hours a week.

This course supplements 809, and is devoted to general overhauling and
testing. (Fall.)


Shop Instruction is given for its educational value. The purpose of this
Department is to train engineers, not artisans; and the claims of the shops
are not permitted to infringe on the more vital functions of the laboratories,
the drafting rooms, and the lectures.

Courses 860, 861 are required of all students of engineering; 862-3-4 of
mechanical engineering students only.

860. Wood Shop. [Hancock and Assistants.]

3 hours a week.

Bench exercises in sawing, planing, boring, chiseling, tool sharpening.

Lathe exercises in turning between centers and on a face plate.

Machine-tool exercises in the production of useful articles. (Fall or
Winter or Spring.)

861. Machine Shop. [Hancock and Assistants.]

3 hours a week.

Bench exercises in chipping and filing.

Engine-lathe exercises in turning, boring, and thread cutting.

Machine-tool exercises in drilling, planing, shaping, and milling. (Fall
or Winter or Spring.)

862-863-864. General Shop Work. [Hancock and Assistants.]

6 hours a week.

The building of some simple machine, beginning with the patterns and
ending with an endurance test. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)


Page 19


900. Elements of Electrical Engineering. [Rodman.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures treating fundamental principles of Electrical Engineering; basic
ideas and fundamental units discussed; magnetic circuits and continuous
electric currents treated in detail; electromagnetism carefully studied. Special
attention is given to the physical conceptions involved, and numerous
assigned problems exemplify and broaden the theoretical discussions. 3
hours per week of supervised problem work. (Fall.)

901. Direct Current Machines. [Rodman.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation of
direct current generators and motors and the accessory apparatus required
for the proper management and control of these machines. The principles
of testing such machines are carefully discussed. Problems illustrating the
methods of calculation involved in continuous current circuits and practical
examples from standard engineering practice from an important part of the
work. 3 hours per week of supervised problem work. (Winter.)

902. Periodic Currents. [Rodman.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on electrostatic phenomena, variable currents, alternating currents,
and alternating current circuits, both single and polyphase. A careful
study is made of circuits with periodic currents and their characteristics
when resistance, inductive reactance and capacity reactance are present in
their various combinations. Extensive problem work is required to facilitate
the treatment of simple and complex circuits. 3 hours per week of supervised
problem work. (Spring.)

903. Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation of
alternating current generators, synchronous motors, rotary converters, and
transformers. These machines are considered as units and as integral parts
of electrical systems. The principles of testing such apparatus under various
conditions of loading are discussed, and assigned problem work illustrates
the theory and practice. 3 hours per week of supervised problem work.

904. Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

This course is a continuation of 903. The lectures treat more particularly
alternating current motors, induction, series and repulsion types, with their
characteristics and control apparatus. Methods of testing are outlined and
graphical methods of calculation and predetermination of operating characteristics
are discussed. Problems taken from engineering practice serve to
broaden and fix the theoretical deductions. 3 hours per week of supervised
problem work. (Winter.)

905. Electric Power Transmission. [Rodman.]

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on systems of transmission and distribution, with a detailed


Page 20
consideration of the electrical characteristics of transmission lines; the electrical
equipment of stations and sub-stations, including generating apparatus,
switchboards, control systems and protective devices; systems of transformation
and the economic considerations which influence the design of the
complete electrical system. (Spring.)

906. Illumination and Photometry. [Rodman.]

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on light, its physical properties; illuminants and their characteristics;
shades and reflectors; photometry, standards and apparatus; illumination
calculations for point and surface sources; principles of interior,
exterior, decorative, and scenic illumination. Problems illustrating computations
necessary for the consideration of the Illuminating Engineer are
assigned. (Fall.)

907. Electric Traction. [Rodman.]

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on the various types of electric motors for traction purposes,
controllers and systems of control, brakes, rolling stock, track, train performance,
and electric railway economics. A discussion with problems of
the complete electrification system for electric railways, including generating
apparatus, transmission, sub-stations and equipment, distribution, and utilization
of electrical energy for car propulsion. (Winter.)

910. Direct Current Systems. [Rodman.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures dealing with the fundamentals of electrical circuits and direct
current machinery. Problem work accompanies the lectures. The course is
essentially for the non-electrical engineering students. (Fall.)

911. Alternating Current Systems. [Rodman.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures covering the fundamentals of alternating current circuits and
machinery. Brief expositions of the subjects of electric lighting and power
fundamentals. For non-electrical engineering students. (Winter.)

912. Electrical Equipment. [Rodman.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures and computations dealing with the choice, arrangement, and
systems of wiring and control governing the approved methods of installation
of electrical equipment for industrial uses. For non-electrical engineering
students. (Spring.)

915. Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

This course is a continuation of 903-4. A more detailed study of the
operating characteristics of alternating current machinery is taken up particularly
treating the machines from the standpoint of design. Problems are
solved to clarify the theory. 3 hours of supervised problem work per week.


950-951-952. Direct Current Laboratory. [Wingfield.]

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 900-1. The laboratory work is devoted to a
study of electrical instruments, their use and manipulation; simple electrical
circuits and study of direct current apparatus and its operation; characteristics
of generators and motors. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)


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953-954-965. Alternating Current Laboratory. [Rodman.]

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 902-3-4-15, dealing with measuring instruments
for alternating current circuits; series and parallel circuits and their characteristics;
polyphase circuits, balanced and unbalanced; and alternating current
generator, motor and transformer characteristics. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

956. Photometric Laboratory. [Rodman.]

2 hours a week.

This course accompanies 906. Photometric tests are made upon different
types of incandescent lamps. The operating characteristics of incandescent
and arc lamps are studied. Tests of illumination, interior and exterior, are
carried out. Study of photometric standards and devices. (Fall.)

960-961-962. Electrical Laboratory. [Wingfield.]

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 910-11-12. The work of the first term is devoted
to direct current tests; the second term exercises are on alternating
current circuits and machines; the course in the third term is largely concerned
with calculations and drawings for typical industrial equipments of
electrical machines and controls. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)