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Hymn 52.

[Ye followers of the Lamb]

Ye followers of the Lamb,
Who own the common Lord,
And trust in Jesu's name,
And hang upon His word,
In Jesu's sight with us appear,
Be present all in spirit here.
Let us together wait
For the descending power,
Which to our first estate
Shall all our souls restore,
Nor ever from the promise move
Till all are perfected in love.


Let us the word hold fast
Which we of Him have heard;
We shall obtain at last
A full and great reward,
The Comforter shall surely come,
And make us His eternal home.
The Father of our Lord
Shall send the promised grace:
Let us with one accord
Continue in one place,
Nor from Jerusalem depart,
But keep the issues of our heart.
In sure and steadfast hope,
In view of perfect peace,
Let us to Christ look up,
Till all our troubles cease,
The Lord our hope shall soon return,
The Lord shall comfort all that mourn.
In Jesus we believe,
And wait the truth to prove,
We shall, we shall receive
The blessing from above,
Fulness of love, and peace, and power,
And live in Christ, and sin no more.
We all the truth shall know,
Who in His word abide,
Be freed from sin below,
And wholly sanctified;
We all His witnesses shall be,
The truth, the truth shall make us free:


Shall make us free indeed
From every spot of sin,
Our pure and sinless Head
Shall bring His nature in;
We all His witnesses shall be,
The truth, the truth shall make us free.
The things He hath prepared
For us, in sight of men,
Their ear hath never heard,
Their eye hath never seen,
Nor can their carnal heart conceive
How gloriously we soon shall live.
Poor abject slaves of sin,
They madly hug their chains,
They will not be made clean
From sin's beloved remains;
But we Thy saying, Lord, receive,
And trust a spotless life to live.
Who for Thy coming wait,
And hang upon Thy word,
To our unsinning state
We shall be here restored;
Thou shalt the second time appear,
And then we all are perfect here.